Name: Father Grigori

Gender: Male, straight

Age/DOB: Unknown, was in 20s when Combine arrived

Origin: Rookery Earth, refugee from Hungaria

Family: Deceased

Other: Though he's clearly not a native English speaker, he communicates more than adequately to inspire... or terrify... any of the locals.

Height: 6'1"

Weight: 190, healthy but older, good athletic ability and torso strength

Hair: Shaved bald, but generally brownish black, slightly greying

Eyes: Medium brown, deeply set and shadowed under burly brows

Appearance: Ruddy skinned with scars, a cross branded into his right hand, and age mottling; he is also somewhat hirsute, with heavy facial hair growth; he wears what passes for an Eastern European pastor's shirt and coat, though adds the modern slacks and sneakers as shown for practicality's sake. He has a heavy accent, but speaks English more than well enough to have indepth conversations with anyone.

Genetic Abilities: None known, but he may have an underlying Vortal sense keeping him keen and quick on his feet.

Icarus Processing: None, he would not be a good candidate due to several genetic tags

Image Credits: Valve + CombineOverWiki

Skills or Profession: In the prior era on his Earth, Grigori was a minor church official, and as such has had extensive education about various forms of Christianity. He is an adept and literate philosopher, though these days his philosophy is a bit touched by the violent need to keep the living safe and the 'dead' where they belong. This was not his first profession, clearly, as he is also an incredibly good sneak and trapmaker, innovative, and seems to know how to seek hiding places with an uncanny skill. Even in a strange and wide-open place as the Ranch, Grigori has been known to just appear on a rooftop of an isolated building, or behind a tree in the middle of an otherwise empty field, to surprise people or shoot away stray headcrabs. He is quite skilled with his massive shotgun known as 'Annabelle', and has used it to teach others how to properly shoot. Currently he resides in the township's church, and provides... some amount of religious backing to those who feel they need to hear about the hellfire that awaits the Combine threat.
Personality: Grigori is a bit more than unhinged. He may have been a bit saner in times past, but the Combine's destruction of his home, his sanctuary, and multiple other locations that he has lived over the last 20 years has left him with a singular passion for killing them and the aliens brought with them. While he doesn't outright wish harm on Vortikind, he doesn't really get along very well with them, though he admits their goals are similar. It's almost impossible to get truly close to him emotionally, but anyone can see how hard his life has been, and that he himself could use some nurturing.
Events or History: He doesn't talk much about his past, except for the more immediate post-Combine occupation. It's known that he had been both in the military as well as the priesthood, though in what order (of events, or of the church varieties) it's not really clear. While still in Europe he was involved with helping the people of a small mining town, Ravenholm, but it was overrun with headcrabs, and then with headcrab zombies... and later, with Combine shelling to finish it off. Somehow he managed to make it into a transport out of the City 17 area, and was relocated to the Americas. He doesn't talk about the trip, and he has a singular hate for the Combine-converted 'Stalkers', implying that his trip was in a Stalker car on the overland portions. By the time he made it into the middle of what used to be the States, he was a bit unhinged, as if he hadn't been before then - but no one present knows of his experiences, and he's not sure why a few of the Repurposed imports look at him the way they do. Now, he preaches and makes sure that the area around the Ranch is clear of invasive threats. If he's tapped for a dragon, he will volunteer to keep their wider perimeter safe, and move between the Ranch and Black Mesa proper. Of note: he left Ravenholm before some of the Shorepoint refugees wandered through it.


Name: Hellfire
Gender: Male
Size/Shoulder/Length: Medium, 11' shoulder / 45' l / 72' ws
Colors: Deeply red-tinted black on limbs and sides, wingsail edges; belly, neck, under tail and parts of wingsails dusted with red star marks in close clusters, on wingsails also nebula pattern in similar glowing red; scales along spine and spikes, parts of facial armor, brightly luminescent red firescales
Features: Nightwing, Fire variation; four strong legs with 5 and 4 claws and a heel-claw on hind; large leather wings with four visible fingers, elbow strut, and wrist thumb, all with sharp claws; hide is scaled and armored, with softer belly, but prominent brightly-glowing scales along entire back from head to tail tip, face is armoed with hook on nose and two large conical back pointing horns, neck has longer spikes, spikes run from entire neck to tail tip in smaller sizes; forked tongue, external ears
Powers: Winged Flight, this dragon is terror to behold, particularly in the night time when he's most active. His wings evoke a nightmarish color scheme of burning cinder and glowing underlit skies, which almost everyone who has lived through the Combine occupation has seen in the form of burning cities. However, he is far from trying to scare humans or Vorts, and prefers instead to seek and destroy any flying Combine he encounters. Since his scales are in fact actually-hot, though not on fire, his very presence draws attention to their scanners: providing an ideal distraction while he fights, for those below to gather and gear up. He can fly for hours on end in the warm desert air, and even in chilly weather - he can provide his own lift. He does not carry anyone or anything - his scales ignite thin materials, such as ... cloth, paper, and oils...
Verbal Speech, Hellfire can and does speak, but hardly ever to anyone other than Grigori or Paxton, or one of their designated contacts. That's not saying he defers to them, merely that he will speak with them in English. He hardly even talks to other dragons, though he's attracted the attention of some more fire-oriented dragonesses... His vocabulary is extensive, though how he knows most of what he talks about is a complete mystery.
Fire Breath, with almost all of his breed, he can produce a strong flame and his is exceptionally hot. He can toss out fireballs and cough up great clouds of hot air, which his wings both look like, and can sweep into the enemy, to burn things to a crisp. His targeting is good, but generally best either close up within 20 meters, or in the air where he can fly around quickly and manipulate the burning gasses with his wake.
Mental magic, though some might call it Vortal, Hellfire and his breed would nominally refer to his psychic powers as magical. He can detect minds and emotions, though not necessarily distinguish individuals among groups with this power, and he can do so at a reasonably good distance, nearly 500 meters. He cannot broadcast using this ability, only receive, which is good enough for most of the Pantheon and the Vorts to give him a 'ping' from their locations, so he doesn't attack near them.
Parentage: Unknown, unrelated directly to any Nightwing dragons at the Rookery, though some may be distantly given their coloration or patterns; Contributed to the Hallowed Silk 'special project'
Origin: Adopted from ScribbleSpider on Deviantart, Wings of Fire by Tui Sutherland
Other Info: Hellfire is an extremely unusual Nightwing, given that only Skywings are supposed to be able to have this affliction to their scales. It's possible then that somewhere back in his lineage, is a Skywing, likely one that actually had Firescales. While Hellfire is not his original name, he thinks it suits him just fine, and can sit and listen to his little Scavenger friend (he does call basically all Humans, Vorts, and any other two-legged creatures he encounters, 'scavengers') go on and on about the virtues of cleansing fire. It's a match... made in Heaven... *insert Grigori's scary ass mad laughter here*