Gift Bags are given out to everyone who arrives - dragon, human, elf, construct, every attendee! They don't have to keep it all, it's mostly for flavor-text, but have fun with generating your goodies!

See below the generator (thanks, spacing is stupid) for more info and links!

















Read below for details about the creatures and goodies! Credits and links!

You may make as many rolls as you like, but please don't look through the source code I want some bits to be secret and fun to find! I mean, I can't stop you, there are some gag gifts...

You may adopt as many flitters as you wish, and I'd love to see them attached to candidates or other characters that made appearances in any story for this event, but it's up to you in the long run where they go and who with.

A link currently is not needed, but a statement of location IS required - please either use the logo found below, or a text credit to the Checkerboard Ball 2021.

If your flitter is listed as neuter or uninterested, please don't poke them to breed, they will bite; some require science or technology, after all!

(( List of art / coloring credits will expand as they become available I just want to get this up now ))

Some flitters courtesy of: StarFyre (clockwork flit), Trix (faerie drak), Phe (xenoflit)
Coloring by: Phe (xenoflit, shockfeather, alisgryph), Retta (waterflit), Yakima (standard flitter)

* Headcrabs start very tiny and transparent, grow into a variety of types though these will remain 'cute', but if it's allowed to latch on to any sentient creature's head it will bore into that head, and it will start to consume mass quantities of other people/creatures, and eventually molt into a massive lumbering queen spewing little baby crabs everywhere. You want to avoid that at all costs, so please only feed it watermelons and smaller sized items! Keep a crowbar handy. I mean I am not gonna stop you if you have a chaotic idea for one of them getting loose in your air vents. Headcrabs are © Valve.

** Yes it is a Ferilon, though a smaller one than typical regardless of how big it might state in the description, and its genes are on this page!

*** A Shockfeather requires some amount of care and training, as well as resistance to its toxins... You don't want to handle them directly without precautions, they make a good guard pet though!

Site and art, unless otherwise credited, is ©Lethe / Zekiran 2021
All rights reserved, do not copy or use anything unless granted permission via the Nexus discord
Images may never be used for other purposes than dragonry collecting and cyberpets