Caution: Mature Content - 16+


Cy was abuzz with talking and dragon speech. Kell had managed to keep her head on her shoulders in the time they were there, and Weyland had located herbs and ingredients for a new potion which he thought was an exceptional replacement for her original one. They kept her warm, where the old one did not. Not quite up to body-temperature, though...

He decided that the vials of her drink that he'd made special, would wait. There would come a time when she'd need that version. Those few vials contained not only the herbal tonic, but an amount of his own blood.

When the word spread that the eggs were going to hatch, everyone made their way to the hot sands. It was a pretty location, and had been dolled up for the holiday spirit, with pink and red and roses and other flowers decorating every hallway.

A beautiful red-colored hatchling started the event, and paired up. The excitement mounted as each egg in turn revealed a beautiful dragonet. Only a couple hatchings in, a fantastic pink and red bellied one turned her eyes toward Kell.

There was a strange feeling that Kell 'heard' in her mind. She knew immediately that this dragonet was hers.

My name, say it. The dragon coaxed her.

"... Ardere Vitus," Kell said, unsure. It sounded like a spell to her. The dragonet sat before her, in all her glory. Then, lowered her head close.

Yes, but that is not all. The dragon sent an image, herself, only in a shade of silvery-black, a nighttime feel.

"You... change color?" Kell asked, awed.

Yes, at night. Then, though, I am not Ardere Vitus, but instead...

"Sanguineus Cor," Kell said, straightening. Certainly, the blood would do different things in day and night?

Ardere Vitus or Sanguineus Cor

Weyland looked on, beaming with pride. Kell's dragon was a lovely pink - to his eyes. He knew there was something more to her, though. It just seemed that the dragonet was rather like Kell - she had something to hide.

Another half dozen dragonets came from their shells, and Weyland continued to look to the kitchens where he knew Kell and her dragon were feasting. A large dark red marked dragon hatched, and announced broadly to all that he was not going to take a bond. That sent a shiver through Weyland - his tone was so strong and stern!

The hatching continued on, inexorably ... Weyland and the rest watched in horror as a dragonet that was attached at the side to its egg-partner came out. It almost looked as though G*non was going to kill it, put it out of its misery, but it didn't look as though it was really miserable at all. Perhaps some day, they could be separated.

Perhaps not. Weyland was certain he'd want to hear more about that dragon later, though. For now, long minutes, almost an hour, dragged along. The hatchlings stumbled out of their shells one by one, or two by two, or four at a time. But they chose slowly - some of them choosing not to bond. They seemed a bit put off, those unbonded ones. Perhaps it was that they were expecting someone, and there was no one there. Weyland knew the feeling.

However, as he was going to start moping - there were so few eggs left he wondered why he was still standing there on the sands - a smallish dragon came from his shell abruptly. Spined, with markings like lightning over his skin, the dragonet came out and looked for Weyland.

Weyland, you did the right thing. The hatchling spoke in a warm, comfortable tone. He was strong, if a little small compared to some in the hatching.

Weyland gulped. The dragonet knew that he'd... well. That was interesting. The mage reached out to touch his dragonet (HIS dragon!) and said, "I hope that you are right, Tempestas."

I know I am, my friend. Now, I hunger. Your partner will want to see me, too!

"I'm sure of that!" Weyland happily said, and led the red off to the feast.


