Name: Ramona Rosenberg

Gender: Female, bisexual

Age/DOB: ~16, aged, RY6

Origin: Rookery Earth to multidimensional parents, AAEC

Family: mother Amethyst of the Color Guard, father Ben Rosenberg, half-brother Ambrose Vale, cousins and aunties via the Color Guard

Other: tends to fit in with the younger Pantheon kids as well as Carramba students

Height: 5'7"

Weight: 100ish* Icarus treatments reduce the weight overall but she's all muscle

Hair: red-violet, darker toward the back and her right side, medium toned for the most part, and a brilliant streak over her left temple; thick and fluffy, kept shaggy and styled in numerous ways, she changes it quite often and may shave it or curl it at whim, rarely longer than to her shoulders

Eyes: violet, large and open, highly expressive

Appearance: light skinned with no markings or scars, with naturally dark lips and a broad smile; wears the Aperture branded bright white Icarus undergarment, along with accessories and dresses, and has a pair of modified long fall boots (actually just the heels attached to sneakers); is loud, has a raucous laugh, and smells of ozone

Icarus Processing: yes, while she was spliced and then again while being aged as specific downloads were also involved; it gave her bones a lot more durability than most, and her healing factor is very strong (up to 3x faster than normal). She is also a bit faster than a typical person, can sprint 2x faster, and her hands are easily 4x more nimble than most; this processing strongly increased her Vortal abilities

Image Credits: Meiker / Cyberpunk

Genetic Abilities: though most of her Vortal abilities do come from her mother's side, her dad's genes modify them into a true powerhouse of electrical abuse. She has a good short range set of empathy, telepathy, and Vortal sight, but those generally play a sideline to her ability to manipulate electricity. She can sense through any form of electric power, though living things she claims are too diffuse and low level that she doesn't bother. If an electrical power supply is nearby she can sense through it and all of its outlets, as well as feel if there is any of that low-grade fluff life around them. Like her dragon... she can teleport through power lines that can support a large amount of burst energy, so a few supposedly inaccessable locations around facilities have been discovered and then subsequently re-powered by them. She almost always has that aura of raw electricity on her somewhere, it acts from her subconscious, but she can control it when needed. Often enough it will form surprising 'emotes' in the air around her shoulders, over her head, or behind her. However, she can use her energy to power up moderate machinery, she's a bit stronger with this power than a typical Vortigaunt, but nowhere near as amazing as some in the Rookery. Her forte is with detail work, re-coding data on disks long dead, causing broken screens to come to life if briefly, and with sensing the overall status of any given machine within her rather large range. A 100 meter radius is where she can get the most details, but a hands-on approach is what she likes best, so she'll dramatically enter a room with a teleport from the nearest outlet, spread her arms to check the status of the devices within, and touch pieces of it with a massive glow - and all will be as though it was newly minted and freshly powered. Equally, she can siphon electrical energy from batteries and isolated devices, that same fully-powered chamber can go completely dark in a moment at her will, which is more common when she's out looking for Combine locations to subvert for Rookery uses. She can use this all as an attack on living things, though tends to only hunt small prey like headcrabs and snark nests, rats and roaches that chew on wires, and the occasional stray antlion or bullsquid. She does like to leave nasty surprises for any Combine behind her path, however, as she's figured out how to put together traps from random junk and apply her distinct Vortal energy to it, as they crunch through a hallway and it detonates all the lights or begins spitting arcs across the walls.
Skills or Profession: with extensive engineering and electrical downloads, she knows how anything that's powered works. Her father's unusually strong intelligence carries on in her, so she's continued to be an engineering student. She can identify parts, components, and full machinery with ease. She can also code computers and small devices at the hardware level, pulling data off of disks and analyzing the binary outright - she's one of the few in the Rookery who can give Veronica a run for her math money. She has strong survival skills, but that's mostly in the form of not landing on buildings she knows will collapse, and where to find a safe place to cook that already-fried headcrab. Also, she knows a lot of very bad jokes and puns, probably thanks to her dad.
Personality: noisy, energetic, pretty much nonstop activity, this girl is definitely glad to have an outlet GET IT AN OUTLET for her energy. That's an actual quote. That pretty much sums her up.
Events or History: Mel really wanted Rosenberg to get on this whole 'next generation' thing while they still had the chance. Besides, Eli let her splice him! please? He relented. They'd already found a great pairing in Amethyst, and it turns out Ben is actually a great father figure to this clone-born girl. She attentively listens to both her parents, and thankfully they are wiser than most. Though she does attend Carramba it's only for night classes and occasionally summer school to brush up on things there, but Ramona lives full time in the North Aperture site and clears things out where needed in a very large area. They roost from the Electronics storage area on the surface structures, rarely going too deeply into the facility itself because Tesshu is pretty large.


