Name: Corhan Hoyle

Gender: Male, Bisexual

Age/DOB: 16, aged, 203x/RY5

Origin: Rookery Earth, Black Mesa

Family: Opal and David Hoyle thus he is related by splicing to the entire first 15 Color Guard, as well as Paxton specifically among the Pantheon; half-sister Juno Engel

Other: Junior; Attending class of 2029 at Carramba High, but he was... born... later? Resides in the Rookery most of the time, though when his father's Enclave gets put in near North Aperture he's very likely to head over there. Or not, who knows - Carramba offers quite a lot of opportunities, including for dragon riders!

Height: 5'8"

Weight: 130, even build, though probably will go dad-bod in his adulthood if he allows himself

Hair: brightly blond, wavy, would likely have been platinum or silver if Hoyle's hair wasn't actually just dark brown; kept in a tail, fluffy, and girls love it

Eyes: coppery light brown, usually squinting because there's always some scheme going on behind them

Appearance: light skin with no obvious marks, burns a bit if he sits out too long; likes casual outfits and wants to find more of them, probably down in Rapture but that place is disgusting... it does have a lot of booze though...

Genetic Abilities: Extremely Strong Detection and Aura Sense, what Corhan does best is 'notice people'. If they have any form of Vortal energy so much the better because he can latch on to details much more easily on telepaths. He can sense that there is a presence at a distance up to 500 miles, which he's also had to learn how to block out - because obviously, most people are going to be right next to him. Picking out indivduals, even down to which powers they might use, is quite easy for him at up to 10 miles.
Very Strong Telepathy (invasive, long distance, groups), his most used ability, however, is telepathy - he speaks clearly with a pleasant voice, but he also has a smooth mental voice that he clearly likes using. Any form of it is available to him, he prefers surrounding himself with a fun group to watch minds chatter. His telepathic ability for normal communication is around 100 miles.
Strong Group-Think (command/suggest group only), that group is entertaining when he nudges them toward a goal, or if he sends them gently into chaos. Individually however he can command a non-Vortal mind quite easily within about 500 meters. A Vortal mind will put up resistance, though if he's quite nearby that won't be enough.
Strong Mental / Vortal Stun, and finally he can use his telepathy as a weapon, which he doesn't do often. He's had to stun unpleasant people at Carramba, they reel and stagger away, sometimes forgetting what they were doing, others outright passing out from the overwhelming mental energy. He must be near, within 20 meters, for this power to work.

Icarus Processing: Yes, around age 4, this may have improved his physical strength and durability by a bit, but his Vortal skills quite strongly. He is not outstandingly physical in any way beyond a bit of toughness and grit - though he can drink dad under the table...

Image Credits: Azalea's Dolls/Doll Divine Arabian Nights Scenemaker

Skills or Profession: Let's just put his Carramba stats here...

Smarts 7
Bod/Feet 3
Luck 4
Drive 2(vehicle), 5(dragon)
Looks 4
Cool 7
Bonk 5
Clusters Crowd Control +2
Skills Memorize Details About People +3
Contract Writing and Dodging +2
You Can Trust Him, Honest +2
Personality: A little nutty maybe, Can Drink Dad Under The Table +2

Events or History: During a rather unusual spate of dragon mating, a number of their riders got busy. Corhan is the result of a business proposition more than anything else. Hoyle desperately wants to get back into politics somewhere, and if that means Twoarth and Carramba's locale Crescent City, so be it. Opal... well who knows what Opal wants, she takes after GLaDOS.

When Hoyle's Enclave is set up, it turns out this is a very nice place to roost while on breaks, the atmosphere and surroundings being spiffed up really helps. Also, he's trying to get some of the class styles and courses emulated in the Spheres - if Corhan isn't 'active' enough in extracurricular activities in Carramba (Relaxation doesn't generally go for cheerleading and pep squad work...) he can absolutely be a Class President among the refugee and rider kids. For the time being, Corhan will be entering the following classes for his Carramba visits.

