Caution: Mature Content - 16+


Outside, the swarm of magical creatures got bigger, on the horizon. They didn't seem to be stopping on their way, it was a direct course toward the Castle. Kell stood straight-backed, beside Weyland. Empal arrived, angry.

"This is your fault," he growled but they weren't sure whether he meant Kell or Weyland. Probably both, plus himself in the mix.

When the force had come close enough for some keen eyed individuals to see it, someone yelled, "they ride Hydra!" Which wasn't entirely true. They rode hybrid creatures that Carnos had bred for such things. Something like a large horse in size, but with wide batwings, and long sinuous necks graced by snakelike heads. Some had more than one head, it was true, but they were hardly true Hydra. Besides, everyone knew that true Hydra didn't have wings.

When they had reached the edge of the Castle's protective shell, Kell saw that it dropped for the quintet and their guards. It did not come back up, and Kell wondered if the boy had died, or just been turned off by a command issued by Carnos.

Unexpectedly, however, before anyone could do much of anything in terms of greeting or shooing away the invaders, Empal had grasped hold of Kell's arm, and took a long dagger to her gut. He sliced it through her, pulling out a good chunk of meat with it when he pulled it free. For the moment, Kell was so surprised that she fell to her knees and gripped her stomach.

"Carnos, the girl is dead! Call this off!" Empal bellowed.

Carnos looked at the Lord, the girl on her knees, and the group of highly charged magical students beyond. "Well the place is certainly better defended than the last time I was here," he chuckled.

"She's dead - it was Weyland who took her." Empal said.

"I know that, you dolt, I let him have her back. Can't you see he's foolishly in love with her?" Carnos spat. He dropped to the ground from his winged steed, but came no closer than a dozen yards or more away.

Kell meanwhile had looked at her gut. Under her hands was a thick blackish substance: the goo that Weyland made for her. It really was her lifeblood, wasn't it? She was in a bit of pain, but she stood up anyway.

"I'm dead, yes," she said. "But that's hardly an issue. I've been dead for weeks."

Even Carnos stood in shock at this. He'd seen Empal push the kris into the girl.

Kell turned to Weyland, who had remained standing - he knew that she wouldn't be troubled by this too much. But what she had to say, certainly would.

"Weyland, please forgive me. And make me a promise." She said, in a hush.

"Wh-what?" He said, "why?"

"Promise me that if I become a monster, that you find a way to destroy me properly. I don't want to be killed only to have to watch all of eternity from a pine box."

Weyland's eyes turned sad, horrified.

"I have to," she whispered.

Weyland nodded, and for the first time since turning her to a Revenant, he threw his arms around her and kissed her. He came away with a bit of the black-green goo on his robes, but he hardly cared.

"Now, you'll have to hold on a minute," Kell said to Carnos. "I know you'll be wanting to fight too. That's fine. Wait your turn."

His eyebrow went up, but he indulged her. He had always been a bit amused at this girl - even when she was their curse-catcher.

Then Kell turned to Empal. "You made me into this," she said. "And I've heard that blood is a whole lot better than a potion for keeping me animated and friendly."

She launched herself at Empal, and his surprise prevented him from even putting up his arms in defense. They tumbled to the ground, and Kell tore his neck with her teeth. She didn't have a vampire's or wolf's sharp cutting teeth, but they were enough to draw a considerable spot of skin open. She pressed her face to the wound, and gulped back throatfulls of blood.

It was hot, when it went into her mouth. She swallowed it, it went down into her body with the same speed as the revivication liquid had and with at least as much purpose. It filled her suddenly with power as though she'd never even been alive.

She raised her head from the Lord's neck, and pressed her hand onto his throat to stop the bleeding. "Cauterize," she said, and her fingers grew warm enough to stem the flow completely. Kell stood, not even bothering to wipe the blood from her face and hands.

She could see so much more, all the pinpricks of light scattered around the castle turned to vibrant pieces of information: a farmer's son and three goats, the baker and a pair of children at his shop, a young young child who could probably become a strong mage... And the flavor of blood left her tongue when it was interrupted by the taint of Carnos and his sons nearby.

"Well, that's much better," Kell said. "It certainly is." She turned to see Weyland gazing at her. His expression showed a little fear, some disgust, but more the calm confidence that he had in her. That she had made him promise to destroy her was obviously more important than any silly fears about how she'd really act. He knew.

Kell looked back at Carnos, who had taken out a sword in one hand, and a wand in the other.

"You won't be needing those," Kell announced shortly, "Obitus abominare!" She yelled, pointing directly at him.

Carnos crumbled to dust. His expression hadn't even had time to change. The wand and sword went with him, slightly vaporized like his clothing. The steed behind him sustained a huge hole in its side, gaping through the wing, and it couldn't even let out a scream of pain before it dropped. Fortunately, nothing else was behind Carnos.

His sons stood motionless, then half a moment later they began to mount their own steeds again.

Kell said clearly, "if I see or even breathe a scent of your kin, guards or servants anywhere near these Lands," she told them, "your entire line will be erased - no one will even remember Bolec Keep!"

They didn't stop to listen, but it was certain that they heard. They all but vanished in a cloud of dust, leaving the pile of brine and grit that was their father, along with his steed, behind.

"How is this possible," Empal gasped, still on the ground and still holding his throat with one hand. "You've never even-"

"I've only ever been cursed. It's the one thing I do know how to do very well indeed." Kell said. She stretched her arms out, embracing the sky. She then looked down at her torso, which was still covered with guck. Kell removed her robe, and pulled off her shirt. She had never gained any embarrassment about being nude, even yet.

