Rotwood Elves - Overview |
As mentioned in the world description, three primary groups live on and near Rotwood. The Rotwood area Elves arrived more than eight thousand years ago. The Rotwood Elves speak one language among the three groups, however they have distinct dialects and obviously usage varies tremendously. All three of these groups share similar biology and life cycles. They are live bearing bipeds, who range in height from just under five feet to just over six and a half feet tall. They are generally slender, handsome people, with long pointed ears and larger eyes than Humans. They are strong, though some sacrifice limb strength for flexibility or endurance, using these features to hunt or in jobs as runners. Rotwood Elves can live up to a thousand years, and are reasonably infertile – they have children but once every decade at most, and never more than twins – and twins are an occurrence that is looked upon as a woeful omen. While twins born to peasantry are simply shunned, those rarely born to royalty are often killed before being announced to the world: neither survive, because of the stigma that one would carry from having had an ‘evil twin' (they can't tell which one would be ‘the good twin' so why risk it?). Children mature slowly, and are only considered adults after their third decade. Both genders become sexually mature around age twenty, and Rotwood Elves can interbreed with nearly any kind of humanoid species of compatible size. They bear hands and feet with four digits, though some crossbreeds may exhibit five. Among all three types, they each show a strong propensity to use a specific type of Elemental Psionics. Because of the nature of these powers, their cultures have become somewhat specific: the Tree Folk are known for their lasting designs and powerful artistry, the Gliders for their skills in flight, and the Stone elves for their armaments and weaponry. |
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