Period Class / Instructor Grade
1 Basics of Law / Chanay Superb
2 Advanced Relaxation Techniques / Neko Decent
3 Public Relations / Qeats Excellent
4 Political Science / Talshoy Excellent
5 Biology / Paveh Passing
6 Speech / Prescott Excellent
7 Multiplanar History / Prescott Passing
8 Logical Thinking / Farber Decent


Name: Starshimmer
Gender: Male
Size/Shoulder/Length: Smallish 7'10" s / 42' l / 77' ws
*Colors: Mainly mottled lilac and warm-toned dark grey body and limbs, favored color shift reflective blue and blue-grey; belly, behind limbs, under tail pale pinkish white slightly mottled; face has tiny blue freckles on nose; armor on limbs stronger dusky purple; rim scales and reflective patches pale blue; wingsails and neck fins mixture of dusty lilac, purple, rose, and russet frequently with star markings highly reminiscent of Nightwings; dorsal scales, face horns and claws all dark warm grey-charcoal; eyes bright blue; *Note all colors can change
Features: Rainwing with normal features
Powers: Winged Flight, Starshimmer is not a strong flier, but can certainly carry Corhan and perhaps a couple bags of goods for reasonable distances. Prefers night flights, and also prefers low altitude, but can and does soar very high when there are other dragons about, so he knows he's not going to be left behind. Not a great navigator. Starshimmer seems to be a good 'currier' type, for short distance transportation of small amounts of items or one or two people. Typically this will mean 'from the bottom of the Mesa to the top', or 'over to the Ranch'.
Communication, Starshimmer is very good with picking up distant sounds and vibrations, perhaps keenly reminscent of the sounds of jungle animals. He has a very wide vocabulary in any language he's picking up, and carefully uses those words - he doesn't just slap in a long word because it's long, he wants to be correct with its usage. He can speak fluent Draconic in at least three different dialects (including Aquatic and Equestrian), English with a great degree of fluency, and has a good amount of Vort though speaks less than he understands. His Vortal presence is reasonably strong, though nowhere near the level of a Nightwing which he frequently pretends to be.
*Color Shifting, as all Rainwings are able, Starshimmer lives up to his name and usually has a patch of wingsail or part of his body dolled up with 'star-like' dotting against a darker background. This is partly responsible for his naming, he really does want to 'be' a Nightwing, or at least impress them strongly. His coloration tends toward the violet-range, with the brightest colors on either side (pale blue, pink) as shown. Between those however it's impressive how quickly they change, and also how he can alter the reflectivity of the scales as well: the blue is often 'crinkly chrome' where the violet or pink is often matte or velvety looking. The star markings of course move a bit. That's what the best Nightwings do.
Prehensile Tail, useful as a 'third hand', this dragon's tail is strong enough to be able to lift heavy things, serve as a counterbalance during flight, and help smash through walls or pick among rubble bits.
Venom, with a typically Rainwing hunting method, Starshimmer's bite is deadly, and he uses it for hunting and defense - since they're still surrounded on all sides by wild animals and Combine, he won't hesitate to chomp down on something that gets too close, though he tends to just swallow headcrabs whole (they're like a quick snack!). His hunting methods are surprisingly fierce, and he will use his camouflage to great advantage when he knows the prey can see in colors.
Parentage: Unknown pure Rainwings; He's very young and hatched only a month or so before wandering through a portal to the Rookery.
Origin: Adopted from Moonshimmer981 on Deviantart, Wings of Fire by Tui Sutherland
Other Info: Oh how Starshimmer wants to be seen as a Nightwing. He always looks up to them, perhaps because it was a Nightwing that helped raise him? He adores Corhan's dad's dragon partner Nebula, who obviously isn't a full blooded Night but is still so lovely! You'd think that this means he's more or less a shallow or silly dragon, but Starshimmer is merely idealistic. He knows that his human friend is all about manipulation - as are his parents - but that's fine. Nightwings are good at that too!