Elves - Overview


There are numerous kinds of elves living in Dragondeep, and are distinguished from one another with reasonable ease. Other sorts may inhabit scattered areas and even have their own whole cultures and physical descriptions, but there are six which are fully known and have solid populations.

Features of Elves

• Six distinct ‘races’, of three very clearly different types
• Humanoid in size and configuration, as well as lifestyles in general
• Long lived through immortal, depending on breed
• All have long pointed ears, Starcourt and Ravenhill both extremely long and tall
• Shortest lived are Stone, then Cliff, then Viridian; Lumin, Starcourt and Ravenhill are functionally or fully immortal
• Magic is extremely common among the Elves; natural for the Rotwood, psionic primarily among Lumin, and a mix of psionics spell-magic for the last two
• Viridian and Cliff Elves are quite open and social, Stone Elves are warlike, Lumin are aggressively social and technologically oriented, and Ravenhill / Starcourt are just jackasses to everyone else
• Population ranges from mere thousands (at best) for Starcourt / Ravenhill Elves, to tens of thousands of Lumin, into a few hundred thousand of the other types

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