Name: Eirwyn Leeds

Gender: Female, Bisexual

Age/DOB: 16ish / 2016

Origin: Repurposed Earth, Enrichment Center, Fairport Alabama; Current location Borealis

Family: Mother Lydia, father Chris, has other spliced siblings around

Other: working with the medical crew, she's gained a following of patients

Height: 5'6"

Weight: 130* Icarus treatment reduces overall weight, though she looks considerably chunkier than she really is, also she's much stronger than she looks

Hair: Brightly blond-honey, straight and shaggy, kept to shoulders at longest

Eyes: blue-green, intense, will probably go the way of her father's with a bit of the up-too-late stress circles

Appearance: Pale skin that does not burn nor tan, of note her lips are a bit blue tinted, but that's completely normal for her. As shown, she fancies really unusual clothing that she discovered at a costume shop or ren-faire type place while exploring.

Icarus Processing: Yes, at the age of 3. Since neither of her parents had the treatments, and her mother was technically 'naturally' born, it was thought that as long as she was of the genetic disposition to take the treatment, she'd benefit. It did help her powers grow fairly strong, as well as reduce her weight, and add about half again in strength and durability.

Image Credits: Doll Divine / Siamesa Elementalist

Genetic Abilities: Very strong localized cryokinetics, able to solidly freeze things from room temperature within 30 seconds by touch. Can 'cast' snow or cold, but only to about 20 meters at most, however this can do quite a bit of damage as it's freezing cells or glass. She can also concentrate on the ambient temperature in a 5x5 meter area, and reduce it to just above freezing within minutes. She has strong self-healing ability, which she can use to fix any non-lethal wounds on her own body in an hour or so as long as she's awake to do it. She will naturally heal very quickly even from serious injuries, but she doesn't really like to just let it wait. Eirwyn can cast this healing power, like her father does, onto other people - accelerating their normal healing ability, but she actually creates a more stable setting for that healing to take place, by reducing the temperature and focusing Vortal energy on it. She has brought people down to a nearly-frozen state while others with better healing power work on them, and then roused them with no ill effects from the cold. She herself suffers absolutely not at all from either cold or heat, able to absorb any chill seemingly as a battery, and to keep herself from overheating by virtue of just... being a cold producer. In addition she does have a short ranged empathic power which she typically uses to make sure that patients who are in the worst shape get treated first.
Skills or Profession: While being treated with the Icarus process, she was given the more full medical and triage skill package, and has used it daily since her powers really came into focus. She has additionally been on hand to assist her father as well as Rufus, and even been out in the field for emergencies. Since her power is more 'active' than Chris's, she's considered the better option for field work - which is absolutely fine by Chris, he knows she'll be fine with her own healing ability to keep her safe. Eirwyn is quite good at chemistry as well, helping work with the pharmacy and getting vaccines made. On the personal side, though, she is a fashion hound, and absolutely loves being looked at, as well as looking good. She enjoys having clothing made for her, thanks Wilson, but also will be able to pick up almost anything from a disused dresser or ruined shop, and make it work for her.
Personality: Confident, a bit on the snarky side but not quite as occasionally-mean as her mother still is. Where Lydia is considered 'the polar bear', Eirwyn is sometimes called 'the arctic fox' - for a variety of reasons, not the least of which is that she's quite pretty. Even though it might be because of the skill downloads she's had, Eirwyn is quite good with people and has a great bedside manner. She is gentle when she needs to be, but firm when that's needed particularly with combative or agitated patients. She seems considerably more mature than her years, but not with the tiredness that her father often has.
Events or History: She was playing with her friends at Darly and Wilson's naming event, only a 2 year old but she almost froze Wilson's knee straight through. It's likely that he doesn't even remember that it was her that did it, but maybe him keeping her in pretty clothes is his way of making sure it doesn't happen again... Eirwyn has opted to be among those sent to the elusive and dangerous Borealis ship site, where she'll be the only medic on hand - but she's going to be surrounded by snow and ice, and dragons, so that's the awesome part.


Name: Pickleweed! *note that the ! is absolutely part of her name, because it's usually shouted. This is in response to the statement, "shouldn't she be named ice plant"...
Gender: Female
Size/Shoulder/Length: Smallish, 8' shoulder / 33' l / 65' ws
Colors: Brightly white main body and wingsails, with bluish-tinted white neck and sides, back scales and fronts of limbs is a dusty pale grey-blue, with liberal brilliant aquamarine-green markings; winstail markings include that bright green and a much darker green; small dots of blue-grey are found on body and limbs as well; horns, spines, claws, and tail spikes are all strong cyan. Eyes are black with brilliant cyan.
Features: Icewing, with four legs having 5 and 4 extremely sharp curved claws, and a heel claw on hind feet; scaled skin with very tiny scales on most of body and limbs, but also larger soft plates on neck, belly, and under tail, and harder overlapped diamond-shaped scales on fronts of limbs, and along full back and spine, down tail; Head has armor, with two straight conical backswept horns, external ears, and sharp jaw spurs; neck has a tuft of sharp spines, and spines along entire back; tail ends in a cluster of sharp spikes. Leathery wings have 4 visible fingers with an elbow strut, large wrist thumb, all having extremely prominent razor sharp claws.
Powers: Winged Flight, Pickle is a good choice for any short distance heavy or delicate lifting needing to be done. She isn't tremendously durable in the air, and likes to keep to the lower altitudes. Even though she's got such incredibly sharp bits all over her, she is quite able to hold and manipulate injured Humans or Vorts, and carefully airlift them to safety.
Cold Tolerance and Frost Breath, one of Pickle's very favorite things to do is to basically bury herself in a snow drift, and come bursting out, either to capture prey, scare enemies, or surprise friends. She can seemingly sense footsteps through even very loose snowdrifts, and claims that she can feel people walking across ice that she is in contact with. Her love of snow and ice is boundless, and she really does prefer to be around very cold weather, including wet wind and sleet. She doesn't much go diving, but can absolutely tolerate deep, chill waters such as are around Borealis. Her breath weapon is effectively a cone of frost, though it's not all that strong, nor accurate past 30 meters or so. She more often uses it to 'decorate' items, providing adequate cover from overhead or even up close visuals, in snowy environments. The frost that she breathes over living things melts with motion and heat, so generally to protect people, they will want to be underneath a tarp or in a box, before she frosts it over.
Ice Claws, yes, those claws will rip open chunks of frozen lake ice, as easily as they pry up metal sheeting from old grounded ships. She usually reserves her bite for hunting and eating, but in order to get to those tasty fish below the ice...
Verbal Speech and English Knowledge, Pickle is very excited to learn English and Vort, as well as having picked up some amount of local words in any given location. Her very name, for instance, is a point of contention among some folks - but she knows that there are different plants that are often mistaken for each other, with those names. Pickle is quite intelligent, and enjoys listening to the scientists in any given location, liking it when her little human tunes in a broadcast to the people back at the Rookery, because there is always something snazzy going on there.
Parentage: Unknown, wild; possibly related to some of the more oddly colored Icewings in the Rookery
Origin: Adopted from HufflepuffHannah at Deviantart
Other Info: Pickle is quite a bit smaller than most Icewings, and perhaps it was this that drove her to go to the Rookery world in the first place. Here, she has access to amazing people and can be of so much use, and learn all these new things. She is quite excitable. Note that if she's hiding under a swath of snow, all you really need to do is wait for her to giggle to find out where she is...