Name: Jessica Diaz

Gender: Female, bisexual

Age/DOB: ~16 / 2021

Origin: Repurposed Earth, Enrichment Center, Auburn Alabama

Family: Spliced, unknown donors, though potentially related to Natascha as they seem to share the tall slender build, white hair, and rather aggressive personality, as well as a decent amount of power types; Is the donor parent to two of the last of the Color Guard, Cornflower and Periwinkle

Other: With a number of other Pantheon children, is a 'recreation' of one of the children that perished during the Events

Height: 5'11"

Weight: 140* Icarus treated so considerably lighter, but also very slender and lean build, remarkably smooth looking though quite strong

Hair: Silvery white, often in a style as shown, or shaved, cut, braided, you name it, she likes having her hair done up to look cool and different; usually around mid-back length for the longer parts

Eyes: clear light-blue, very intelligent looking and a bit on the surprised-angry side, with eyebrows that some Refugee ladies are quite jealous 'grow that way'

Appearance: dark tan skinned with what appears to be flawless skin, model-like features with large lips and high cheekbones. If the world had modeling, indeed, she'd be right up there on the catwalk. She uses her appearance to her advantage with any given non-Combine guy. Or girl, if they swing that way...

Icarus Processing: Yes, at the age of 3 as per usual, Jessica was given the full treatment and skill downloads, seemingly suitable for an infiltration and assassination adept. The process significantly boosted her strength (to around 3x normal) and flexiblity, lightened her weight, and to a small extent amplified her genetic abilities.

Image Credits: Garry's Mod +Valve Counterstrike Online 2

Genetic Abilities: ideally suited to prowling about and remaining in control of any situation, Jessica has mastered electronic interference and controls, remaining invisible to basically any electronic detection methods; she can infiltrate security systems with the wave of her hand, and can manipulate data that she discovers while 'tranced' into a computer's system. She's taken instruction from both Martin and Natascha in this regard, because while Martin can help her decode information and manipulate visuals, Natascha helps her focus the powerful electrical jolts that she can deliver with her Vortal power. She can redirect virtually any amount of electricity, be it while holding an open power line, or siphoning it from items or batteries. She doesn't have the ability to detect or interfere with raw living-person type electrical pulses, for whatever reason, but she can certainly disrupt them with a shock of her own. That said, she can detect, interfere with, manipulate, and fry Combine soldiers or gear, scanners, any full or even partial convert - if there is some kind of chip or interface in them, anywhere, she can use that to manipulate them. She also has a minor, close-range telepathic power which she can use to ping other stronger Vortal minds, and is exceptionally easy for Vortal aura readers to locate.
Skills or Profession: As she's quite willing and able to go toe-to-toe with soldiers or scanners, and can usually deal enough damage before they even know she's on their trail, Jessica is often put out in the field right along side other more experienced soldiers. Her ability to circumvent security systems has been of great importance, so plenty of her companions have complimented her on her abilities. The downloaded skills she puts into practice the most are on working with systems, coding, and electrical maintenance. However the ones she enjoys using the most are gymnastics and flashy combat moves with two pistols or knives, she's adept at close quarters fighting and combat versus groups of smaller enemies such as manhacks or even headcrabs. She absolutely relishes being seen while fighting, and seems to have a natural grace and fluidity of movement that almost anyone can appreciate. Also she loves hair styles, so while she's clearly 'not a normal person', many of the normies at the Mesa will indulge her by finding style magazines and trying them out on her.
Personality: Though in the field, she's considerably quieter and sneaky, any other time Jessica is around people - and even when she's not - she is loud, somewhat obnoxious, foul-mouthed, but not really an awful person to anyone. She's just demanding and a bit on the arrogant side, and noisy. She has rarely had to be told twice to get something done, as long as the order comes from Paxton, Geoff, or one of the other leaders of the Pantheon or Mesa. Also, she seems to be able to follow those instructions more carefully and fully than Natascha, the only other person in the Pantheon that could probably give her a run for her money with those powers they have. She does want to be seen as 'the best' at things, and doesn't just slide on her looks for that: she practices, she gets better at things she isn't happy with, and overall does well with the things she chooses to work on.
Events or History: Jessica was among those recreated by Melissa, from stored samples and records of known or potential abilities. She may have been among the older of the toddlers in the facility, as there was evidence that more than just her particular room's nursing staff made note of her behaviors of aggression and stubbornness. But in the end, the Events did kill the original child, along with those keepers. It was thought best to keep her unaged, and let her grow into her potential powers - as Melissa knew they would be quite strong, and if they had another Natascha on their hands that might be ... problematic. Thankfully she's a sensible sort, though loud, and learned when to be the obnoxious kid, and when to shut up so no one gets killed.
All this has certainly served her in the post-Combine era on their Earth, but now what about these dragons at the Rookery!? They spend a good amount of time at the Borealis site, but have much more fun wandering the Cities nearer the Rookery.


