SibanFather of Seka *3 pages formerly, ** note that now (2024) |
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Siban glanced at his orrery and a frown creased his muzzle. The allignment was not due to happen again for another three hundred and fifty years, and it was purely due to his daughter's interferance that he missed his chance this time.
A chance for ultimate -- or nearly ultimate -- power. Power over biological matter itself, any plant, animal, even simple molds and fungus... Such was the power that Siban craved over his fellow creatures. He was immortal. He was a mage. A father -- several times over, but with only one surviving child. Seka... That blasted little thief. His jaw ground hard at the thought of that mud-grey bitch. Took after her mother so much. Siban's hooved hand struck the delicate orrery and it spun hard around, crashing to the floor and splintering into hundreds of clockwork-and-wood pieces. The jewel mechanisms spread over the wooden floor and some were lost between cracks and into the dusty recesses. Siban was not a terribly good house keeper. He couldn't hire anyone, of course. There were no people left who didn't already know of him. And not one of the locals trusted him as far as they might throw him. Siban looked out the narrow window of this observatory, and hissed at the snow which flurried down in bits and bunches. It was too bright outside, too cheerful by a long shot. Siban detested winter -- he could not hide in snow, no matter what he tried wearing. White just was not his color. Standing and pacing about, Siban kicked at the pieces of the orrery. He needed to vent. His anger would not be tamed until he had a good long bout tossing energy about and endangering people. He knew just the place. "I told you once, Siban, I've told you many times before. Your presence here is not welcome." The huge tusked bouncer of the largest tavern in the town growled at the dark unicorn. "You cause too much property damage." "I thought it was the blood stains that wouldn't come out of the walls," Siban mockingly said. His trail from the castle above the town had already been wiped away by the breeze and snowfall. Siban turned to look at some of the nice pleasant townsfolk, who scurried away from his black gaze as if he could melt them where they stood. "That's part of the charm of the place," the boar man snorted. He did not take his small dark eyes off the unicorn. There was a scent of ozone around him, always. Like a storm about to break. "I canno' let you in, Siban. Buy your drinks elsewhere." "BUY?" Siban bellowed, and threw his hand over the boar's shirt causing it to catch on fire. "Buy, I do not intend to BUY anything here, this slop was never to my taste... It's the thrill I seek --" He strode past the boar, on his way in to the tavern. All eyes were upon him, the whole place had long since fallen silent. Before the boar could leap at him from behind, Siban cast a barrier behind him, blocking the swinging doors. They bumped against it as if something were standing there between them. His dark hooves planted themselves on the neatly swept floor, and Siban gazed around at the patrons. Most were young, though there was a collection of older drunkards in the corner. Many in the tavern were women, a large number of those worked at the whore house above and drew in money for the tavern. There were all manner of species represented here, from mice to mammoths, zebra to antelope. Some were cross-breeds, and those took his attention directly. "Ahh. Your parents had less taste than most..." He growled mostly to himself. One of the cross-breeds, a cougar-ram male, stood and put his large mug down. His tail swished in the air, and he tossed his ram-horned feline head around. "What kind of insult is that, you mad wizard?" He demanded, "you any better parent nowadays?" With that, many of the locals who knew Siban let their eyes grow wide and held their breath. Siban had killed his two first born, stolen their horns for their power. His third, Seka, got away with her life, but only barely. And, she had more than one offspring with whatever male crossed her path. "Mules," Siban spat. "That's all your kind are. Mules to our pure breeds..." He was already drunken on his power, waiting for something to trigger his lightning-quick anger. The cougar-ram snarled, daring him to move. It was deathly silent within the tavern. Outside, however, there was a ruckus starting on the hillside beyond Siban's castle, and spreading down into the vale where the town lay. Ships in the port bobbed with energy as something flew overhead and caused