Image Credits: frame Arkane; figures City of Heroes

Name: Faith Sedlow

Gender/Preference: Female, she/her, 'anything you like, if the coin is right'

Age/DOB: 20 in 1837; 18th day, Month of Seeds | note that she is definitely still alive in the 'modern' era in 1855, and does not look a single day older than she is in this image ^

Faction: Marked, Courtesans of the Golden Cat

Family: Unknown family, she has distanced herself from them in as much as she does know who her mother was, never knew her father; the girls (and later men) at the Golden Cat are her family; no known children (mostly thanks to prevention)

Height/Build: 5'8" / slender and exactly as curvy as needed, flexible and much stronger than she looks

Hair: dark red, straight and shaggy, kept to nape of neck as shown

Eyes: crystal blue, perfectly done with liner and a bit of shadow

Appearance: peaches and cream skin with heavy tattooing on her arms, shoulders, back, and spine; these tattoos do glow at times, mostly when she's making her semi-ritual potions and charms; while she does have 'regular clothes' you'll more often notice her in her courtesan style leggings and dress, corset and choker - she likes lacey things, furs, and leather in equal amounts; she does wear makeup but her lips are dark red already; her voice is her power, she can speak in whispers and screams, her speaking voice sounds like thick peach brandy

"She would become a legend, but allows others into her spotlight, enough to keep that word off the lips of her customers. A sensible thought, for someone who has not grown old with the rest."


Skills and Occupation: She is versed in the sensual arts, like all the girls at the Golden Cat. She won't say how she learned these things, nor when, but she is very, very skilled indeed. Faith will work up to blackmail with some who come through the place, but only while Prudence was the Madam there. She plays a long game with others, and doesn't want the establishment to become known for losing secrets, or gaining diseases... She's not necessarily an herbalist, because her skills with plants and poisons or toxins come from the Mark she bears, and she can easily feign innocence of the effects with batting her eyes and claiming they were 'just so pretty, don't you think they look good against the wallpaper'. Her true skills however also include the paperwork for legal messes, payoffs, bribes and extortion, pretty much every interaction you'd expect out of a semi-legal establishment deep in the capitol of the Isles. She can dance 'backwards in high heels', and more than dance with anyone that tries to harm her - she will swiftly take out any intruders and call it 'lucky that vase was above him when he tripped and screamed like that!' Also while she is apt with deception, she only lies to those who intrude or are attempting to do anything that harms her or the girls, or the business.

Residence: While she works in the Golden Cat, she doesn't need to sleep there, making more than enough coin to afford a nice place overlooking the harbor nearby, with a two-floor apartment that has access to the roof. Under that roof she has a shrine to the Outsider and a spot where she mixes her potions and works on items for the girls at the Cat.

Notable Possessions: She has quite a few items of clothing, but also a number of garden planters that hang outside her balcony and along the walls of her attic space. These contain exotic herbs and poisonous plants, both pretty and painful.

^After the events of the late 1830s, Madam Prudence wisely decides to retire, and brings several of her 'best' girls forward to vie for the position of Madam. While the other two girls are definitely popular among the patrons and experienced with dealing with the City Watch or Overseers, it is Faith that takes up the mantle of Madam there in 1844. However, she does move the other two into positions of importance, because she has plans to expand the place, perhaps across the Isles...

Magical Preferences or Abilities: She was not a witch and does not consider herself one now, even though the Outsider granted her his Mark a few years before she joined the Golden Cat. But magic comes very easily to her, as do bonecharms, herbs and potions, runes, and heretical books. While she does use the herbs and potions and such, she fully reads and commits to memory any important things in those books and immediately resells them - she knows some people who know others, import-export people, to get rid of them quickly and safely. Her skills with people mean that she hears a lot of rumors or dirt, which often lead her to 'take that strange tingling artifact off your hands', she'll work in trade for those items, but only with customers that she herself vets for security.

Shown below are some notes taken by observers...

Personality: Worth Every Coin! That's what everyone says about her, anyway! She is canny and resourceful, a much smarter woman than most people would imagine given both her looks and her profession. She is calm, attentive, coy, it is all very much an act for whoever is paying - if she's relaxing with her friends she likes to laugh and reassure, comfort those who are stressed, or help plan behind the scenes if there is a bigger event working up. Even if she is protective of her Mark, she is rarely visibly defensive, knowing that looking honest is far more important than being honest...

Likes and Dislikes: lace, leather, repeat customers, and being able to let loose with magical screams on the rare nights when there are no Overseers to ... overhear. She doesn't care for dock workers touching her, but only because they leave lingering smells, she wants to be fresh not fishy

Fears or Interruptions: Some of those Overseers pay for pleasures that will condemn them to the Void later; she never - ever - takes Overseer coin, putting them with other ladies (or gents) to avoid the very real threat of them seeing her Mark and knowing what it actually is

History: Though Faith was not born to one of the courtesans of the Golden Cat, they eagerly accepted her into their ranks, and she quickly developed a following among the City Guard. Equally quick, the watchful eye of the Overseers of the Abbey - because certainly any girl working this bawdy house would be breaking numerous Strictures.

