. Caution: Mature Content - 16+


Ardere Vitus or Sanguineus Cor
Ardere Vitus/Sanguineus Cor



After a number of years learning more about her magic, innate and otherwise, Kell and Weyland had also come to a more formal agreement about 'them'. Weyland's deep love of the girl was tempered by the knowledge of what he had done to her; Kell's adoration of Weyland deepened even with that knowledge.

Their dragons of course helped. They helped in ways that the pair never expected. Protective and sure of themselves, the dragons roosted in the castle itself, atop it really, and kept opponents away with ease. They also attracted their fair share of dragon hunters and curiosity seekers. Donations to the castle kept their quarters repaired, things were good.

Weyland heard Tempestas say something, though, that made him perk up. Something on their minds, these dragons were surely going to become mates as Weyland and Kell were now. But they were lonely in another way - they wanted companionship before they committed to a clutch of eggs.

"What to do about that, then?" Kell asked, when Weyland had told her about it. They drifted between rooms while cleaning, the classes for this year were over and the students would not return for another seven weeks. The pair and the folk in the Castle now were busy fixing damage, repairing worn stairs or windows, doing the work which could not be done while the school was busy.

"Well, we could find ... other dragons?" Weyland said. He cast a shadow-servant at a wall and it began scrubbing, Kell did it the old fashioned way on the window where she stood. It was near the location where she'd spent those four years as a statue, and the spot brought mist to her eyes.

"It all kind of started here," she said, and felt Weyland's warm arm over her shoulders. "Thank you yet again, Weyland my love," she sighed. They got back to work, while the dragons on the lawn outside conferred to each other.

What do you think, tell them what we have found?

Yes, I would like to go and learn about how to care for the next generation before actually... making one.

Shortly, when evening was on the way and Sanguineous Cor became the female dragon's dominant 'persona', the pair of dragons greeted their bonds with the news that they had located a place to visit, and perhaps... Bring back with them another of their own kind.

That place was known as Lantessama, and was holding an odd, somewhat cryptic clutch. The records of prior nests held surprises and queer dragons that may very well serve a frightening purpose - but also those records showed hatchlings that could be described anywhere between 'adorable' and 'disgusting'. Anything, in other words, was possible from this place and its seasonal nests.

Nervously the foursome waited for word of whether they would be accepted as a group, individually, or not at all.


It was strange, the way that the 'hatchlings' behaved. Some of them were upright, dramatic, draconic and vampiric, while others were more dog-like, in fact they were even the size of dogs! It was to Kell and Weyland that a foursome of such hounds pranced.

Brown Sinc, tan Tward, white Eternae and black Dmation all gathered, not quite slobbery and not really sedate. Kell laughed, "they're precious!"

While Weyland wasn't as impressed. "Is that what they are..."

"Not a dog person are you Weyland?" Kell asked, laughing as the strange summoned beasts set up camp around her. They circled Weyland suspiciously, and the dragons they'd bonded already chuckled to each other.

"Not... especially," Weyland said, turning around to watch the black one, Dmation, who nipped at his fingers.

I think they will do nicely as guards at the castle, Tempestas said.

I believe you're right, Sanguineous/Ardere replied happily.


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