the water to wake behind it. A dragon, large, brilliant blue, passed over the waters after having swept around the castle hill. People outside had stopped their work or their play, and pointed. It wasn't often a dragon came to call, and this one looked like none they'd ever seen. It landed on the street near the tavern, and there were two people upon its back. One dropped to the ground, while the other clung to the blue dragon's neck. "Come on, I'm sure it'll be safe." The man -- human man -- said to his passenger. "Couldn't be here now could he?" The boar bouncer, now with his shirt singed but not in flames any longer, staggered to the street and angrily looked over this newest arrival. "And what's your problem? Followin tha' bloody madman? Seka?" He queried, more quietly after his gutteral tirade. The form on the back of the dragon nodded once, pulled her shawl around her shoulders and tried to duck down where she could not be seen. "Aye... He's here, in there, blocked the bloody entrance, he's done." Seka finally picked up her head and bit her lip. Dropping to the snow-covered ground, she paced around near Oskerth the blue dragon, until she gained the courage to approach the tavern. "What's going on?" D'run the rider of this dragon asked. "My father is in there, causing trouble." Seka waved her hand, and then examined something which D'run couldn't properly see. "Ah. Barrier. Down." She clicked her hard fingers together, and her horn shone gently. Passing snowflakes singed and disappeared in mist when they struck her horn. The doors to the tavern swung open again. "Stay out here," D'run said, "I've still got a dragon protecting me, right?" He patted Oskerth's side and over Seka's protests strode right up to the tavern doors. The ram-cougar was the first to throw a good punch, but Siban hardly had need to duck. His magically enhanced reflexes gave him too many edges. The half-breed's friends took up a stance around the black unicorn, growling and bristling. Some had feathers, some fur, some had both. All of them made Siban disgusted. He let off another bunch of curses toward them, and then heard something behind him. ![]() The pair of unicorns stood facing one another, on the snow-swept road outside the tavern. The locals had scattered when Siban exited the inn, at least those on the street. Those in the tavern came out after he did, slinking close to the walls and sticking to one another half in fear but half in wonder. |
How could they tolerate each other so close!? Siban prowled the edge of the sands, as they had all been called down to the hatching. The dragons on the sands bellowed and made so much noise it was a wonder the walls didn't come down upon them all.
That and the obnoxious visitors from everywhere. They stared at Siban like ... Well, most of them probably didn't believe in the FOUR footed version of unicorns, let alone the TWO footed like himself and his daughter. He grumbled to himself and thanked the stars that he and his infuriating daughter had been allowed far, far separate dens in this large place. There were dozens of people, and dozens of eggs. But not nearly enough visible to go around. When the dragons started erupting from the very sand, Siban nodded to himself. This would be a good day. He felt the tinges of some alien thing inside his mind, and his horn glowed darkly to avoid it. But it couldn't be avoided. Then, from below two of the exposed eggs, came a dark, blue colored dragon. He was so furious at having been buried down there! And well he should be, though Siban. For here weas a fine example of dragonhood! Not like that ridiculous Slorin that Seka was so fond of, here was a sleek, angry ... Wholly interesting dragon. Whose bright idea was this? Demanded the dragon. When I find them I'll-- "You'll what?" Siban asked smoothly. He strode to the dark blue's side, a sneer on his muzzle. I'll seek revenge, of course. Hello Siban. "Hello, Kakith. It's not nice to --" He chided the dragon for spreading sand all over everything. What do you know about nice? The dragon snarled, snapping at his bond. "Good question. Let's go get you fed." The annoying buzz in Siban's head formed into the beautiful sapphire's thoughts, and no one -- NO ONE ELSE HEARD THEM! He laughed to himself -- they could be private, plot in secret and no one could know! He could summon the dragon and they would fly the skies! Getting used to me already, are you? Kakith grunted. "Only as much as I need to, Kakith." Siban snuck his dragon another 'chew toy', part of a slaughtered pig that had been in the smoking room. I like this. I will grow