There was no evidence of the wound that Empal's kris dagger had inflicted on her. Having been injured only once in the weeks before this, and having watched her wound heal in but a day, this was new.

"That was quick," she muttered. "Wow. This does feel good." Kell breathed in, and she did indeed feel a beating within her breast: her heart had awakened.

But it was with Empal's blood. That alone was what turned her away from sucking him dry. She knew that he ought to remain alive, if anything just to be shamed into admitting defeat. And now, his castle and lands were 'safe' again. And perhaps, his son had returned to him properly. Boy would he be pissed!

"Weyland," Kell said, "now I understand what it's like. I can see how it could be addictive." She ran her fingers over her messy hair. "But I'll try and keep to the potion. Unless you - think I should try eating animals or something."

"You do what is necessary," Weyland said, "and... I will keep my promise."

Kell smiled, and she actually felt a blush on her face. She licked her lips. "I love you, Weyland. So we'll need to find more of that Spilla bloom."

Weyland breathed out and let off a relieved sigh. "There is still some time left to look. And you know how to keep yourself under control. I trust you with that," he said.


Weeks went by, and Kell was slowly put back into a slightly chilled state. She thought it left her a little stiff. The power that blood gave to her was so strong! It made her feel not just alive, but alive and -- She reminded herself that if Weyland was afraid and ashamed of her in her current state, how must it be for him to think about how she could spiral into a viscious vampiric Revenant if she let herself slip? This was a team effort.

It wasn't too much later, after Empal's son did indeed come staggering out of the dungeon only to spit blood onto his father's face and vanish entirely off the grounds, that another odd sensation pervaded the area. The same boy who had a strong Sight came to Kell and consulted with her.

"Powerful," she said. "Distant, and ... not from here. Their auras are quite distinct."

Weyland stood next to her, on the parapet where they watched the sky. From the south this time, came some small number of shining auras.

"They're on dragons -" the kid said. This time, he was right.

"But friendly dragons," Kell said, to calm him. "Look at them. Their auras are strong, and they have human riders. Hmn, look at that." She grunted to herself, and glanced at Weyland. "One of them feels almost just like you. Strong mage, pretending not to be."

"You always overestimate me," Weyland muttered, but she was right, after all. He was just trying to be humble. After she learned how old he was - almost four hundred - she kept chiding him for not just demanding to own the Castle outright.

Two riders came upon largish dragons. Though both dragons looked quite impressive, one seemed to be a bit put off by the whole event. She - for some reason the pair was certain that it was female - snapped at her companion as they landed.

"Greetings!" Called out one of the riders, the woman. "Hi! Is it okay to land here? Eew," she said of the mess on the ground where the remains of Carnos and his steed. They had been left as a reminder, perhaps someone would think to cover them in something, later on.

"Let's get this over with, shall we?" Said the male rider, whose dragon remained perched upright on her tall legs. "We are from Cy Dragonstake, and there's been a flight."

Weyland blinked, his face not showing his confusion. Kell took in a breath - sort of - and turned to him for enlightenment. When he couldn't give it to her, she tilted her head at the riders.

"Well, what does that mean to us?" She asked.

"It means that there may be a dragon on our sands that would come to you, to bond!" The woman rider said, cheerfully." The dark dragoness beside her snorted and turned away. "Oh hush Birana, you're just jealous of them because there are none of your eggs on this nest."

Birana's rider, the male, leaned on her long neck and gave off an audible sigh.

"We're going to take you to the sands, you stand there," He muttered something else about looking like idiots just like they did just now, and the woman rider tried reaching over to smack him, didn't succeed, and he went on, "and if there is a dragon that likes you, it'll come to you. The way that Birana and I came together, and these two - all other pairs. We're not just riding beasts."

"Not like those," Kell pointed out the remains of the steed-thing nearby. Birana was sniffing at them, but didn't take a nip of it. "I can tell these dragons are ... very much alive."

"And you aren't," the rider stated flatly. "But I guess that doesn't mean anything in the long run. I've heard some strange stories about bonding pairs in the past. At least you're walking and talking."

Weyland nodded, and tugged at Kell. "We'll need to prepare more of your potion. Who knows how long this will take? And if there are any similar ingredients on their ..." He turned, "where exactly did you say you came from? I've never heard of it."

"Cy Dragonstake," the woman rider said, "we'll be transporting through the Nexus to get there, it's not found on this planet."

"Ah - that explains it," Weyland looked a bit concerned. Again he turned to Kell. "So... I'll get on that." He glanced up at the riders. "We must prepare first," he said, and they dismounted.

"Someone could show us around," the woman said, smiling.

"I'll do that," Kell offered, "you go mix that up."


Eventually, everything was prepared. Kell had a certain amount of the potion, but it nearly wiped out their supply of herbs and mixtures. It would be close. But, Kell knew that Weyland had done something to them, perhaps they'd refill themselves or the potion bottles were actually bigger on the inside than the outside. She'd find out later, since she didn't need any right at this moment.

For that moment, they gathered their clothing and bid a temporary farewell to the school inhabitants (and grudgingly admitted that they didn't want to leave the place in Empal's care. He'd survived, been healed, and completely mistrusted the pair now, enough to be afraid of both of them.

So the pairs of lovers, dragonriders and dragons lifted into the air, and teleported to Cy for their amazing Valentine's clutch!

