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Image Credits: Lines from Chaosium / Warp Graphics Elfquest game

Sequoia, once known as Talltree

Bonded to: . From:

Age: (at death) 530/Born in: leaffall Died -550 in the troll ambush
Soul Name:? Known By: Youngmoon Found: unknown
Sex: Male Mate Status/Sex Preference: straight, had been Recognized, lifemated
Parents/Relatives: unknown parentage; Farsight sister; Recognized Lifemate Youngmoon
: son Redstar
Original Tribe: Revived, from full tribe before they split up
Arrived to Bald Mountain: 350
Height/Build: 5'1" (quite tall for his era and age!), tall and slender, very upright build highly reminiscent of the earlier arrivals to Abode, though not weak
Hair Color, Length, Style: shiny copper brown, rough, tussled, kept to shoulders
Eye Color, Size, Shape: yellow, not dark but a strong color and indicating that he's clearly a direct descendant of Timmorn and Timmain, though never in the running for tribal chieftainship; smallish, angular, high set
Skin Tone: strongly peach-tan, he spends more time in the sun than most Wolfriders though he's lighter toned than his sister
Voice Quality: higher than you'd expect from one of the taller elves in the tribe, but not wimpy or squeaky
Clothing -- Summer: pretty much as shown above, leather pants and high boots, and a loose light leather shirt
Clothing -- Winter: adds a long-sleeved short-fur coat in darker brown
Jewlery Worn, Made: none, he climbs a lot there's no point in losing an ear if a ring catches on a branch, right?
Tatoos/Markings/Scars: none, though he does usually have the scent of pine needles on him
Pets/Animals Kept: none, he traps and uses squirrels to find caches of nuts, and also collects bird eggs in monitored nests though
Notable Posessions: he has asked that any of the Bald Mountain elves who travel around pick up different seeds or pods from various locations, so he can start cultivating a grove of particular trees
Holt Function: high-canopy maintenance
Strength: high, surprisingly for such a slender guy
above average
above average (tall, not broad)
above average
Magic Power:
Magic? How Powerful? Sending 4/10, doesn't concentrate on sending as much as he could, he loves to howl and hear the wind reply; mental voice always seems to have a rustling like wind through needles; his range is good even if the strength of his sending is poor, since he's now used to being in the very high canopy he must clearly be able to reach the ground and surroundings (given the towering heights of some of their new trees this actually is important)
Magic Feeling 1/10, he can faintly sense where other plant shapers have worked, but that's about all
Plant Shaping (living only) 4/10, though his powers were weaker when he was first alive, they have definitely grown since being revived, and he plans on concentrating his efforts on the uppermost areas of their tall homes. His power works only on living plants, and primarily leafy and woody ones rather than ferns or grasses or food plants
Climate/Locations Preferred: high up! Enjoys the feeling of the evening sun on his skin, so he's usually up in the late afternoon into the wee hours of the night instead of overnight
Current Residence: (19,9) in the Mid Crescent Lookout and spending time near it, though he also helps maintain the Lookout towers
General Likes: seeing the whole holt spread out from the top of a tree, the smell of fresh rain and leaf litter
General Dislikes: wow that loveless Yasheel certainly does think highly of herself and no other... she didn't even bother helping them shape the trees though she's clearly the strongest plant shaper among them all
Fears/Worries: will those trolls nearby come back? wait -they're all probably dead and gone by now, aren't they?
Special Strange Info: as a revived elf he was somewhat more particular about his healing than most, in that he knew he had a connection to the trees, not just because of his height and build but because they 'called' to him. He'd been barely able to sense through them before his death, but now with awakened ability he feels like he can finally come into his own. He feels bad because he knows, now, that Redstar his son fairly 'recently' died due to strangleweed - something that had his own shaping powers been awakened may have been prevented
Basic Personality: a loner but not lonely; prefers to work on his own, but also will shape color and pattern into a sapling just to make others happy, his primary concern is the comfort and happiness of his tribe
How they feel about
: on one hand, he respects how they're able to use the tools and wood for homes and furnishings the way they do, on the other he wishes they'd let the trees at least die first...
Elves -- herders: eh, trapping's fun enough, don't want to go this far
Elves -- magic users: he is quite pleased to be among them now!
Elves -- bond-riders: you can go higher than the tallest tres!
Trolls, etc: hard pass, he is among the last to approach the local troll population even though he's been assured by all that they're 'safe'
Bond Animal Info if any: none, his wolf-friend was killed during the troll ambush several thousand years ago and he has not found another among the pack now. That's fine, he's definitely hoping to attend a dragon hatching!

