Settling among the weird folk of House Domina, it was easy to see that Cressida would be just as aggressive in her pursuit of knowledge and ability here as at Hogwarts. She flung herself into studies, learning many different ways to do spells that she hadn't bothered with for years before. How to chop up food and serve it, for instance... But she only really wanted that, because she knew having a dragon would mean a bit more responsibilities. She didn't particularly want to learn to cook - house elves tended to that kind of thing most of her life. But now?

She also found a specific location and a very specific dragon type that she wanted to try for. If only because it involved a tattoo ritual that she was convinced would prevent any other nasty tattoos from taking over her life. She'd seen the results of that Dark Mark on others in her family, and what it had done to them. She wanted no part of that. But to counter such a thing from being emblazoned on her own skin? Why, a tattoo for a dragon, of course!

A strange half-breed type of dragon was introduced to her, almost in a dream. Zora helped make arrangements, and this the first of the Transfer students was sent off to a distant place for the exotic ritual to be performed. She chose the inside of her right forearm, where an image was drawn with magical ink. It stung, not as bad as she expected, not nearly as bad as her variety of Quidditch injuries had ever hurt!

So exotic, so pretty. It wrapped around and made itself at home on her flesh. She felt it working, there was a deep, inside kind of magic going on here that she didn't even know had a name on her own world. And then as promised, several weeks later, the tattoo changed a bit, and finally... a dragon appeared where it had been! Lumped into her arms, chittering to get its voice worked out.

"Oh she's truly beautiful," Iris said, peering over the girl's shoulder. "And look she matches you so well," the paladin smiled. This lovely ivory-shaded dragon was energetic, perhaps would be aggressive, but surely as opposite the ideals of what many Slytherin would ever want to aspire to. Cressida could hardly stop smiling.

"Sta, her name is Sta, she told me while she was... inside." Cressida whispered and giggled as the dragonet struggled to climb over her shoulders and cling to whatever wall or surface she could, strengthening her limbs and letting her wings spread for the first time.

Name: Sta Turun
Gender: Female
Size: 7' 9" at the shoulder
Color: Ivory-white
Abilities: Telepathy, Verbal Speech, Light Breath Weapon, Create Paradise

Valley of the Sky

** 2021-2022 participated in the Checkerboard Ball, partnered with Shigan, with not just a normal clutch of 'Pieces', but an additional engineered batch of Knockoffs!


Everyone would have thought that Cepheus would be the next in line, but no, it was Gideon's turn to find his draconic bond friend next. More like, the dragon found him! Gideon wasn't known for flubbing spells, so it couldn't possibly have been him mispronouncing something in class - but abruptly a multi-winged and rather gangly long dragon fluttered to the stone floor and rolled around as though trying to collect itself.

"Now that was an entrance!" Gideon laughed, sticking his wand back into its holster and reaching down to let the dragon sniff his hand.

"I'm not a dog," the pale hued dragon muttered, but smelled it anyway. "Hm, manzanita wood in that wand you carry."

"How discerning," Cepheus said with a grin, and Gideon elbowed him in the gut.

"I am Paramazineth, pleased to meet you Gideon... and ... friend," the dragon suspiciously eyed Cepheus who chuckled. "But I am more interested in you than him," he indicated to Gideon. "You may call me Para."

Just about then, the dueling room got noisier, a class was going to start and everyone had been filing in. Gideon was normally found there on his off hours, anyway - and suddenly the girls in the class squealed over how beautiful and glowy and adorable this dragon was! It couldn't be denied!

Name: Paramazineth
Gender: Male
Size: 35 feet long, around 8 feet at shoulder
Powers: telepathy, teleportation, light magic, verbal speech, magical spellcasting
Parents: Sirishus x Verinotolimuth

Valley of the Sky