Image Credits: Arkane, Azalea's Dolls Elf Boy

Name: Clem Tremaine

Gender/Preference: Male, he/him, straight

Age/DOB: 14 in 1855, born 22nd day, Month of Nets, 1841

Faction: Independent, Black Market in Dunwall

Family: Father was a low-ranking Dunwall City Guard, usually stationed near the slaughterhouses, his brother likely a Bundry whale-house worker; Mother was a cook working for a mid-ranked Aristo family; father's brother lived with them at the time of the fire; no known siblings

Height/Build: 5'10 at adulthood, slender and very wiry, obviously built for speed and agility rather than burly like his father

Hair: pale auburn red, coppery and actually quite nice, kept around the nape of his neck but grows quickly so he's always tossing it out of his eyes; as an adult he will have very little in the way of facial hair, other than those eyebrows...

Eyes: Pale icy green, a bit wild and wide, under brows that he never quite grows into

Appearance: ruddy skin that tans into a strong copper shade, having numerous small scars from his early life on the streets. However, he is quite good looking, and as he grows into adulthood there will doubtless be quite a few ladies giving him more than a little bit of attention. There's a reason the ladies at the Golden Cat keep mentioning him or whispering about 'when he's older', and he may very well have a good side-gig there if he chooses. He wears simple gear as shown, his boots made soft and silent, and he adds a cloak with pockets aplenty if he's on a job

"This one understands the value in acting quickly, but also planning an escape route beforehand."

Skills and Occupation: A thief with a genuine heart of gold, though he is content to be a thief, and not rise above and try to reclaim his family's status - what little there was, anyway. He knows he could make a difference any way he worked, but politics don't interest him beyond knowing where the nobles live and who makes what rules, and avoiding those homes and districts if possible. He enables a network of information and goods transport across the docks and under the city proper, or over it since he loves traipsing across the rooftops. He will carefully carry ingredients and supplies to a few who practice magic but can't be interrupted or leave their well-hidden spots, though obviously he won't cater to the ones who are power-hungry. They can get their own black-leaf and powder nut. As he is fairly blunt and honest about his intentions, when he gets spotted, he can often talk his way out of a situation before it escalates, including with powerful gang members or even other Guards, though he prefers simply not being found over that. He's quick with math and estimation, and understands that trying to make off with a large or heavy item will only slow him down, but he can also appraise those little gems and trinkets on the fly and often has pockets filled with semi-precious jewelry just waiting to be pawned. He also has a strong connection to the Mudcrabs, and with that connection came his otherworldly travel...

Residence: Still resides in the neighborhood where his home burned down, but it was almost immediately torn down and rebuilt. He just... turned the attic area's dormer window into a door, and sealed off the inner access and painted over it just before the new owners moved in. He keeps quiet, soft steps and careful placement of cushions ... mostly stolen from the Golden Cat see to an added defense against detection

Notable Possessions: His father's guard pistol, see below. Otherwise he has an array of swiped and earned items, and he's not afraid to deal with the witches and herbalists and whoever else out there. If someone needs a bottle with a particular brew in it, he'll have it by the evening. If someone has a shiny that they obviously don't need because they're pretty clearly wealthy, he will walk off with it no muss no fuss. He pawns most things, keeping very few for long. Only the items which he's bought with hard coin will remain in small cupboards and shelves. Skull totems, bonecharms, and other such things often go in and out of his possession, he's kept a fair few of those but rarely uses them on the regular because he doesn't want to attract too much attention to them

Magical Preferences or Abilities:

Carramba Information:

Homeworld The World, Empire of the Isles, Gristol, Dunwall City
Species Human from magical World, but doesn't have magical abilities;
However his upbringing and location allow him +2 Bod, though his RWP is stunted from not having parents; he has a whale oil powered pistol that his father saved from a prior era in Dunwall, and rather than pawn it for money, Clem uses it as intimidation with +2 to Fighting Cluster

Bush Baby, the 'if you do not kill me soon I will surely die of fright' totem. Fast, nimble thieves, whistleblowers. +1 S/GM, +3 Bod, +1 RWP, -2 Luck, -1 Drive, +1 Looks, -1 Bonk, + 8 extra KK's.


Is a Nut. Specifically a curried breadnut, quite sweet when he's warmed up to you, but can be a wallflower in the background or even intensely spicy...

Class Sophomore, 25kks
Smarts 6 > 7
Bod/Feet 6 > 9 > 11
RWP 2 > 3 (anyone that doesn't know what he is up to, will trust him long enough)
Luck 4 > 3
Drive 2 > 1 (Navigation skill 6, will have Ride at 3)
Looks 5 > 6
Cool 5
Bonk 8 > 7 (though slender, he's very durable and tough)

Always On The Move - this kid is fast, agile, and sure of his footing even in the scariest of situations. The rooftops are his home, the sewers his vaction spot, the underside of the Coldridge Prison is a place he's spent time planning escapes should he ever be caught. He has not yet been caught, at least not by guards. Though this is an innate ability and not necessarily a power, it serves him well and keeps him out of danger. He cannot be surprised, his perception and reflexes are faster than all but the most supernatural of enemies!

Whale Oil Pistol - This gun is a relic of a prior era, but it still serves beautifully even if he rarely finds ammunition for it. Also he doesn't want to use it on people, he's not a killer! But he allows gang members to believe he is, adequately threatening them with his steady aim and glinting eyes... Should he use it however, it is fully capable of doing 6 Bonk damage outright to exposed flesh, a very dangerous weapon indeed. It also has a very small chance of backfiring or jamming and exploding, and he knows this very well indeed, given that's how his family's home caught fire. His uncle was 'cleaning' one like it, and though Clem barely remembers that angry conversation his father and uncle had before the explosion, he knows that in the wrong hands, or even in the right ones, this is something not to be trifled with. Armor reduces the damage to 1 Bonk but if it explodes there is little more to do than try to put the fire out and escape with your life...

