Name: Chihiro Hill

Gender: female, bi

Age/DOB: ~16? aged, RY 4

Origin: Rookery Earth, to Shorepoint-local parents, at Rookery, moves to Borealis with them

Family: mother Noriko, father Chester, possible siblings

Other: Though she seems frail, living up at Borealis suits her very well

Height: 5'6" adult height

Weight: 90ish, not modified, she's just tiny

Hair: richly black with blue overtones, silky, kept short because it usually gets everywhere in her way otherwise

Eyes: strong brown, almond shaped with strong epicanthal fold, under usually surprised looking thick brows

Appearance: she looks considerably more Asian than expected, with tan skin and petite features. She wears comfortable insulated clothing created specifically for the arctic environment, but it always looks like she should be positively frozen. She stands on her toes a lot, though she isn't really all that short; she has a high, somewhat chirpy voice with a very big vocabulary

Genetic Abilities: though primarily latent, she is very good with words, code, language, and symbols. This makes her a vaulable member of the Borealis crew.

Icarus Processing: since she cannot have the Icarus process proper, and this was before the Plasmid mixture was available, 'no'. But those negative markers have been removed, so any of her children will be fine with having either of those.

Image Credits: Azalea's Dolls Casual 2

Skills or Profession: As she is adept at reading and composing code, she's been put in charge of cleaning up the mess that Aperture left behind - making the computers in the Borealis ship respond to the current users and in a manner that won't destroy them when they use it. Since she effectively grew up on the ship itself, she knows the place inside and out, and if you need to get somewhere she's your guide girl. She and Asulung slip around the glacier and stalk the waterwars as well, though she does't tend to ride him when he's in the water. It's much too cold! She's been responsible for plotting locations and directions for those few folks that are in the area, in case of emergencies, or to get them to safe spots in the small towns nearby. She's also got a good list of locations, their contents, and such - but she has to make absolutely sure that this list never falls into the wrong hands, as it could doom their supply chain and caches.
Personality: chipper and pleasant, a bit in your face if what you want is a nice calm evening. She does get a bit intense and likes to talk shop with other high-tech folks, and relishes the days when Chell or Caroline are around.
Events or History: Though they're seemingly not really the type, Chester and Noriko are pretty decent together, and enjoyed raising their daughter - particularly after she was aged a little. Born in the Rookery facility, but then when she was around 2 rather than taking her in for some Icarus treatments, Chester's negative markers were actually scrubbed away with gene therapy - but that was the extent of any changes to Chihiro's DNA. She was aged to around a 12 year old, at that point, and given adequate skill downloads to help her move around, talk and explore, and study. When she was able to start learning proper coding, she was a whiz with it, and as they were on their way up to the northern Borealis facility anyway, the family went as a unit instead of leaving her behind or sending her to the even-less-safe North Aperture facility. She easily works with others to help fix the ship up, and discovered a lot of issues with the computer code guarding the super secret inner rooms of it. When, one odd winter a few years later the northern skies turned brilliant with the aurora and deposited a strange dragon at their glacier, Chihiro and this odd penguin-seal-pterosaur dragon hit it off really well.


Name: Asulung
Gender: male
Size/Shoulder/Length: pterodraco on average stands 4 metres/12 feet at the shoulder with a 20 metre/60 foot wingspan!
Colors: Leopard Seal printed snowflake
Features: Pterodraco species, as shown with penguin-like blubber under slightly fluffy hide Requires a bond.
Powers: Slide and glide, This dragon prefers to belly-slide like a penguin across snow/ice and goes much quicker that way.
Snow/Ice Production, Is able to generate ice and snow, which causes the wing elements on their back to intensify their glow.
Shapeshifting / Illusions, Wings can be entirely hidden by choice.
Nexus Hopping, Has an ability to home between Nexus worlds and can slip through to each one as though teleporting.
Parentage: unknown, unrelated to any on the Rookery
Origin: Winter Gather 2020 made by Shadhavar
Other Info: Noisy but not in an annoying way, if you know how to listen to the sounds echoing around the Borealis, you'll discover that he's sounding out locations, and making sure everything is stable. Sometimes the ice he's making is to be used as plugs for leaks, or to shore up hidden ice tunnels for the rare refugees around to scuttle through. They're big enough tunnels that he has no trouble sliding through them, and small dragons might also be able to, but generally not ones that are full quadrupeds as they would be too high.