quickly. More quickly than any other. Then, I might be rid of you. "You'll never be rid of me now," Siban chuckled. "You know that." I know of a dragon -- he hatched here -- who had his rider killed... The dark sapphire dragon with the stunning black-ice wings gazed with a caustic look at his rider. Equally caustic, Siban snarled. "Forget about that loser. Do you think I'd pine away and die if you were to leave me?" What makes you think I'd merely leave? "You wouldn't even know where to go..." There is that... I am a magnificent dragon! Announced Kakith from the top of Siban's keep. He posed with the moon behind him, and Siban nodded. "Indeed. And a loud one. Now, some night we'll have to go on another raiding sweep." I did enjoy that. I rather think that this keep would make a good place to store all that shiny stuff that those people like to say dragons hoard. "You're not keeping any hoarded things here, this is MY keep! Everything in it is mine!" Siban angrily charged. But you stole everything in it from other people! What if they came back for it? "They're mostly dead," Siban pointed out. Ah. And this doesn't stop some of them, the dragon thought, and indicated with a nudge of his deep blue muzzle that there was something nasty and dead-like behind Siban... |
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Kakith Ryslen Flurry clutch; opal white Truth + white Veranth; siblings Taveth, Elirath, Paianith Gender: Male Color: Dark Sapphire; body highly reflective indigo-violet; wingsails, neck crest, and tail spade black with very faint Flurry markings Size: Medium 10' shoulder Abilities: Winged Flight Teleportation Nexus Travel Telepathy Unassisted Firebreath |
"That unbelievable bitch!" Siban muttered to himself, pacing along the turret wall. Below, the seas seemed to respond to his mood, crashing around angrily on the sharp rocks. His keep, this one anyway, had always been his favorite, and it brought him some comfort to know that Seka was not going to be able to attack him for another half year or perhaps longer. That was the only consolation, really. Because otherwise, it was the fact of why she'd not be able to do so that was angering him so much. She had brought another dragon from a nexus world, to roost with her and that blasted cranberry colored beast of hers. Even though all he knew was that much, Siban didn't trust her to have brought something nice and simple - something that didn't want to pit itself against he and his dragon. He didn't know that the little marked female was a pacifist, how could he. He never would. If she came near him - or if by chance he broke into Seka's castle, he'd have found a timid, yet secure, little dragon. She would not raise herself to harm him, but he didn't know that. All he knew was that he had to fight numbers with numbers. You cannot possibly be serious, Siban, Kakith growled from his courtyard. What in the world would I want with a companion? I am enough for you. You can barely aid me in my battles. "Do not mock me!" Siban yelled, and through unconscious use of power, his horn burned so brightly that part of a nearby tapestry on the other side of the thick stone wall caught fire. He noticed the smouldering smoke a moment later, and with a wave of his dark hand he put the flames out. "Damnable beast. If I say we need another here with us to fight her, then that is what will be done!" Fine, whatever, Kakith sighed. He lay bored on the gentle hill in the courtyard, most days. Seka had been gone offworld for a while, and when she wasn't about to stop him, Siban would just wreak havoc until he was exhausted. So single minded was the black unicorn most times, that when Kakith left him to go catch some food, Siban didn't even notice. Not missing a beat, by the time Kakith would get back, blood still on his claws and muzzle, Siban merely assumed that he'd been feasting on the local population instead of their cattle. Usually the farms lay in ruins, burning barns and the occasional church spire broken from a good swipe of Kakith's paw. Neither of them seemed to care much for the religious of the area, they always stood their ground - without weapons - and were always the first to fall. They hadn't realized that the gods of this planet had long since found other more faithful people to harrass. Kakith tried to sleep, but the nagging unicorn's mind kept entering his and keeping him awake. Siban would you for half a moment just shut up? Do some research. Find yourself somewhere to go. I will take you there, if only it would make you shut up. "You are mocking me again," the unicorn snarled. But he did indeed