Clusters 9

Defensive Maneuvering +5 (*Street Fighting +2 freebie cluster) Clem knows the streets from several different attitudes and angles: his father being a City Guard had tales and training that he was attempting to pass along to his son, but then in his absence, the gangs and street people taught him other lessons. He still has a nobility in his actions, even if he's a thief, he will only threaten and posture, sometimes carefully letting a single shot ring out but missing by a margin, enough to remind folks that not all of the street rats are scared of the gangs... He prefers to actually use his hands and feet, or even bodily rush an enemy unawares, and overall can predict where enemies will appear so that he can disappear before they see him at all. Every exit and entrance to a place all but has a glowing exit sign to his eyes, and he's quick on his feet so even if there's a person in the way he could use their shoulders to vault into that little vent or out a rooftop window with ease

Skills 18

Parkour Doesn't Have A Name Here +3 But he does it brilliantly well! He is tall enough and has long limbs with a reach that allows him to scale narrow alley walls or hold himself over a doorframe and then resume his traversal. Long strides and quick turns mean he vanishes around corners or gets out of supposedly-dead-ended streets, baffling those chasing him

Leverages His Looks +3 Did you know that you can do almost anything by striking the right smiling pose, or innocent pout, even as you make off with someone's great-grandmama's urn (because it's one of those pricey Tyvian jobs in such demand down in Serkonos and their trade guy is here for the week)... Well, he's quite good at it. He can combine the disarming smile he has, the gentle toss of his luxuriously coppery hair, and a quiet lie before anyone knows who he is and what he's up to. Even if he's not trying to steal your coin purse, he tends to win conversational disputes by looking hot

Eager To Travel +3 One of his prized possessions is actually something he made off with very early in his thievery practice: a beautifully made globe. Not just one of those shiny brass plaques with the inset jewels showing the main cities of the Isles (which he also has, do not ask where he got it and don't look at that imperial palace's hallway blank spot too long okay?), the globe has Pandyssia on it. This has fascinated him since he was a child bought to the main Dunwall library, and he never hesitates to listen in on intellectual conversations over coffee houses from people who are obviously well traveled. He's got a notebook with what equates to a 'travel bucket list' of places he wants to see. Maybe ... maybe with a dragon he can go there, carefully? He's a bit weirded out by Twoarth's odd conjoined spheres, but knows better than to try challenging the locals as to how their world even works. His has magic, who's to say what kind of magic went into it? He can navigate through a complex area if he's had a few minutes to scout it or look it over with a spy glass, and does not get lost once he's got his feet on the ground. So if you need him to help you get from point A to point B, he's definitely going to keep you on the right path

Knacks 6

Knows How To Pack(rat) +3 With the skills to understand volume, weight, and mass, he can tetris a suitcase or your overly stocked freezer and still make it easy to reach whatever you need. Though it's not magic, he can often just dunk his hand into a pouch and pull out the most valuable, or even sometimes a specific item out of many similar ones without looking. He will always remember what has been placed where, and can examine a 'crime scene' to figure out if any clues are apparent, even ones which have been rubbed out or hidden - mainly because he knows what he'd do, if the crime was his!

Cleans Up Very Well +3 With his looks and his tall, slender form, the ladies and gents at the Golden Cat really do know how to doll him up. Sometimes they have had to hide him, others they actively hire him to retrieve things that belong to the girls or was owed for services that didn't get paid. They let him blend in with their crew, a stately if young looking man is not at all out of place either as a patron or an employee there after all. Whether he will eventually take them up on this employment who knows. The woman running the place, Faith, certainly has a way with words...

The Down Side Is He's Fidgety -3 If he doesn't have something in his hands or the ability to bounce around a little, Clem is distracted and nervous. Sitting in a classroom is fine if he's actually participating in a discussion or asking and answering questions. But the moment the class is expected to be silently doing something else he has to tap his fingers, toes, bounce his heel, shuffle about in his seat... And can cause others a bit of distraction himself

Period Class / Instructor / Grade (Failing, Passing, Decent, Excellent, Superb)
1 Fashion Identities / Hidalgo / Excellent
2 Economics / A.Vale / Superb
3 Hedge Mazes Alibi and Art / Yvane / Decent
4 Twoarth Geography (Skinside) / Rubio / Decent
5 Economic Structure and Reassignment Via Physical Means / Magpie / Superb
6 Cartography / Lari / Superb
7 Parkour and Free Running / Saqqaf / Superb
8 Journalism / Leland / Decent
Pets None, not likely to want one that may attract attention to him while he's working
Image From Azalea's Dolls 'Elf Boy' maker, flashpoint used
Other Info While attending Carramba (for 3 years, starts as Sophomore) he lives near the campus in an apartment provided by Alabaster, with two flatmates that hardly see him. They know he's there, his stuff changes on a regular basis, but he keeps to himself for the most part. However, he does enjoy participating in the local school-sponsored parkour and urban exploration events, and easily wins just because he knows he's got way more practice than the others


Likes and Dislikes:

Fears or Interruptions:



Other Info:

Void Travelers and Repurposed, Individual characters and information (c) 2022 and beyond, Lethe/Droppin the Fork | Dishonored (c) Bethesda; Half Life, Portal (c) Valve; Fear (c) Warner Brothers || Art assets (c) Bethesda / Arkane unless otherwise specified | Doll assets linked where possible | Any other images credited and/or linked where possible | No use off this site ( is permitted nor will be allowed without specific written request, and will never be available for No Fucking Thanks purposes