Name: Superconductor
Gender: Male
Size/Shoulder/Length: Medium-Large (wings) 11' shoulder / 40' l / 120' and 48' ws
Colors:* Pale chrome reflective white-blue across almost all body and wings speckled with tiny white flecks, and matte black 'skeleton' markings and black on some armor scarles; belly from chin to under tail is medium blue to sky-blue with markings; wingsails are extremely reflective white-blue; neck fin, antennae, back fin to tail matte black, tail fin spines and spikes matte black, horns and claws all high glossy black, inner ear and eyes vibrant pink
Features: (Former breed MysticWing) four long legs with 5 and 4 sharp medium length claws, and heelclaw on hind; four wings, upper are quite large 4 visible fingered with leathery backs, elbow strut, and prominent wrist thumb, all having long curved claws especially on thumb, lower smaller wings are 3-fingered with elbow strut and ice-wing like claws on all digits including wrist thumb; body is long and sinuous, scaled hide with softer belly from chin to under tail, heavy angular overlapping scales along all of body and back, armor plating on fronts of limbs; head is pointed with small curved back nose horn, sharp small jaw horns, a back pointing skull armor between eyes, external ears, two long slender antennae, neck frill with webbing, and two shorter sharp sickle-shaped horns; neck has high ragged fin behind head, shorter down back and larger over hips, tail shows spiked webbed fin down to mid-tail, ending in thin sharp spikes, chest and front of neck have sharp spined webbed fin
Powers: Winged Flight, Superconductor is absolutely marvelous in the air, particularly on foggy mornings or deep night. The rustling of his greater wings is all you'll ever hear, if he's anywhere nearby, and even then it won't be for long, as his smaller wings are of use to maneuver even tight areas. Though his wingspan is quite massive, he has been known to fly into and out of spaces barely 20 feet wide, and though it's incredibly dangerous, Jessica loves riding him into just such spaces. He is a speed demon, able to match much larger dragons (though truth be told there aren't all that many with his wingspan in the first place) and outmaneuver smaller ones surprising them. He lacks durability though, and while he can lift heavy weights, he has to be very careful not to drop them or slice them with his claws while moving them.
Verbal Speech, Superconductor is not verbose, but understands English and some Vort, and as with some other dragons he seems eerily able to understand the Combine chatter around in the radio frequencies. His voice is a hissing, static-filled noise with the occasional word thrown in. He is more comfortable actually talking to other dragons in their own language, but he hears and comprehends just fine.
*Color Manipulation, Superconductor cannot truly alter his scales the way a Rainwing might, but he often seems to reflect specific shades by changing the angle of his wings or body. He looks like very shiny chrome, though his markings do not change at all and are always visible. If he's standing next to a bright light, he's almost blinding at the right angles, and if he's near colored lights such as a reddish hued fire, his scales will pick up more of that color and make him look red, etc. He can and does use the reflectivity of his wingsails to blind enemies in flight, if there is enough light.
Ice Breath and Manipulation, Superconductor lives up to his name, being quite chilly to the touch, and can force the temperature of an area down to below freezing in a minute or two. He can keep this up consciously for several hours, and if he's allowed to he will be able to freeze water this way - so dump something into a barrel, and let him chill it down for ease of moving it or transporting goods. He can also use this power to supercool both computer parts, and living things - only larger living creatures, such as Humans, Vorts, or other human sized creatures, could survive this process if he does it properly. If done suddenly in defense, the flesh will just turn to pure ice and break, killing it instantly. His breath is super-cooled air, not really ice, but he can aim a very tight 'beam' of it that can puncture things if they can become brittle. The combination of cold and pressured air makes even inch-thick metal vulnerable, brittle, then breaking from continued use or being hit. Breaking and entering with Superconductor is a breeze, literally. His claws, particularly his lower smaller wing claws, are suitable to rip through extremely cold or dense substances - ice being the least of them, he can cut precice holes into inch-thick metals with that wrist thumb. Also he can tolerate extreme cold, absolutely unbothered by either cold, or snowy, icy conditions. As stated above, he also loves foggy air, seemingly able to just ignore it in terms of being bothered by it for vision or movement, but also knows just how to use this air or condition to his advantage.
Parentage: Unknown purebred Mysticwings
Origin: Fantribe adopted from created by Moonshimmer981 and x-Tamara-x, lines by x-Tamara-x
Other Info: With dimensional barriers being what they are, and his tribe being who they are... It was only a matter of time before a Mysticwing made it to the Rookery along with some others. He's aggressive enough that he truly loves being on patrols that find Combine troops, but smart enough to know that he and Jessica as a team are relied upon to scout, not hit hard like the actual fighting troops. He can chill an area so that her own powers work better - even to revive overheated or damaged equipment. Also of note, he doesn't show up on heat scanners, and can visually damage the Combine flying scanner devices with ease. 'Catch my good side' he says, as they stop being able to record anything at all...