Skills: if it has to do with trees he's all over it
Hunt: he enjoys trapping and using nets, but is an adept archer with a keen eye from above, for fast moving prey
Howl: Sequoia tends to be less interested in gossip or chatting with people, and prefers the company of the trees, birds, and small animals up in the canopy. As such he's more apt to come to tribal meetings with information about those trees, the progress of the Holt's appearance, and such
Homebuilding: using his powers as well as knowledge of woods, plants overall, and careful observation of an area before working on it, he assisted - as a spirit - the Bald Mountain elves in planning the Holt for Mothermoon. You'd never know where one tree ends and another begins, with his skills of weaving live plants together, not just with magic. Those who want to safely run in the treetops can do so for nearly the entire perimeter of the Holt and that is saying a lot because the holt is big. He hasn't individually shaped those all, but directed it and is very good with the overall 'nature awareness' needed for such a venture. He can tell trends of drought, blight, and other things that might affect the growth of the local trees and plants, and pays attention when he starts seeing hints that something is amiss

History: He may be related to Timmain but he's more happy with the fact that the other part of his lineage were treeshapers. He wants nothing more than to have confidence in his work, his tribe, and their own lives. He took a new name, having learned new words for the trees around them, and honors the Twoarth title for the great trees quite similar on their world. Yes, it's a human word! From a distant world! He's quite curious about all of that too, and though he knows he'll have to leave Abode briefly to perhaps find a dragon friend, maybe they could... visit those other trees? Find a pinecone....

** (some from Trix)
A place called Lantessama, with a sequestered area for a special gathering, was where Sequoia went. He didn't feel exactly at home there, but it wasn't a terrible place at all! There were ... more humans than he was comfortable with, but he had been informed that most worlds had 'quite a few' humans.

Sequoia was - where else would he be? - watching the dragons from the highest branches of a tree. The pine was large enough but paled in comparison to some of the trees at Bald Mountain. He was large for an elf, which meant that he was considered small but not tiny by the people of Lantessama. He 'd preferred to keep to himself and had mostly spent his time in the trees out here on the main continent, observing and waiting.

One of the larger green male Ivartian dragons had noticed the revived elf. Though still young, the dragon was already big and would still grow in the coming years. After days of waiting, the dragon had decided he should make the first move in this situation. So he stood on his hind legs, stretching as far as he could go to bring his eyes level with Sequoia. He did not form the bond just yet but he hoped his eyes conveyed the interest he held for the elf.

Sequoia was surprised to feel a bit of a bump under himself, the tree was not going anywhere of course, but there was always the possibility that he might fall from it! But then he realized the source of the nudge: a green dragon, steadying himself with one paw on the trunk of the tree! He'd learned that there was some magic (indeed!) that could help communicate, but he was still hesitant to rely on only his voice, so he also sent his thoughts toward the dragon.

"You 're going to be a big dragon," he sent, "I hardly even heard you approach, though, that's a good skill to have in a hunter or protector." He became bold, "I am Sequoia, who are you?"

Startled that they could already communicate, Pine could not help but let his name slip. He wondered briefly whether or not others would be able to do the same. The images he found in Sequoia's mind were wonderful however. Mountains and forests, just the place he'd wanted to inhabit.

Now there was just that one thing: "I also have custody of one of our young. He is Amber but has not yet chosen a name."


They eagerly returned to Abode, taken by one of the teleporting dragons, though Sequoia had to also explain that though many other dragons lived where they were going, none were native.

"That is all right, neither were we," Pine chuckled.

