These tribemates will be listed first as the group who were spirits retrieved, in their 'death order', then the tribe members still-living that were reassembled as two large groups. This also serves as a timeline with some notes about events.

Timeline for these elves centers around the era of Freefoot through Goodtree's chiefdoms as leaders of the Wolfriders, they split away from Goodtree's group about 20 years after her son Mantricker was born, but he would not inherit the Wolfrider chieftanship for quite a long time. This takes place approximately 3000 years before Bald Mountain's current year of 10,300 when they arrive. (Dates may vary from canon because Warp has not ever confirmed the actual years of any of the Wolfrider chief reigns.) The tribe split from Goodtree less than an 8 of years before the first elves were killed. At that point as well, approximately 550 years before being retrieved, with the Childmoon elves being a bit harder to locate since they were fewer to begin with. Until the main split between the tribes, there were no deaths, and it was the trio of Snakeskin, Sequoia, and Foxden which prompted it. They were a fairly large group for an eight or so...

Note that Mothermoon characters have faintly more information about them than the Childmoon for my actual recordkeeping, and I've never found any of their original character sheets for either tribe so far in several weeks searching my house... Also: Births or younger ages shown after the split that don't have parents are from tribemates that declined to be revived or wandered in and out, not remaining with the tribe long enough to be sought out.

Character New Name/Original Name ** note that image names may be either one;
Gender; Approximate Age or Birthyear (if known, mostly newest ones)
(and if /b = born from, the Parents, as well as Siblings)

Retrieved and Revived: d# Age at Death, dy# Died Years Ago, ^^ indicates ChildMoon
List below in order of death from 550 years prior to tribe being brought forward in time

Snakeskin, M, d2000/dy550 (Orchid Sibling)
Troll Attack
Male Nightwing Moonblink
Sequoia/Talltree, M, d530/dy550 (Farsight Sibling)
Troll Attack
Male Green Pine
Male Amber Digger
Foxden/Foxtree^^, F, d1960?/dy550 (Nightsong+Tamer, Goldheart Sibling not born yet)
Troll Attack
Silverhair, F, d1000/dy450 (Blurbolt Sibling)
Childbirth Complications
Beacon/Brightmoon, M, d1812/dy418
Pined quite a while, distracted, Slipped and drowned
Wolfpaw, F, d2051/dy359
Supposedly Age, likely bitten by venomous spider
Coolwind^^, M, d720?/dy345
Tree Fall
Fog^^, M, d1460?/dy282
Human Trap
Lowbranch^^, M, d440?/232 (Silence+Bearfang)
Human Hunters
Birdwing, F, d608/dy212 (Dewcup Sibling)
Firefly^^, F, d960/dy201
Scoop-Horn trampled
Nipper/Foxtooth, M, d719/dy196 (Lancer Sibling)
Bear Attack
Fairsky^^, F, d811/dy176 (Firefly+?, Greenberry Sibling)
Human Ambush
Furshine^^, F, d630/dy176
Human Ambush
Tendril/Vineclimber, M, d533/dy167 (Trapper+Grim, Coldwater Sibling)
Venomous Snake bite
Bearstalker, F, d411/dy159 (Plus potential child w/Echo)
Ice Pond drowned
Youngmoon, F, d980/dy144
Mammoth Trampled
Rosebud/Redflower, F, d562/dy118
Longtooth Attack
Deerslayer, F, d904/dy98 (Orchid+??, Stoneclaw Sibling)
Bear Attack
Redstar, M, d862/dy78 (Youngmoon+Sequoia)
Coldwater, M, d260/dy40 (Trapper+Grim, Tendril Sibling)
Bear Attack
Patter/Softrain^^, F, d280/dy25
Human Trap
Greenbranch, F, d512/dy21
Longtooth Attack
Grim/Darksender, M, d585/dy15
Unknown, even now he won't say how he became a spirit
Tribal Retrieval Group for Mothermoon Begins Here, listed by birth/age.
Note that the weird disparity between ages of potential siblings or offspring/parents is because some of those are dead long enough to be older than their family members...
Wolfsister, F, 2383 (Snakeskin+Wolfpaw, Spearbreaker Sibling)
Lancer/Quickspear, M, 1141 (Sibling Nipper)
Fleetfoot/Treerunner, M, 1046
Farsight, F, 1018 (Sequoia sibling)
Chieftess Greenfire, F, 958 (Goodtree+??)
Stonearm, M, 887 (Beacon Sibling)
Spearbreaker, M, 778 (Snakeskin+Wolfpaw, Wolfsister Sibling)
Gust/Treebreeze, M, 758 (Briar Sibling)
Clearview/Wolf's Eye, F, 754 (Farsight+Lancer)
Stoneclaw, M, 730 (Orchid+??, Deerslayer Sibling)
Treewise, M, 720
Vanguard/Wolfrunner, M, 670 (Wolfsister+Fleetfoot)
Blurbolt/Shadowsteal, M, 577 (Silverhair Sibling)
Trapper, F, 570
Canopy/Treetop, F, 566
550 Mother and Child Moon tribes split up after an ambush by fierce northern Trolls.
Done mainly to provide safety for more of their kind, a few families remain together but some remain with one or another of the tribes.
A larger number of elders than expected depart with the Childmoon group.
Buck/Hornfighter, M, 548 (Stonearm+Rosebud)
Shadeseeker, M, 505 (Greenfire+Treewise, Greenstorm full Sibling)
Darkfish, M, 500

