Student Gender: male Iokua Anaru
Background: Half-Blooded (mother), lower-middle class
Personality: Unique
Cultural Background: Islander (Asian), atypical (eyes peach) and is pretty/handsome
Attending: Small Local School
Favorite Subject: Muggle Studies
Worst Subject: Entertainment and Communication
Professional Goal: Muggle Protector
Year/Age: 4th year, age 14
Length: long, 14.5 inch
Wood: Willow (fertility)
Core: Roc beak powder (binding power)
Favored Spell: colloportus - to close and seal a door
Familiar: none
Unique: Animagus - forced themself to learn to transform into Weasel
Quidditch: performs as a practice Referee |
Student Gender: female Bahtyia Noor
Background: Half-Blooded (one parent and a sibling), lower-middle class
Personality: Bold
Cultural Background: Middle Eastern, atypical (eyes goldenrod) and slightly feral in appearance
Attending: Small Local School
Favorite Subject: Entertainment and Communication
Worst Subject: Runes
Professional Goal: Wizarding Wireless Network Reporter
Year/Age: 5th year, age 16
Length: shortish, 8.5 inch
Wood: Mahagony (transfiguration)
Core: Werewolf fur (shapeshifting)
Favored Spell: flying magic - spells that allow the caster to swoop through the air!
Familiar: none
Unique: Animagus - forced themself to learn to transform into Quail
Quidditch: doesn't care for sports |
Student Gender: male Vahan Nagib
Background: Pure Blooded, newer family, middle class
Personality: Elitist, Unique
Cultural Background: Middle Eastern, typical and is pretty/handsome
Attending: Small Local School
Favorite Subject: Special skill - Legilimency
Worst Subject: Potions
Professional Goal: Inquisitor
Year/Age: 5th year, age 15
Length: average length 11.5 inch
Wood: Poplar (rebirth)
Core: Phoenix tears (healing affinity)
Favored Spell: emotional manipulation and pressure attacks
Familiar: all animals (non-magical) respond to them
Unique: Animagus - easily transforms into Gorilla shape
Quidditch: plays Chaser position, plays adequately |
Student Gender: male Zvonko Spiridon
Background: Half-Blooded (father), very wealthy
Personality: Gluttonous
Cultural Background: Eastern European, typical and is kind of unattractive
Attending: Small Local School
Favorite Subject: Entertainment and Communication
Worst Subject: Scroll Scribing
Professional Goal: Auror
Year/Age: 4th year, age 14
Length: long, 15 inch
Wood: Manzanita (exotic)
Core: Pegasus tail hair (defensive spells)
Favored Spell: finite - a charm that causes all nearby magic to stop
Familiar: none
Unique: Animagus - easily transforms into Wolf shape
Quidditch: performs as a practice Referee |
Fairly soon, Zvonko was the one who got to be praised and congratulated. For out came a batch of hatchlings just for him!
Well, perhaps not JUST for him. The brilliant blue Ghanen trundled up to him first and placed his huge paws on Zvonko's knee. "There will be plenty of work to do, but I will never ignore you. Look, look, here they come."
Zvonko did look, and there were way too many heads for the number of bodies arriving toward him! The slinky and already-elegant two headed leopard-patterned one approached first, and it was clear that hir two heads didn't necessarily think the same things. Zvonko heard their chatter in his mind.
We'll be fine, but you should say hello too. I don't want to, you've already done it and here we are. No, Zvonko we are not arguing.
"I... okay, you're not arguing, but who are you?" Zvonko heard two distinctly different genders there, he wondered did this creature also have...
I am Erythia. I am Shuka.
"Well it's great to meet you!" Zvonko said. In his mind, however, he heard a third voice, that of Ghanen.
They are together more than just in body, my friend. They share a bond not unlike our own. Even if they could be parted in body, they would never be parted in soul.
Zvonko nodded.
A very dark and reasonably small creature scampered up to the trio (foursome?) and gave a barking laugh, sped off again, and was shortly chased after by a two headed, slightly lighter leopard-colored female. They led a merry chase around the others, until finally collapsing together.
"Ghado and Alondra," Ghanen announced. "They are together, wishing to explore with us."
Apparently this time, the one with two heads didn't have different personalities in them: she yawned at two different times, but had the same exact stare in her golden-yellow eyes as she looked up at Zvonko.
"Well this should be all kinds of fun then!" Zvonko cackled. Now he was a real pack leader! |
Name: Ghanen
Race: Winged Snake Demi-god/Crow-dragon
Gender: Male
Color: Blue-Green
Size: 32'
Abilities: Verbal Speech, Telepathy, Teleportation, Very long-lived (1000s of years), Major Powers over Water and Wood
Personality: Ghanen can be stubborn, but also easily excitable and energetic. He is extremely friendly and outgoing, with a love of meeting strangers. He is surprisingly intelligent, though he prefers to keep his knowledge to himself most of the time, but some of his comments tend to surprise people.
Notes: Sort-of demi-gods in the same way Kukulcan is sort-of a snake-god. Very powerful in their element(s) and long-lived, but otherwise mortal. The kids all possess a mask that they wear as they get older. The gems on their foreheads and bodies indicate their elements, and their big feathery wings grow out from the rainbow bands on their back.
Bond: Zvonko
 Name: Erythia (Left)
Race: Pernese/Catdragon
Gender: Female
Color: Spotted Brown (Leopard)
Size: 34'
Abilities: Telepathy, Teleportation, Assisted Firebreath
Personality: Shy and withdrawn, she prefers to keep to herself, though she is close (in more ways than one) to Shuka. She falls in love easily, though she finds it difficult to talk to whoever her latest crush is. She is surprisingly intelligent, though it is something that few people other than Zvonko and Shuka ever see of her.
Bond: Shuka
Sponsor: Zvonko
Name: Shuka (Right)
Race: Pernese/Catdragon
Gender: Male
Color: Spotted Brown (Leopard)
Size: 34'
Abilities: Telepathy, Teleportation, Assisted Firebreath
Personality: More independant than Erythia and not as outgoing either, he is friendly for Erythia's sake but otherwise very quiet and even rude if his short temper is roused. He is very intelligent, though logically-minded and not as creative as Erythia.
Bond: Erythia
Sponsor: Zvonko

Name: Alondra
Race: Two-Headed Jaguar Hydra
Gender: Female
Color: Brown-spotted Yellow (Jaguar)
Size: 36' long
Abilities: Telepathy, teleportation, vocal speech, illusion, shape-shifting
Personality: Friendly and outgoing, Alondra is quite extroverted and a bit of a flirt. She does have a bit of a rebellious streak and doesn't always do what she's told, especially if she thinks she has a better way of doing things. She is not the smartest dragon either, and tends to get confused easily.
Bond: Ghado
Sponsor: Zvonko

Name: Ghado
Race: Hound/Lynaxi
Gender: Male
Color: Black-Green
Size: 25' long
Abilities: Vocal speech, camouflage, darkness breath
Personality: Very protective of Alondra, he is not as daring as the hydra, but he is willing to follow her into whatever trouble she's gotten into. He is as friendly and outgoing as his bond, though, and likes to explore new places and meet new types of dragons.
Bond: Alondra
Sponsor: Zvonko |