cease his mental racket. He stilled himself, sat in a comfortable chair, and flipped the pages of an enchanted book he had made himself. It had taken years, with Kakith's assistance, to assemble the information on the heavy pages. Each pressed and glazed page had a window-portal to one of the dragonries of the nexus. More importantly, with all the power that Siban had amassed over the years, killing people and stealing their magic to add to his own, he could manipulate these windows gently. He pushed one into position over the egg chamber of one dragon house, found nothing. Two, three more, nothing. But finally, to his pleasure, there were many dragons - and other ... things... on the sands at a place somewhat familiar to him. Cy Dragonstake was having another hatching, and it looked a bit wild and wooly to him. "This one will do nicely," Siban said. He didn't even bother Kakith, he merely closed the book and put it back into its protective glass and magic chamber, and sent himself to bed. Siban and Kakith made their appearance at Cy with a quiet unease. The creatures on the sands were hardly dragons, at least some of the ones toward the back. These multiple headed monstrosities - some of them had strange armor on their heads, many didn't have eyes! What kind of dragon didn't have eyes? Those are hydra, bipeds, and they call those others 'xenos', for some reason, Kakith announced. The Bipedra is why we are here, yes? Well. Sign yourself up, old friend. You are mocking me again, Siban thought with a smirk. They were associates. They did have their share of good times together. Killing things. But friends? To call them friends would imply that either of them had any interest in keeping the other alive, and that - perhaps - they did not. Even Kakith balked at entering the sands, though. The Nero sands were intimidating when there wasn't anything on them. But now? The sapphire dragon looked in, took a sniff at the variety of dangerous females littering the sands with their bulky bodies, and decided that this place was certainly not where he'd prefer to spend the afternoon. Cy was a nicer place really, than all that. But it seemed that they'd had their share of run ins and danger. Always surrounded by angry invaders, having the wrong dragons - or... whatever... - clutching upon their sands. The history of the place bemused Kakith, but he got the distinct impression that if he was too close to any of those females - or a good number of the males who'd stuck around - he'd probably get his one and only head bitten off. "Who'd miss it?" Siban asked, after returning from a brief meeting. "They'll allow me to try for something, but the coward at the desk was shaking so badly he couldn't even tell me when the eggs are going to hatch." Imagine that, Kakith snorted, a human who can't predict the whim of hatching dragonets... "Don't be so snide. Most good dragonries have their hatchings timed out." And you would know this how? "My book, you imbecile," Siban flicked his hooved hand at the dragon, "of course. It isn't as though it is an inexact science, after all one sees when the eggs are laid, one reads back to see that breed's track record, and goes from there. Simple. Math. Even humans can do simple math," he noted. "Dragons are hardly the only ones who can tell when eggs are ready to burst." They ought to be, who would want to stick around these eggs anyway? "You are," Siban said with a growing and evil smile on his muzzle, "afraid to come near the eggs?" More like I am almost certain those females would have my head - as I mentioned - and I would like to continue using it. Besides, if I am killed here, and you - heaven forbid - do not bond at this hatching, what exactly would you do to get home? Before Siban could reply, the dragon added with a very sharp laugh, Not to mention that would put your daughter two up on you... |
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Siban waited with the patience of a hornet. Kakith continued to check in on his bond, though no one knew why. Eventually, at last, the eggs were announced as hatching. ***One rolled out of Rynixa and Geotic's clutch, a black with blue spots and five heads. He glared malevolently at the bunny-pedra and stalked past him towards the candidates. His red eyes oriented on Rowan, who crouched down in preparation for an attack. The spotted one prepared for a spring, tensed, but then was thrown to the ground by an attack by the bunny bipedra. The two rolled together in the sand, kicking it up into the air and tearing at each other with claws and fangs. Rowan ran forward a step, ready to help