Mooncall, M, 450 (Silverhair+Beacon)

Silverhair dies in childbirth

Fast Edge, M, 447 (Clearview+Gust, Downseed Sibling)
418 Beacon, then known as Brightmoon, has been pining for his lifemate Silverhair and accidentally slips down a hillside, drowns in a fast-moving river.
Brownleaf, F, 408 (Birdwing+Nipper)
Downseed, F, 373 (Clearview+Gust, Fast Edge Sibling)

359 Wolfpaw dies in her sleep, though she'd been 'ill' for some time, and claimed that 'she was a wolfrider wasn't this what mortal blood did?' but it had likely been an unnoticed spider-bite that damaged her nervous system some days before

Rally/Wolfhealer, F, 332 (Greenfire+Spearbreaker)
Dewcup, F, 314 (Birdwing Sibling)
Cubfinder, F, 277 (Brownleaf+Tendril)
Smartbow, M twin, 270 (Deerslayer+Redstar, Echo Sibling)
Echo/Soundseer, M twin, 270 (Deerslayer+Redstar, Smartbow Sibling)
Lurk/Shadowsight, M, 250 (Grim Sibling)

212 Birdwing discovers a patch of strange vines and leaves, and on investigating it realizes that it is actively holding on to her ankles. Strangleweed was all but unknown until this point, and is never quite erradicated by the elves

196 Foxtooth, now known as Nipper, is killed by a mother bear defending her young; Quickspear (Lancer) sustains injuries attempting to help him

167 Bitten by a dangerously venomous snake, Vineclimber, now known as Tendril, dies within a few days

159 Shortly after Recognizing Echo, Bearstalker becomes trapped under the ice of a frozen lake surface, and drowns - she is currently alive and still pregnant though it's anyone's guess how that will work out...

