House Domina Personalities

Lenore McCrea, House Domina Weather Witch

Less than half a year before...

Leny bonded with two intense, amazing Mirus dragons. Their fur and feathers were coming in quickly, and they were growing big. Almost too big to get back to the Akalera land. But they did make it, and not a moment too soon.

Lenore and the two dragonets she tended would rest in a dorm where she was welcomed - somewhat coldly because they hadn't expected several of their candidates to already be paired up! Then, she headed off to the hatching grounds. There were still plenty of other eggs, and their brooding mothers angrily kept the hatchlings away from their unready nests.

For now though, her dragon partners were trying out their new shapeshifting gifts, and were ready to watch their friend potentially find another to add to their group. They even remained silent as they watched! Mostly, because they didn't want to bring any undue attention to themselves, with all the sudden carnage that the hatching brought!

As they were escorted through the main sands, toward Sunaka's clutch (which they were told, was a bit more sedate than these out here) their guide was attacked by a young hatchling, apparently intent on having the man for lunch!

Lenore managed to help remove the creature from him, and they moved on a little more carefully than before. Leny's natural predisposition for weather control could not help stop the huge storm that brewed outside - and for once it wasn't even her fault!

They'd gotten most of the way through the scary mess of dragons when two of the eggs shattered, spilling two dragonets out onto the sands, both with more limbs and wings than he could believe - obviously sired by Satieno, to judge by their multiple wings.

One, a stormy dark gray with blue-white mane and tail fluff struggled to its feet and tried to straighten out its two pairs of regular wings plus its wingarms. The other, white with icy blue mane and tail fluff, straightened itself out swiftly, and sauntered over to Navidad, settling next to the dragoness and looking up at her with wide, pale rainbow eyes.

~I’m Tnalexan. You don’t mind if I go home with you, do you?~

The second, finally managing to control all her limbs, walked carefully across the sands towards Leny, her paws covered in tiny bolts of lightning that danced from toe to toe. ~Leny, I’m Arunatara. Together we will learn of control and the weather, won’t we?~

Lenore turned to her two companions and grinned widely. "We sure will!" The trio became a foursome, just like that!

Name: Arunatara
Gender: Female
Bonded to: Leny
Color: Winter Storm
Mother: Sunaka
Father: Satieno
Abilities: Telepathy, Teleportation, Full-Shifting, Summon Fire Elemental (Fire/Lv. 4)
Special Abilities: Storm magic, Lightning paws (an aura around her paws that looks like little lightning bolts dancing across her paws, she can make it be just an aura, or have it actually affect things at will), Air magic
Personality: An optimist, Arunatara is always looking on the bright side of things. She's a bit clumsy when she forgets to be careful (you try walking around with so many limbs and not end up accidently knocking things over!) but makes up for it with her sweetness and cheerful attitude, meaning few can remain angry at her for long.



Name: Kiyeno Deeabath
Gender: Male
Colour: Red
Species: Piralan / Dragon Mutt
Height: 14'
Length: 33'
Personality: Hot-tempered and fiercely passionate about what he believes in, Kiyeno is someone to avoid upsetting.
Abilities: Telepathy, Teleportation, Partial Shifting, Ice Breath Weapon
Bonded To: Lenore McCrea


Name: Syana Deeabath
Gender: Female
Colour: Dark Green
Species: Piralan / Dragon Mutt
Height: 14'
Length: 31'
Personality: Syana is a strong, determined individual who will never, ever give up, no matter how hopeless things seem.
Abilities: Teleportation, Full Shifting, Functional Magic, Ice Breath Weapon
Bonded To: Lenore McCrea


Visit Clan Akelara, hosting the Winter's Dark Heart frenzy, where Leny is/was standing.

Leny is hoping to find a dragon friend somewhere... Perhaps at Mirus.

House Domina Logo is comprised of several PSP tube images available online, and my own work. It is in no way shape or form an attempt to infringe upon the 'official' Houses described in the Harry Potter books/movies. If you're in House Domina, you may use this logo! If not, get your own darn house!