Name: Noriko Fujita

Gender: Female, Straight

Age/DOB: ~28, unknown

Origin: Rookery Earth, half Japanese, born in Los Angeles shortly before Resonance Cascade; once the Borealis is located, she and Chester have a daughter and bring her there, Chihiro

Family: Deceased, known to have had one older and one younger sibling; is later spliced with some ELL materials, and is clearly the donor for Mehetabell

Other: As a mechanic is quite well known, enjoys creating items and leaving them around for people to find; part of the Shorepoint rescue group

Height: 5'4"

Weight: ~100, not skinny but hardly well padded, athletic and strong for her size, with good arm and upper body strength from working on machines

Hair: brownish black, reddish highlights in the sun, straight, and kept in a short tail or bun while working

Eyes: hazel brown, quite keen and looks a little snarky

Appearance: yellowish fair, with a bit of freckling possible in sun, often has dark circles under eyes from working late, and usually bruised or smudged with grease or other mechanical substances, though she has what can be called Asian features in full lips and a broad, flattened nose, her eyes are more her mother's European; prefers simple jeans and a hoodie, appears to treasure her Hello Kitty shirt - but she probably has like 6 of them, because they do get dirty a lot... Has an even, cheery voice, and can project pretty strongly at a distance

Genetic Abilities: None known, but she certainly has a way with machinery, code, and simple electronics. It's possible that she could benefit both from having skill downloads, as well as participating in extracting her own skills for others to use.

Icarus Processing: None, is a reasonably good candidate but it's not clear whether she would benefit from it.

Image Credits: Valve, Gmod clothing mod

Skills or Profession: Because she was still young when the Combine came, her experiences in education were limited to middle school and a little tinkering on her own. That tinkering became her passion as well as her lifeline, assisting rebels where she could after being moved from City to City. She is able to tear apart and put back together almost any larger device or heavy duty vehicle, and shows more than a little interest in how Combine vehicles (not their 'animal' ones) work. Given a little time at the Borealis, she will certainly learn more about portals and shipyard devices than she ever dreamed! She tinkers and creates little toys, origami pieces, and office-supply ballistas. She doesn't much care for weilding weapons herself, but she can use gun emplacements and harpoons from shipside if needed.
Personality: Chipper, attentive and alert, Noriko is an enjoyable woman and likes to chat or play games in her down time. She is always tinkering with things, her hands almost always need something to be doing, this might be a nervous habit picked up when the Combine came. As most do, she does have quiet moments of reflection and sorrow, but she bounces back quickly and is eager to keep herself occupied.
Events or History: One of the Shorepoint rescues, Noriko shares quite a bit of similar history with most of the Americans that wound up in the City 17 area. Born in LA in the early 00s, to a Japanese mother and a Caucasian scientist father, it's possible that his work could have even been important to Black Mesa, she faintly remembers him talking about the place when she was a kid. Her older sister went into the medical field, while her younger one was still in elementary school when the shit hit the fan and the Cities were established. When the Portal Storms subsided and the Combine arrived, Noriko kept her head down and her spirits up, biding her time when her family was torn apart - she knew their fate, it was painfully obvious, but still she helped others with their own losses before crying over her own. Moved from America into Europe, she'd hoped to spend some time in Asia but that hasn't happened. Perhaps some day she will fly there, when it's safer, and visit her mother's ancestral home, or whatever is left of it. She wound up in the Shorepoint facility after escaping City 17 with half a dozen others, when a transport train crashed and left them stranded in the Outlands. When the Combine fixed that rail, they began actively sniping those trains and causing more prisoners to be let out.


Name: Haruka (Spring Flower)
Gender: Male
Size/Shoulder/Length: Medium-small (small for a Nightwing) 9' shoulder / 38' l / 70' ws
Colors: Albino, normally dark; underside and backs of limbs pale pink, upper and sides armor white with pink central (*) marks along sides, wingsails salmon pink solid on backs with sparkling darker pink and pale star dots underneath; tongue, horns, claws, and back ridge spines all pale pink; eyes crimson - note that his colors would likely have been dusty violet and silver, with deep red-violet wingsails if not albino
Features: Nightwing, stunted; four solid limbs with 5 and 4 talons and heel-claw on hind with short, curved claws; two leathery 4 fingered wings with elbow strut and prominent wrist thumb, all with curved short claws; body is thick and well muscled, with scaley skin, soft segmented belly from chin to tail tip, larger scales on limbs and face, overlapping wedge shaped scales along sides and back, and plates on fronts of limbs including wings, and face; face is boxy and has prominent nose beak, external ears, and straight, conical backpointing horns; entire back from head to tail tip has short, dullish spikes
Powers: Winged Flight, Haruka is a good flier, but prefers night flying overall due to the bright sun harming his skin. Though he's smaller than most Nightwings, he is quite strong, and can lift large and ungainly items gripping them with his claws, and lifting off powerfully. He can carry quite a bit of weight and enjoys moving Noriko and her friends around if needed.
Verbal and Vortal Speech, (*) gifted as he is with strong telepathy and empathy, Haruka can project his thoughts quite far and into even normal people's minds. He has an almost 'hot' feeling mental voice, not angry but toasty. He is intelligent and enjoys learning about the devices and machinery that Noriko fixes, and might be planning to make his own. Verbally, he is quiet and hesitant, as though his voice might anger people - a remnant of his hatching days. Noriko is trying to get him to buck up and be more bold, like his mind.
Flame Production, though not relied upon for battle-worthy fire, Haruka can spit fire with precision. It's definitely spit, not breath, and may be chemically reacting with the air itself. He can lob a small burst over 30 meters, to pinpoint accuracy, and belch out a much bigger fireball on close items or enemies that will super-heat the air around them, causing anything even remotely flammable to burst into flames and ash.
Parentage: Unknown Nightwings, refused at hatching due to size and albinism. Unrelated to the other albinos.
Origin: Adopted from HufflepuffHannah at Deviantart, Wings of Fire by Tui Sutherland
Other Info: as a Nightwing, Haruka should have been afforded a lot more credit than he got, because his telepathic and empathic powers are quite strong. But being born albino and tiny meant that he was almost instantly rejected and sent away where he wandered, discovering several other albino-types, and then subsequently the portals to the Rookery. He is very glad to have more than just himself to rely on, and as a group the albino dragons almost have their own whole clan going. They have an informal and hilarious 'rivalry' with the Coffee clan over at Lane Mansion.