They'd be right: not only does she attract the Wandering Gaze, it leads to men with the Lying Tongue offering their wives or families excuses instead of dedication. She has Restless Hands with her painted lips and colored tattoos. Her Roving Feet lead right into the Golden Cat, a den of whores and thieves with unrestricted Rampant Hungers - the Wanton Flesh in focus. Perhaps the only Stricture she doesn't break is that of an Errant Mind, but who knows what she whispers to her patrons.

Not only all that - but she IS Marked by the Outsider, and these whispers can turn to shireks or shouts at any moment.


Name: Iotee Selamputo (eye OH tee)
Gender: Female
^Size/Shoulder/Length: medium-large 11' s / 45' l | 6'2" at head bipedal
Colors: double hypo-pigmentation, a piralan with no red; brightly yellow from nose to tail and legs, with paler creamy yellow on neck, belly, paws, and under tail; fur very pale yellow and platinum; gold armor, horns and claws medium-warm, gems and eyes black
Features: Wingless mutt with very feline shape, four legs with sleek paws and short claws; sturdy neck and long slender tail, long ears with little tufts, very short 'horns', eye and very light shoulder ridge armor (Hathian); moptop of mane hair, along upper neck, around shoulders and chest, and large tail tuft; gems set into skin on shoulders
Powers: Telepathy, Verbal Speech - with a clever mind that could never be called 'errant', Iotee has an expansive vocabulary that she 'hardly ever' gets to use on the people here... But she uses it anyway, enjoying the fear and occasional delight when drunken patrons of the Golden Cat have to admit they've had enough to drink or smoke, "that cat just talked to me about philosophy or maybe moon craters I'm not sure, I think I'm going home to sleep..."; Her voice is rich and deep, like one would expect from a creature that scrapes the ceilings with her shoulder fluff; as a humanoid it doesn't change much beyond its volume, a husky and deliciously deep womanly tone; her telepathic mind can reach Faith's regardless of the distance, and she can sense magical minds (there are a fair few still around Dunwall after all) but only chooses to mentally contact one or two carefully selected patrons or employees
Teleportation - improbably getting up to the very tip tops of roofs, or slinking around in the sewer system, appearing on the jagged rocks in the harbor or atop one of the abandoned whaling ships masts, Iotee enjoys moving in short measured stretches to whatever she can see clearly, and though she's larger than an cat she can still perch easily on small or precarious structures without disturbing them
Shapeshifting - rather than merely being a four-footed cat dragon, she is very much an Asandus able to shapeshift into a bite-sized... sorry human sized version of the above. She loves the looks that people give this exotic version, and she also loves the dresses that Faith has to put on her. You'd probably be surprised at how many Wandering Gazes she gets, and a fair few of them have developed a preference for that long fur-tipped tail - or maybe her claws
Summon Fire Elemental - what cat would be happy draped over a cold hearth? Not this one that's for sure. Though this magic works slightly strangely here in the World, it still works, and she can create a nearly-living fire near herself that 'obeys' her whim, moving here and there, or spreading to a shape, mostly to warm the patrons of the Golden Cat, but sometimes to fry up a shark or other creature she's caught in the bay. She would not send this elemental to kill any human, not even Overseers, that would be too easily tracked back to the 'big huge cat no it's an actual cat but it's huge' at the brothel
Parentage: Sire: Gold-Orange-White Fire Hathian/Piralan Auhato Selamputo Dam: Red Atuan Mutt Siebel
Origin: Fur and Feathers Frenzy Redux part 2, by Dray and Phe
Other Info: She is well aware of those around her, sniffing out which might become dangerous based on the background hum of their minds, though this is also obviously tempered by their physical response to a giant cat like herself lounging on the balcony overlooking the harbor. Between Iotee and Faith they have a good method of causing people to forget they've seen her, anything from a knock on the back of the head, to a quickly applied dart with just enough nightshade to cause a faceplant on the luxurious carpet; Faith has never had to resort to using her 'other' abilities to subdue someone trying to run around screaming, thankfully, at least not because of Iotee...


"Oh look, she has your eyes!" Faith giggled, as Iotee had followed her into the attic shrine. The Outsider remained somewhat passive but at that exclamation even his normally sedate face adopted a smirk.

"How will you ever manage to keep this a secret, Faith?" Levi asked, "she is... rather a lot bigger in her true form than this," he inclined his head toward Iotee who had, in the Void, her normal draconic size and configuration. "Does she even fit indoors?"

Are you telling me I'm fat, my dear? She was as bold as they came, but only in this friendly company.

"I wouldn't dare," Levi chuckled, casually approaching the dragoness, though even he was a bit intimidated by how up close she wanted to be to sniff at him. His own dragon friend Shrine was actually a good bit bulkier and larger, but didn't have the look of a cat about to pounce on her meal...

Void Travelers and Repurposed, Individual characters and information (c) 2022 and beyond, Lethe/Droppin the Fork | Dishonored (c) Bethesda; Half Life, Portal (c) Valve; Fear (c) Warner Brothers || Art assets (c) Bethesda / Arkane unless otherwise specified | Doll assets linked where possible | Any other images credited and/or linked where possible | No use off this site ( is permitted nor will be allowed without specific written request, and will never be available for No Fucking Thanks purposes