Name: Chester Hill

Gender: Male, Straight

Age/DOB: ~30

Origin: Rookery Earth, Shorepoint rescue group, North-East American

Family: Unknown, deceased; after the Rookery is established he and Noriko hook up, their daughter is Chihiro

Other: Along with several others, had been working with the Shorepoint facility shuttling refugees around, until it was destroyed

Height: 5'9"

Weight: 155, even build, not remarkably strong nor durable, but doesn't mind the chill at Borealis

Hair: Black-brown, very short, when grown out he often slicks it back and it kinda looks a bit skeevy

Eyes: Medium brown, overly self-assured, under quirky thick eyebrows

Appearance: light skinned, with a decent amount of body and facial hair; usually smiling, though with him it's a little unnerving, he has that 'used car salesman' feel; tends to exaggerate when speaking, and definitely talks with his hands

Genetic Abilities: None known, doesn't appear to have any Vortal signature worth looking into

Icarus Processing: none, would not benefit and may show contraindications

Image Credits: Garry's Mod / Valve / Mass Effect Casuals

Skills or Profession: It's entirely possible that Chester was from a family of politicians, given his slick style and careful words. However, he takes very well to electronic surveilance and monitor equipment, cameras and tripwires, and though he seems to have a decent grasp on Combine technology, he doesn't actually know its code well enough to hack items. (Which is fine, because if he could, most folks would actually suspect him of being a spy.) He has a memory like a steel trap, able to easily recall details about maps, landmarks, and floor plans, as well as Combine craft markings - he knows whether that same Strider has been marching in a circle for the last three days, or if it's been replaced by another. So he has taken it upon himself to make sure that the extended array of sensors, monitoring equipment, and traps out in the nearby tundra and forests is working correctly.
Personality: Though he doesn't overtly hold a grudge against anyone, the assumption is that if he did, you'd best watch your back. He doesn't actually put bugs in the Borealis chambers - but he has made them and slipped them into Combine soldiers' packs as they wander the woods. Chester is much more genuine than he looks, but hey if he has to live up to a standard of skeevy he's also completely up for flirting, drinking, and dishing gossip like it's going out of style. He keeps his eye on things at a distance or up close.
Events or History: Chester escaped from City 14 before it fell to ruin, and managed to make it through Ravenholm. It had been inhabited and vacated before they got there (by Grigori) and he memorized a number of the interesting traps and barriers, applying that later near the Borealis. He spent only as long as it took to traverse the whole township and mine area, before he got the hell out of that place, and joined up with the nearby rebels. There, he made sure that any newcomers were safely 'patted down', scanned for any untoward goods, and moved to where they would do the most good. Eventually they had to abandon that lair, and headed out to Shorepoint. As they were rescued by the dragons, Chester was taken completely by surprise, that any given dragon - least of all one as lovely as Bluestar - would find him to be the right human to team up with. She's his weakness: he will do absolutely anything for this beautiful dragoness, including hook her up with potential mates...


Name: Bluestar
Gender: Female
Size/Shoulder/Length: Medium-large 9'4" s / 40' l / 85' ws
Colors: mostly royal blue through mottled grey-blue, lighter on underside, slightly darker on head, limbs, and tail; fins and wingsails start very strong royal blue and gradiate into almost pure white, with liberal white snow-spatters; eyes bright light blue, claws dark graphite grey
Features: Leaf-Icewing Hybrid, Leaf strongly dominant, four long and slender legs with 5 and 4 curved claws, two leathery leaf-veined wings with four visible fingers, elbow strut, and short wrist thumb, all with short curved claws; body is scaled, with soft armor on belly from chin to tail tip, middle section has cell-like scales, along back more even armor; head is dished with strong beak, prominent eye ridges, external ears, and two elegant upswept horns; dorsal spikes along neck, back, and tail, some have webbing between, tail has both leafy spade and ice type spikes
Powers: Winged Flight, though not very durable in the air, Bluestar can fly in nearly any weather condition, and prefers bright early-morning fog and low clouds in the darkness to swoop through. She seems completely unaware of any visual imparement! She's quite delicate in the air, though can build up speed, and can carry up to three humanoids or that amount of gear - usually in a harness since her neck spikes are rather dangerous to sit behind. She makes hardly any noise or wind when she takes off or lands, and needs no 'runway' to do so, she can lift off from a standing start. (Well, a jumping start, those legs are meant for springing!)
Verbal Speech, Bluestar is quite eloquent, almost demure in her speech patterns. She's quite lady-like, and almost embarrassed when Chester nudges her to hint that a male dragon nearby might be 'interested' - though she still looks... She can speak English, Draconic, and a little Aquatic dragon, learning more from the local Seawings. While she catches a few words here and there in Vort, she knows she'll never be good enough with it to speak it properly, and doesn't often understand that there is more to their speech than just words, missing their telepathic context.
Chill Survival, because of that little bit of Icewing in her lineage, Bluestar is very well suited to life in the snow. Though she cannot truly produce frost breath, nor does she have an Icewings big scary claws, she can burrow into snow banks, dive into extremely cold water, and walk through snowstorms without batting an eye. Of course, her human friends can't do most of those things, so she holds Chester and whoever else close, to keep them from freezing.
Light-based Energizing, because she's mainly Leafwing, while she does certainly eat (and loves fish), Bluestar can open her wings wide and catch sunlight, or actually any form of light including reflected moonlight, candles, firelight, or flashlights, and 'recharge' herself. She prefers to sleep during the day if it's sunny, soaking up this light, and taking long walks in moonlight as well. While she can't see quite as well in the dark as a Nightwing, she almost seems to give off a glow herself, after charging up during the day, and casts a soft, pale blue light with her wings.
Parentage: Both parents were actually Leafwings, but one grandparent was Icewing
Origin: Adopted from Moonshimmer981 on Deviantart; Wings of Fire by Tui Sutherland
Other Info: As devoted to her as he is, Bluestar appreciates Chester's presence and the feeling is mutual. She doesn't quite understand the whole human dynamic yet, but he piles praise on her and she enjoys it, though never to the point of becoming arrogant. In fact that's about as far from a word to describe her as could possibly be. She does know she's lovely - named for a snow-blooming and hardy plant here on this world - but she also knows that life here is tenuous and difficult. So she's doing her part to make everything better.