Name: Tesshu [Hittite god of thunder]
Gender: Male
Size/Shoulder/Length: medium-large 13' s / 65' l / 120' ws
Colors: solid purple body and wing arms; wings bright red with grey-blue lightning marks on underside only; mane silvery white; horns, claws, spade, teeth steel grey; eyes 2-tone blues
Features: strong mutt *some features change in siblings and will be flexible based on partner; four heavy legs with big claws, two leather wings with one visible finger and 4 internal with small claws; scaled skin; heavy head with jaw horns and backswept horns; fluffy 'tendril touched' living mane on head and neck; back and tail spikes, tail spade
Powers: Winged Flight, much faster in the air than you'd think a massive dragon like this, and obviously quite strong for carrying or moving heavy items around. He has been known to just barrel into buildings or trees in order to burst them on contact. He can carry a train car easily, and attains very high altitude quickly enough that it can render a rider unconscious. He has an ability to go super-sonic for a brief moment, and his name says it all - the booming explosion that follows will destroy loose rubble and topple buildings.
Teleportation, along with strong bursts of flight speed, Tesshu also has the power to teleport, and he does so with gusto. Among the strongest teleporters of his siblings, he can move across entire continents, though the farther he goes, the more rest he will require after arrival. He can move a sphere worth of any matter desired in any weight, where his wings extend, so an entire literal house. He uses this power frequently to transport large pieces of equipment such as generators or turbine engines. Also he has Electric Teleport, which comes in the form of a literal lightning bolt across the sky. While it doesn't travel nearly as far as his long-distance port, he can use it frequently while flying and zip over 500 meters at a time also while distracting anything that can see, as it's extremely bright. He cannot take anything but his rider with him on this jaunt, however, and only because she's basically immune to his power. If there is a storm at the time, or the air is exceptionally dry, this costs him absolutely no energy and he can continue teleporting this way for hours on end. Otherwise it will slowly drain him, but he can still manage around 10 jaunts before he rests.
Communication, like many of his family he can speak verbally, though he does have a bit of a hissing accent. He understands English, several Dragon dialects (though not the Pyrrhan) as well as a bit of other spoken languages around the Rookery. He does have a good grasp on technical jargon used by his rider and her family and friends. He also has Telepathy that has a decent range though is limited to Vortal or Magical minds only. He can sense those minds at around 2 miles, but communicate with them only up to about 500 meters.
Electric Control, Tesshu can breathe a beam of raw electricity up to 1 mile away provided the conditions are good. He can do this from the sky so he can either alert allies, or destroy Combine camps quite far off. His bolt will absolutely destroy living things or anything with electrical weakness such as scanners and computer systems, so he does have to take care with this power as it's basically a toggle and cannot be adjusted down in level. It can be spread over several bolts, to a range of around 500 meters around him, so he can descend into an entire army and just... murder it wholesale. Also he can manipulate existing electrical currents in a nearby area, usually in the form of nullifying dangers, or restarting large equipment without a power supply. The area can be up to 100 meters across, but again it's either a full dampening or powering up, there's little inbetween.
Parentage: mother Anira ve Eidelyn of the line of Vanwanar, father Perun with numerous siblings among the Rookery
Origin: Hallowed Silk breeding Carramba/Healing Den
Other Info: Though this is among the bigger dragons of his era he's very personable, just... don't have any electronics on you when he's powering things up. They will go pop.