the hatchling that had helped him, but another figure made it there first. Rowan's eyes widened as he saw the bipedal creature that was between him and the squabbling hatchlings. His eyes flicked from the wide wings upon its back to the heroic sword clutch in hand. “My Monster!” gasped Rowan in recognition. He had imagined up the creature to protect him from the night, but had never dreamed that it would be real. The Monster flashed him a glance, what was almost a smile, and stepped forward to the hatchlings. With one claw he plucked the bunny bipedra away from the other, and with his sword he kept the black at bay. I wasn't going to let that beast hurt Rowan, said the bunny bipedra mentally, blood running from scratches across his sides. We both have that job, La'triel. The black backed away from the Monster and La'triel when he realized that he wouldn't be able to do any more damage. Instead he turned to the candidates, deciding that it was about time that he bonded. The candidate he walked up to was as dark as he was, the bipedal unicorn Siban. I think that I can be a lot more useful than that pathetic lizard that you've already bonded, he hissed. Kakith, not in the sands but on a ledge outside, rumbled anger. I heard that. Have respect, hatchling. The bipedra lashed his tail and glanced up at Siban. Forget about him. I am the one for you, I, Dendax. Siban smirked as he patted the hatchling. Now he would be able to be all the more powerful.... *** Siban escorted Dendax out of the sands, feeling the distinct pangs of hunger - Dendax's first meal had been denied him! So they must now find a new source of fresh meat. Ignoring G*non who tried pointing him toward the kitchens and helpful staff who had all that on hand, Siban located Kakith, who snorted disdainfully when the unicorn and ... whatever the hell it was with him, showed up. You don't seriously expect me to hunt for that... creature, do you? Kakith said. "I do, you should already have gotten a couple goats or something," Siban said, apparently oblivious to the tone of his first bond. Yesssss, Dendax announced with a growl - coming from the small hatchling it was almost amusing, Find me some rabbits or maybe a dog, something within your abilities. I wouldn't want to stress you. Kakith stood towering over the hatchling for a moment, thinking that in fact, he could swallow the newborn bipedra whole. The little hatching stared with five heads right back, eyes hard, mouth watering. Kakith nudged his rider with the side of his head in a bemused way. He'll fit right in, Kakith announced. Teleport home, Siban, I will bring something proper to feast upon. The beasts here aren't nearly as satisfying as those that can be plundered from the farms nearby the keep. Satisfied with that, the mage unicorn executed a spell, half expecting Kakith not to show up on the other side. The sapphire did though, and with a large cow in his grasp, for dinner.
Dendax Cy Dragonstake Bipedra 04; 2 headed gold spotted blue bipedra Rynixa + masked evil Halloween Geotic; sibling 3 headed red-black Mosenth Gender: Male Color: Blue-Spotted Black Type: 5 Headed bipedra (with bling I guess) Size: medium 10'2" s upright Abilities: Winged Flight ??Teleport? Breath weapons? Venom bite? Telepathy and Verbal Speech |
Kakith and Dendax actually got along well in the next few years. As the bipedra grew, Kakith showed him the ins and outs of the local area, giving him a tour of the countryside. Siban was delighted that they could all terrorize the folk nearby that way. When the pair of dragons would bring home bounty, even more so - the rewards he was thinking of were more exotic than just the flesh of 'kin and human. (which was something that Dendax at least well and truly desired...) Siban was planning to bring the younger dragon to a flight. Kakith was on his own - he'd participated in flights, now it was Dendax's turn. And boy oh boy did he know just the place. After consulting his magical tome, Siban knew that there was an unusual place in space of all things, where a very shiny and bizarre female was ready to be chased. By as many weird, uncommon males as she could find. Ideal. "We're going to the Abstract Destiny," Siban announced. Kakith tilted his head, and gave off a bemused rumble. I know what you're in for, Dendax... How do you know? What isss it? The bipedra hissed, his four littler heads chiming in at different speeds. He almost sounded like a pipe organ - only with hissing. Siban strutted around, arrogantly tossing his mane. "To sire offspring, of course!" Dendax appeared very interested indeed. He swished his heavy tail around, and banged his metallic head against the nearby wall, causing it to collapse onto the terrified goatherd who was cowering behind it. I like that idea. You cannot come, he aimed at Kakith. I would not dream of interrupting you and your female. Kakith said, snide. So off they went, to try and woo a female named Dread Corollary. If she had a bond or rider, Siban didn't really care. As long as it was female, he intended to enjoy himself. If it wasn't, or she wasn't interested - or if she were human in any way, he'd just spend the night somewhere else, with a more willing... or ... maybe just whoever he found, enchanted and had his way with... |