144 Youngmoon is trampled by a mammoth, proving that even a young serpent-nose is more than a match for any group of elves if unprepared

Stareyes, M, 144 (Greenbranch+Lurk, Ponddiver Sibling)
Singer, F, 120 (Canopy+Blurbolt)
118 Redflower, now known as Rosebud, dies to a longtooth attack. This will become a common theme, as many of these big cats have discovered the location to be just as good hunting as the elves had when they settled here
Ponddiver, F, 117 (Greenbranch+Lurk, Stareyes Sibling)

98 Deerslayer dies when a massive male bear thunders through the holt, the bear continues to threaten the holt for another few winters until finally killed by the tribe

78 Redstar comes across another hidden pocket of strangleweed, warning the tribe that it is still a danger before dying in it


Ferncurl/Nightshade, F, 50 (Dewcup+Darkfish)

Note that she and Vigilance meet during a long trek away from their individual tribes, having somehow been pulled together by their spirits; it would be unlikely that their tribes would reunite 'back then' since Vigilance had been very far away from Childmoon at this time


40 Coldwater discovers that the dangerous bear from a hand of eights before now clearly sired plenty of offspring, one of which tears through his hunting party and kills him in the process

21 Greenbranch succombs to injuries from a fierce longtooth cat attack

15 Grim, then known as Darksender, simply vanishes off the tribe's territory. The fact that he returns as a reborn spirit-elf hasn't changed that he won't say just why he left or how he died shortly after, but it may have had to do with the loss of many of his family members over time

Greenstorm, F, 13 (Greenfire+Treewise, Shadeseeker Full Sibling)
Windwalk, M, 6 (Ferncurl+Vigilance)
Year '0' / Bald Mountain Holt Year 300 ARRIVAL and REVIVAL of elves occurs!
(Bearstalker+Echo conceived in prior era)
Childmoon Tribe in approximate age order (may change)
Aelora, F, 4000? (Pureblooded)
Orchid, F, 2400? (Snakeskin Sibling, younger by about 150 years)
Nightsong, F, 2380? (Wolfpaw Sibling, younger by around 100 years)
Tamer, M, 2300?
Bearfang, M, 1600?
Silence/Softcall, F, 1380?
Sedge/Foxtail, F, 1100?
Greenberry, F, 811 (Firefly+??, Fairsky Sibling)
Smoothlake, M, 760?
Briar/Thornwalker, M, 675? (Gust Sibling)
Manhunt, M, 567
Gold's Gleam, M, 460? (Sedge+Coolwind, Mountain Top Sibling)
Mountain Top, M, 460? (Sedge + Coolwind, Gold's Gleam Sibling)

Vigilance/Nightstealth, M, 400?

See note above, he had been wandering far from the tribal area as was typical (earning his new name because of it) and noticed at the edge of his sending range was someone intriguing to his spirit... This is why he is with the Mothermoon tribe when they are discovered by Bald Mountain riders, and not the Childmoon group

345 Coolwind perishes when a tree, weakened from blight, collapses on him
Bloodfeather, F, 330? (Weaver+Fog)

282 Fog falls victim to a trap built by Humans, alerting the Childmoon tribe to the dangers in the area where they had first settled. They continue to be wary of these fast-breeding people

232 Lowbranch is killed by Human hunters, though it seems more like an accident than anything else since they were hardly prepared for the other elves in his hunting party to retaliate so quickly

Cairn/Stonegaze, M, 210 (Furshine+Manhunt)
201 Firefly, the acting chief of the Childmoon tribe, is trampled by a scoop-horn during a hunt, prompting discussion about who should succeed her for the chieftainship. Greenberry, her surviving daughter, declines to do so. It is Bearfang who is agreed upon to lead them, though Nightsong advises him
Grasshopper/Treehopper, F, 200 (Fairsky+Smooth Lake, Softrain Sibling)
Cowl, F, 190?

176 In an organized and obviously-well-planned attack, the Human tribe begins actively hunting the Childmoon elves, and ambush them during one of their hunts. Fair Sky and Furshine are killed, and several other elves injured in the attack. Flicker renames himself Manhunt, and begins to live up to that name since that point...

25 Softrain, now known as Patter, is trapped in a Human contraption designed to catch deer or other fast-moving prey, springing on her unexpectedly as she ran through the area

Goldheart, F, 9 (Nightsong+Tamer, Foxden Sibling this long after)
Cloudflight, M, 6 (Greenberry+Briar)