Ambrose Vale

Name Ambrose Vale
Gender Male, Straight
Homeworld Rookery (Human with a side of Convocation)
RY12 moves in full time to North Aperture, resides in the surface mechancs warehouse, but works Shaft 3 in the bottom of the area Spheres 7 through 9, clearing them for future use and retrieving their contents to sift through up top
Class Junior
Totem none
Smarts 6
Bod/Feet 5
Luck 4
Drive 3
Looks 5
Cool 5
Bonk 4
Powers Telepathy (aunties/line only) - though because 'in line' includes Lane and the Convocation, this is less of a problem than you'd think... He has always relied on pinging family members if he needs other eyes or hands on a project, and they usually come running! His range is not great, about 100 meters for 'speech', but he can ping locally to 10 miles.
Teleportation (short, tiring) - In a pinch he can move about 20 meters in any direction, no more than three times in a 2 minute period before he must rest. Actual rest, he really needs to take a nap. He tends not to teleport, for this reason.
Electronic Device Manipulation - Ambrose can easily read code, detect and manipulate computers of any size or origin. He can recode a simple Earthly digital watch to pick up Combine radio signals, or cause a Combine bot to start singing show tunes. Yes, he does that. Touch is best, but he can do this at distances up to 10 meters, and he can detect these devices at 20 meters without seeing them.
Pyhsical Properties Manipulation - he can use his abilities with electric pulses to change the atomic structure of a small amount of material. Knocking off a couple electrons here, attracting some there. This is quite exhausting for him, but with it he can learn how to change elements themselves. Mostly he uses it to magnetize or demagnetize machinery, he can do that at about 15 meters, so he can stand above a large pit of metal junk, with an unpowered electromag crane and 'turn it on' suddenly attracting all that metallic garbage. Then he can sift through it!
Clusters Understand Devices +3
Engineering +2
Skills Create/Invent +3
Charm Like Hell +3
Knacks Perfect Hair +2
1 Teleportation Practice / Lane - Passing (would rather be Decent...)
2 Adv. Role Playing / Gray - Decent
3 Technical Writing / Leland - Excellent
4 Nano Culture & Cyborgs / Mandragora - Superb
5 Virtual Realm Maintenance / Charybdis - Suberb
6 Steam and Alt Power / Wheeler - Superb
7 Chaos Geometry / Caroline Clone - Suberb
8 Multiplanar History / Prescott - Passing


None, but he's thinking about collecting little parts and making clockwork robots!
Parents Amethyst and Mike Vale
Siblings Other Vales?
Partner Hydell
Son **


Could he have more geeky parents? Nope. Can he possibly attract more girls? Probably not. Thing of it is, even artificial females seem to be willing to just fall all over Ambrose. And who could blame them? Because with hair like that, a mind as keen, and the ability to know just what to do if a program isn't working right... Ambrose is your man.

Unlike his father and uncle, Ambrose doesn't really bear any kind of stigma of 'having an or being an Evil Twin'. There's nothing at all evil about him, except maybe when he dresses up (usually as Lucifer, because, look at him - Lucifer Wooten thinks it's 'cute') for costume parties. He genuinely tries not to hurt anyone's feelings, but he knows perfectly well that he's going to leave a trail of weepy ladies behind him. He's not really looking for 'that one perfect partner', either - he would be happy to drift from girl to girl (or program or... whoever) as long as they understand he's not going to stay with them.

Yes, he's taking Teleportation practice from his* grandfather. No, it shouldn't surprise anyone that he (or any of the others who might qualify) doesn't get preferential treatment. Sadly he is still not really ever going to be tremendously great at it, so there's that.

* Don't be fooled, Local Lane is his grandfather, but Repurposed Lane is teaching.

Dragon Name: Borer
Gender: Male
Size/Shoulder/Length: Medium-Large (bulky) 11'6" s / 60' l / 70' and 35' ws
Colors: face, neck marks, belly from neck to mid tail, behind limbs, wing arms dusty blue-violet; neck sides, face marks, back and tail armor metallic brown with darker brown insets including on carapace wing arms; neck accent, horns, spikes, limb armor, claws rich black; spots on sides pale sky blue reflective; wingsails on carapace highly shiny metallic steel blue; wingsails flight wings highly metallic shiny brown; eyes cyan
Features: Beetlewing
Powers: Winged Flight, though Borer is big, he's actually much lighter in the air than he could be, and can easily ascend to quite surprising altitudes. He does this primarily to then bombard the area below him when he plummets full-speed head-first... He can lift nearly 120 tons, a full freight car, and likes to do that in preparation for another bore hole, after all, loosening up the dirt below makes it way easier to punch new holes in the ground. Obviously he can carry a good number of things, but generally speaking passengers must ride in a neck harness. Ambrose tends to sit or stand between his horns.
Communication, not really adept at speaking English, Borer speaks in a strange mixture of ancient Draconic, bits of English, and Vortigese. He is actually quite smart, and does know all the technical terms for the mechanical devices, tunneling, and excavations that he works with, so it's possible to underestimate this big boy. He does share a very strong Vortal bond with his human friend, but lacks other communication powers in that regard, though somehow he does manage to get the Vortigese 'right'. He can 'sing' using his carapace wings, and often times people mistake him for a flock of high-pitched chittering birds for that reason. He can detect soft sounds, distant ones, and very high and very low frequency sounds using his antennae, and with this in mind he can locate trapped people under rubble quite easily.
Punch Holes In Stuff, this he does with a combination of magic and sheer physical power. A borer beetle can hollow out trees or wood - Borer can put holes in three foot thick Combine walls. He typically 'softens' an area by walking around on it and concentrating his magic at a spot, marking it somehow that only he can detect, and then flies up to perhaps 1 kilometer straight up. He surveys his spot, and anyone watching Vortally can see he's really gearing up the front of his body, head and neck for a powerful drill-like action. He pushes his speed downward, and plummets. In a 'treated' spot, he can punch a 15 foot wide hole about 30 feet deep into dirt, about 15 feet deep into concrete or stone surfaces, and make a big 5 foot dent in any thick metal. He will absolutely shatter anything crystaline with this power, and you'll want to make sure that any breakable items like glass equipment or windows are secured. In an untreated area, he can still dent dirt and soil very easily, though stone or metals he has to boost his own magic before hitting it with his head.
Parentage: Unknown pure Beetlewings, unclear as to how he and his species-mates have made it to the Rookery at all, because they're 'extinct' on their home world. Not for long, here though!
Origin: Adopted from LunarSolstice981 with lines by PeregrineCella on Deviantart, WoF by Tui Sutherland
Other Info: as with any big dragon, he does have to work around the human small stuff. However, he's rather delicate on his feet, surprisingly can move through a big lab or a hangar without disturbing anything. He does tend to 'feel around' with his feet gently, before entering an area - listening with his sensitive antennae, and 'sounding' with taps of his feet.