Siban sat in his tower, calmly reading. There were scared peasants below, ones having been rounded up for work orders by the dragons. Siban liked it when Dendax and Kakith worked together, they shared the work of playing 'bad dragon/worse dragon'. There were things that needed to be done with his keep, things like gardening (he liked eating real food rather than conjured) and cleaning (why waste effort and magic energy, when you can have a servant do it automatically?) and repairs... the list went on. So Siban requested to his pair of argumentative dragons that they find him some servants. Among the group down there were several siblings, they'd raided a large farm community some distance away and dragged off the group clutched in their forepaws. Dendax proudly carried four, proclaiming himself the winner - by thumbs. Kakith shrugged, setting down his pair, and staring at them with a calm, dangerous look. They scampered over to their friends, clinging together. Once this was done, the ringing minds of the dragons came to Siban's, and he rose from the study. He straightened out his smoking jacket, checked his mane in the nearby mirror, and then disappeared in one of those big greasy clouds of smoke that magicians were known to use. He reappeared down below, putting even more fear into the troop of otters, rabbit and sparrow. The big crack of thunder when he did so didn't hurt the appearance any. Kakith rumbled a laugh, that never gets old, does it? No, it most certainly does not. Siban replied. He looked toward the eldest of the group, an otter male who might have been twenty summers. "You, gather your ... friends, and come along inside. There will be things to keep you busy - and if you please me, you may live. If you displease me, you will be eaten by my dragon friends here." He waved his hooved hand, and the smallest of them, the sparrow girl, gave a whimpering cheep. "Y-you've no right to abduct us like this!" Said the bolder otter, "we have rights! We are protected by the --" "You are not protected any more, are you?" Siban said, looking around and then returning his gaze directly to the boy's eyes. Siban took two steps up, towering over the lad fully by his chest, shoulders and head. The otter shrank. "You have only the rights I give you. And I am offering you the chance to work the same as you would where you came from. On the gardens, fields, masonry and cleaning. How is it any different?" Before any of them started to say anything, Dendax's littler heads all hissed, and not one of the new arrivals got more than half a word out. "Now, whoever would be best to work at each of these tasks, will do them. Immediately, consistantly. I want the keep's grounds cleaned. Yes, I make a mess. The dragons do too. Deal with the mess. I want the garden in shape by spring, you will be given whatever you need to grow enough food. Someone will cook when I ask for it." He paused a moment, "you can eat whatever you grow as well. Find rooms in the keep - there are plenty. Some of them," he chuckled a bit realizing that a number of them still had remains of their last 'inhabitants' in them, "may need to be cleaned a bit. If you see something in need of repair, repair it." With that, it seemed, he was done with his instructions. The group of youthful anthro didn't get the chance to relax, however, since the pair of dragons nudged toward them, herding them into the keep's grounds. It was a mess. The eldest otter decided he ought to become the foreman of sorts, and kept his wits about him long enough to keep the youngest from crying too hard. The elder girl, his sister, younger than he by three years, would have to be the cook - she was the only one with any experience at it. The rest, as they could be trained to till or plant, make adobe or other things... He sighed. Their captivity did not have to be so bad, he explained that night, unless they let it be so. And it wouldn't be. Especially since Siban and his