Candidates for the Darkling Dawn Fauna Frenzy

Student Gender: male Iokua Anaru
Background: Half-Blooded (mother), lower-middle class
Personality: Unique
Cultural Background: Islander (Asian), atypical (eyes peach) and is pretty/handsome

Attending: Small Local School
Favorite Subject: Muggle Studies
Worst Subject: Entertainment and Communication
Professional Goal: Muggle Protector
Year/Age: 4th year, age 14

Length: long, 14.5 inch
Wood: Willow (fertility)
Core: Roc beak powder (binding power)
Favored Spell: colloportus - to close and seal a door

Familiar: none

Unique: Animagus - forced themself to learn to transform into Weasel

Quidditch: performs as a practice Referee

Student Gender: female Bahtyia Noor
Background: Half-Blooded (one parent and a sibling), lower-middle class
Personality: Bold
Cultural Background: Middle Eastern, atypical (eyes goldenrod) and slightly feral in appearance

Attending: Small Local School
Favorite Subject: Entertainment and Communication
Worst Subject: Runes
Professional Goal: Wizarding Wireless Network Reporter
Year/Age: 5th year, age 16

Length: shortish, 8.5 inch
Wood: Mahagony (transfiguration)
Core: Werewolf fur (shapeshifting)
Favored Spell: flying magic - spells that allow the caster to swoop through the air!

Familiar: none

Unique: Animagus - forced themself to learn to transform into Quail

Quidditch: doesn't care for sports

Student Gender: male Vahan Nagib
Background: Pure Blooded, newer family, middle class
Personality: Elitist, Unique
Cultural Background: Middle Eastern, typical and is pretty/handsome

Attending: Small Local School
Favorite Subject: Special skill - Legilimency
Worst Subject: Potions
Professional Goal: Inquisitor
Year/Age: 5th year, age 15

Length: average length 11.5 inch
Wood: Poplar (rebirth)
Core: Phoenix tears (healing affinity)
Favored Spell: emotional manipulation and pressure attacks

Familiar: all animals (non-magical) respond to them

Unique: Animagus - easily transforms into Gorilla shape

Quidditch: plays Chaser position, plays adequately

Student Gender: male Zvonko Spiridon
Background: Half-Blooded (father), very wealthy
Personality: Gluttonous
Cultural Background: Eastern European, typical and is kind of unattractive

Attending: Small Local School
Favorite Subject: Entertainment and Communication
Worst Subject: Scroll Scribing
Professional Goal: Auror
Year/Age: 4th year, age 14

Length: long, 15 inch
Wood: Manzanita (exotic)
Core: Pegasus tail hair (defensive spells)
Favored Spell: finite - a charm that causes all nearby magic to stop

Familiar: none

Unique: Animagus - easily transforms into Wolf shape

Quidditch: performs as a practice Referee



They settled in pretty well, relaxing because it was hardly a Muggle world, there were all kinds of other things to do and see in the meantime outside of a bit of studying and learning about the parents of the nests. After a few days, they got the go-ahead to start visiting individual nests as they wished. Because of the parents' appearance, Bahtyia was interested in one particular clutch here.

Ainkar Jariane's long body was curled around her clutch when Bahtyia approached the hatchlings, but she looked at the quail-shifter calmly and gave a slight nod of her head.
Several exuberant hatchlings ran up to her immediately, all of them shooting questions at her and jostling each other, but one particular hatchling stood out to Bahtyia.
She was a little female with rather plain brown feathers, and she hung back from the group a bit, but it was clear she was not shy, just a bit calmer and more patient. She gave a toothy smile, and Bahtyia knew this was the one for her. "My name's Chibirias, Bahtyia!"

Bahtyia was excited, but she showed it in her bright smile, nothing fancy. They would make a great team. "Oh when you learn to fly, your wings are going to be so beautiful!" She commented, as they went back to a more private spot to learn more about each other. And sure, the boys were jealous - Zvonko the most, probably, because of his more eager and more outgoing nature. But they all stopped by to congratulate her, look over the dragonet, and wonder which of them would be next!

Name: Chibirias
Race: Winged Snake Demi-god/Crow-dragon
Gender: Female
Color: Brown-Yellow
Size: 24'
Abilities: Verbal Speech, Telepathy, Teleportation, Very long-lived (1000s of years), Major Powers over Rock and Earth
Personality: Usually friendly and cheerful, with an upbeat, optomistic personality, just as long as you don't get her mad, because she turns into a raging demon when her extremely long patience runs out, and only her bond has any sort of control over her then. She is otherwise a stable and sensible dragon.
Notes: Sort-of demi-gods in the same way Kukulcan is sort-of a snake-god. Very powerful in their element(s) and long-lived, but otherwise mortal. The kids all possess a mask that they wear as they get older. The gems on their foreheads and bodies indicate their elements, and their big feathery wings grow out from the rainbow bands on their back.
Bond: Bahtyia

Waiting until well after most of her siblings had found partners in a bond or sponsor, Raevale finally succeeded in coaxing a shy, grayish white hatchling to the candidates. She wavered a bit, unsure, but finally stretched her neck up to meet Iokua's eyes and let out a pleased hum.