Though Pine was certainly large and slightly uncomfortable with their transport, having to rely on others moving between worlds, when they arrived it was to that same glorious landscape that Sequoia had in his memories. It did become clear that they would be needing to make some new areas scattered around Mothermoon Holt for the Ivartian dragons. Under the Mid-Crescent Lookout canopy, however, would be where both of these would reside. Sequoia immediately set about creating a root-dome shelter that suited both dragons.

It wasn't too much after they'd arrived that the Amber dragon settled in, and lived up to his typical nature by helping hollow out the rest of the area below their cozy tree roof. Careful to leave enough soil and stone to allow the elfin shapers to reinforce them, this tripled the size of the hollow and gave the dragons a new exit out over the nearby lake. He finally took a name, "Digger! That's me!"


Pine Name: Pine
Gender: Male
Size: medium-small (large for breed) 9'6" s / 34' l / 38' ws
Build: muscular, strong limbs
Physical Features: Ivartian, four legs with large paws and equally large claws; two large leather wings with 3 fingers and elbow spar, with wrist claw; scaled with armor belly; head having beaked mouth, varied sets of back pointing horns, mane blends into dorsal fins, spaded tail end
Colors: Green, of many shades from metallic grassy green, sunlit green, and faded aqua-grey on belly, darker mane/ridge, paler mint wings
Stats: Strength 3, Speed 2, Endurance 3, Agility 5, Health 3, Intelligence 5
Abilities: Winged Flight, while Pine is very good at flight, he likes to fly low and slow, carefully patrolling and keeping watch for dangers, and honestly, traverses the distances around the Holt and beyond to Bald Mountain sometimes, for dragon gossip more than anything else. He's large and strong so he can help lift boulders or fallen trees, and has helped with construction or clearing areas with Sequoia on his shoulders, hovering down carefully close enough for him to work on the trees below
Telepathy, his mind is like a smooth, pleasant breeze, a leafy rustling, but is here and gone before you know it, just like him if he's being shy. His range is considerable, on par with the 'far sending' power that some elves have, and since he can fly he can locate himself at the edge of a territory and help convey information from one large Holt to the other easily
Information Sharing, he must be in proximity to a telepath, which isn't hard around here, but can almost instantly move concepts and plans, ideas, and knowledge from his mind to another's. It's up to their mind to digest what he has given, which might not be as easy as 'wolf-sending' - but it's more elf-like than not
Parents: progenitor, 19, green male
Origin: Lantessama Festival 2024 Ivartian dragon
Other Info: Outdoorsy, quiet, doesn't like big crowds but tolerates them if needed for howling (he does kind of like listening to the stories told around the bonfire during their howls!), adverse to violence so his protective nature leads him to telepathically alert others to dangers rather than tackling them himself
Digger Name: Digger
Gender: male
Size: small 7'4" s/ 25' l / 30' ws
Build: sturdy, a bit broad
Physical Features: Ivartian, four legs with large paws and equally large claws; two large leather wings with 3 fingers and elbow spar, with wrist claw; scaled with armor belly; head having beaked mouth, varied sets of back pointing horns, mane blends into dorsal fins, spaded tail end
Colors: Amber, shiny crackled looking scales in brighter and darker tan, wingsails paler and more cloudy amber, mane and spade light brown
Stats: Strength 6, Speed 3, Endurance 6, Agility 3, Health 4, Intelligence 1
Abilities: Winged Flight, Digger prefers being on the ground, though he is definitely capable in the air. His burly strength extends to lifting and dragging, though he does like having directions given to him since he's rarely up too high and only recognizes landmarks when he's almost upon them on the ground. Since he is smaller he can easily weave around widely spaced trees at low speed
Telepathy, listen to Digger if you want the dirt. No really, thoughts about the soil, stones, gems (ooh!) and features of the area. He's become quite the expert, but no he won't shut up about them... his range for projecting isn't great but he can still hear other telepathic minds easily and he is also easy to spot by elf or dragon minds
Information Share, he likes locations and details please, because that makes it easier to figure out where to dig!
Parents: 19x, amber male
Origin: Lantessama Festival 2024 Ivartian dragon
Other Info: Though young on arrival, Digger has made himself quite at home, and enjoys rooting through an area for shiny things