dragons often left the keep for places far and wide. The dragons obviously didn't like one another very much, but no one in their right mind would try playing them off one another the way Siban could. It was less than a year later, harvest time on their first plot which had actually grown properly even in the hard and somewhat too-packed soil of the keep, that the dragons started acting oddly. The servants made themselves scarce, as Siban interested himself in whatever it was they were angrily discussing just outside. He stomped up to them, but noted well that they both kept looking - with all possible eyes - at a particular place just across the hills. Where there was something moving. "And?" Siban said, loudly. It is something like us, something more like him, Kakith bespoke, But.... I think it is female. "Something destroying the trees," said Dendax, "I think I like it." "Well not those trees, idiots, those are where you do much of your hunting, and it's -- she's scaring away half the prey. I don't take kindly to that, do I?" I do not know, do you? Kakith chided. But soon enough the ruckus in the forest moved away, south, along the coast of the lakeshore nearby. The creature seemed to pace, back and forth. It caught a spare fleeing deer, ate it, and hunkered down. "Looks like she's resting," Dendax said. "Perhaps... now would be a good time to approach." Several of his heads wove around each other, arguing silently. Siban's eyebrow lifted up. "Approach? You want to ... what, mate with her or drive her away?" Do you hate all women so much as you hate your daughter? We want to meet this creature. We don't know where she is from! "You're horny too, I can tell," Siban grunted. "And no, I do not hate all women. Just that one. Fortunately she hasn't been much trouble recently. ..." He paused in thought, "but if this creature was sent by her... Go find out. Immediately." He waved his hooved hand, as though dismissing them, and both dragons thought they should hang out beside him just long enough to make him realize that he was not commanding them that way, not the way he did his little group of servants. But they did eventually lift off, coming around from both east and west. It was sleeping, she was sleeping. Barely. The carcass of the deer she'd killed was laying nearby, collecting flies. They didn't budge even though birds took off when Dendax and Kakith landed beside her. She was penned in, but groggy. Waking, this angry young creature fiercely ... yawned. I wondered when you were going to show up... I can smell you from your castle. This place sucks. But does it have anything good to do? "Depends on what you mean by 'good'," Dendax said. "Pillaging and burning," she suggested. "Or driving off mad rulers, and then stomping everything flat. Just when they think it's safe." Oh he'll like you, Kakith thought with a mental grin. But don't go stomping our castle flat. We've come to like it. "He who?" "Our ... mad ruler. He's up there, watching." Dendax turned a couple of his heads, and she followed their gazes toward the stiff looking castle up on the hill overlooking the lake. Sure enough there was a dark humanoid figure, standing on one of the towers balconies. "Well if he's all that mad, why not just kick him out too?" You don't expect us to be able to keep the castle up ourselves, do you? I like the walls. They warm up at noon and make for good relaxation especially after a good meal. "But ... then what can I scare off?" She looked more like she was going to pout than be angry. Here she was on a foreign world - not of her own doing, but certainly not much to her dislike. The forest was in her way, she got it out of her way. She was not going to be a huge dragon compared to some, but both Dendax and Kakith could tell she'd be at least compatable with them. I am certain he'll have something good, Kakith said, After all, we are at war with no fewer than three other wizards, and his daughter among them. She's got dragon companions too. Maybe we could root her out and get them to battle again. "That was good fun," Dendax said of Seka and Siban's last fight several months back. "What do you say, roost with us, go out and party, bring back spoils we can all enjoy. Come back to warm walls, as my ... companion likes to lean on." "I will have to think on it..." she replied. Then she lept to her feet. She was still quite young, barely past hatchling, in fact. But she was bold. "I am Chyjanir'zha, I will be happy to lay some waste for you. As long as I get to lay some for myself..." |
Chyjanir from Twisted Fate Purge Name: Chyjanir (formal: Chyjanir'zja) |