May I go home with you, Iokua? I won't be any trouble, I promise. My name is Shina.

Iokua laughed gently, warmly greeting his newfound friend. But that wasn't all! Shina was soon followed by another hatchling that couldn't have appeared more different. The golden-yellow hatchling was obviously from Chylandra's clutch, and her hide was heavily spotted with black markings. She bounced rather than walked over to Iokua, radiating happiness and excitement. I wanna go! I wanna come too. Can I, Iokua, can I go with you too? Oh, I'm Sasper, by the way.

It was more than he could ever have imagined, but Iokua took it in stride as he would whenever things suddenly changed. The Wheel of Fortune certainly spun around for wizards like him. He felt much closer in his heart to the cheetah-patterned female, their bond was more solid than the dolphin dragon's, but certainly Shina would be a terrific addition to their Pack. She'll have to reside mostly in the nearby chilly lake, but that will merely give the group a good reason to head down there more often.

Name: Shina
Race: Pernese/Dolphin Dragon
Gender: Female
Color: White (Chinese White Dolphin)
Size: 19'
Abilities: Telepathy, teleportation
Personality: An extremely shy and quiet dragon, Shina can be very sweet and compassionate, but she gets scared easily in social situations and isn't very outgoing. She can be kind and helpful towards people she knows, though. She appreciates her solitude, but she also loves to explore, and is never found in one place for very long.
Notes: They need to be near water, and they're quite honestly happier in the water than out, but they can hop around on the land with their flippers, like a sea lion. (As Shina gets older, she'll become more white than grey)
Sponsor: Iokua

Name: Sasper
Race: Pernese/Malnev Dragon
Gender: Female
Color: Cheetah-spotted
Size: 21'
Abilities: Telepathy, teleportation, assisted firebreath, flight magic
Personality: A bubbly and outgoing dragon, as gregarious as Shina is shy, Sasper can be a bit overbearing, even crazy in her hyperness. She's a bit clumsy when excited and tends to break or knock stuff over with her tail and wings especially. She loves to be around other people, though, and even tries to get Shina to come out of her shell on occasion. She likes to talk too; unfortunately she doesn't always pay attention to what she says.
Bond: Iokua

A pair of dragons hatched from Chylandra's brood at the same time, tripping over each other in their haste to get to the candidates assembled nearby. The much larger orange male growled irritably at his sibling, but the white hatchling paid him no mind, glancing over the candidates and sponsors cheerfully, even chatting with a few of them, until finally she came to Vahan.

I think you're the most interesting one here. Can I stay with you? Vahan was happy to oblige, and Azoeba crooned happily. And while it was clear that this friendship would be a good one, there was more to come.

Seeing where his sister was heading, the brown-striped orange dragon hesitated, wandered around a bit, but finally went to join her. I don't particularly care to be around Azoeba, Roan grumbled, But I guess there's nothing to be done about that. Azoebe stuck her tongue out at him and slapped him with her tail.

But that wasn't all either. Possibly the natural attraction that animals felt toward Vahan, and his toward all animal life, meant that there was one more of these younglings on the sands that was looking for him. As he wandered by another group of hatchlings, one of them strode into his path and glanced up at him, weighing him and his new sponsors in her mind. She was a large dragon for her young age, and covered with three-toned fur, but her eyes were shrewd. I'll go with you as well, I suppose. My name is Crynnelan.

Oh yes, this would be an adventure.

Name: Azoeba
Race: Pernese/Malnev Dragon
Gender: Female
Color: Black-Striped White (Tiger)
Size: 19'
Abilities: Telepathy, Teleportation, Assisted Firebreath, Flight Magic
Personality: Azoeba's very social and outgoing, but it could hardly be said she's normal. She's got a very odd sense of humor, and she has a tendency to laugh for no apparent reason, or make jokes only she understands. She gets exasperated sometimes that no one understands her, but on the whole she enjoys her weirdness and the reactions of others.
Sponsor: Vahan

Name: Roan
Race: Pernese/Malnev Dragon
Gender: Male
Color: Brown-Striped Orange (Tiger)
Size: 29'
Abilities: Telepathy, Teleportation, Assisted Firebreath, Flight Magic
Personality: He's pretty easy to upset and he doesn't like being teased. That doesn't stop Azoeba, of course, but if it were anyone else, they'd probably get a fireball in their face in short order. He can also be pretty stubborn and headstrong, always wanting to do things his way, but in the right mood, he listens well and is willing to take the advice he's given.
Sponsor: Vahan

Name: Crynnelan
Race: Pernese/Catdragon
Gender: Female
Color: Calico
Size: 39'
Abilities: Telepathy, Teleportation, Assisted Firebreath
Personality: Crynnelan makes a big show of not giving a flip for other people, but deep deep down she not impressed with humanity (or dragonity, whatever). She's very harsh and quick to judge others, she doesn't go easy on anyone, but that goes for herself as well, and though she may not show it, she does have some self-esteem issues and worries overmuch about the faults she sees in herself.
Sponsor: Vahan

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