Genetic Abilities:

Name: Gertrude Novak

Gender: Female, ambiguously bisexual

Age/DOB: ~15, aged, born RY3

Origin: Rookery Earth, born to mixed and very odd parentage

Family: Mother Virva Novak, father Gus

Other: because Virva is Convocation, she can technically call any of those entities 'distant' kin

Height: 5'8"

Weight: 140, looks more slender, but she's quite muscular; if she didn't have a lot of activity she would probably get a little more hefty and is certainly predisposed to it

Hair: medium coppery brown, quite shiny in sunlight, mostly straight but thick and can easily be styled, keeps it around shoulder length but likes to play around with braids and tails

Eyes: brilliantly aqua-turquoise, even, quite cheery; they do glow but generally only when she's using any powers, and they glow in a brighter green shade than this

Appearance: fair skinned, freckles in sunlight but tends to burn first; almost always smiling or laughing, she's active and mobile. Likes putting gear together from found bits and has never shied away from just yanking things off of Combine or even long-dead corpses around the Cities, but she does like having the 'scout' type of gear shown, loves pouches and pockets

Icarus Processing: none, but since her mother is Convocation it was not needed; she will likely endorse the process if she ever has her own kids, knowing that her dad's abilities were come by... rather unusual circumstances and she doesn't entirely trust that they'd inherit to another generation without some help. However, she was aged into a young teen when she turned 2, and this allowed the Rookery to have a tremendous ally much quicker than it might if they'd just let her grow up. Virva and Gus ... might try again later, when things are slower, and enjoy raising another the old-fashioned way though. But as such, Gertrude was able to grow up, learn, and even bond a dragon in a very short time frame

Image Credits: PastelKatto Sci Fi

Genetic Abilities: Gertrude is highly powerful in specific ways, as an energy entity. She can sense all forms of energy, from microwaves and xradiation to very low frequency heat or even electrical pulses, and seems to use this as a form of long-distance radar. Her range on sensing through energy is limited by what type it is, higher frequencies tend to run around 2 miles but lower frequencies she can often sense upwards of 20. She can also use this actively, but knows that it's not safe for humans or Vorts or dragons, so she'll only do it when she knows it's Combine or enemy territory. Aside from sensing, however, she can produce raw radioactive energy and generally does so from her hands and eyes specifically rather than just letting it all spill out of her like dad. In focused beams from her eyes, she can slice things as though lasers, and from her hands she can contaminate a human-sized creature quickly enough to cause it to rot almost immediately, dying pretty painfully as flesh peels away from bone. She can adjust the frequency of the radiation used, and in a pinch can actually be used in the medical wing as a portable x-ray machine, or microwave food for you if there's no machine around. All in all she's much more conscious of the dangers posed by her powers, and has taken steps to make sure that no one she likes gets hurt by it. (It doesn't hurt that she's had extensive Vortal and mechanical downloads during her aging processing...) She knows that she could use her abilities to fly like her mother, however what she's done is convert it into a bubble for under-water use. It does heat up in her air-bubble, though, but she's good at refreshing it rapidly so it doesn't all just boil away as she scoots around. She does not have much regenerative ability, but she can use minor amounts of her energy to boost it with concentration, if she is injured. She can siphon up that same energy, usually focused on the harmful levels of it, and store it with ease.
All of that is aided by her Convocation side, which allows her to telepathically link up with any intelligent mind, as well as being able to sense living things at up to 500 meters away (larger creatures, but then smaller ones closer up). She is an adept empath, but often allows herself to be swept into a group mentality, and enjoys every minute of it until it turns sour - at which point she'll eagerly nudge it back to nice. She can do this with up to 20 humans or 10 Vorts, or even a couple dragons within about 50 meters. Her telepathic range is over 50 miles to Vortal minds, around 20 to normal humans or dragons, though at close range less than 100 meters she can still speak to normal human minds.

Skills or Profession: trained while being aged, for all applications of radioactive energies, she is capable of fixing the nuclear generators near Black Mesa and other sites, and taking care of securing any radioactive wastes in the way of settlements. While Keenan managed to convert the energies found in radioatcive puddles in Black Mesa before starting the Rookery in it, she's actively soaking it up on the fly, and on search missions. This brings her into close contact with enemies, and she's not shy about ruining their day with her powers. She has excellent mapping and direction sense, probably due to sensing magnetism or other cues, and can pick through ruins like nobody's business.
Personality: She is very much the energetic explorer, though she's well aware of the dangers to other people that the ruins provide. Her dad helps her learn about the physical world around them, and mom teaches her how to approach attacks and defenses, and she loves learning from both of them. Most of her friends are among the younger Pantheon kids and those arrivals after her birth, as older people don't quite know how to deal with an actively radioactive ball of enthusiasm like her.
Events or History: Though she and Xiphi reside in Rapture, she did spend the first years of her life with Virva and Gus at Black Mesa proper, and then moved to the Mansion for a time while adjusting to her new teenage form. While the dragon tends to stay in the deep waters near Rapture and keeping the place free from the really weird dangers there, Gertie is on call and is often on foot, deposited by other dragon riders into areas that no one else could possibly live through. She and her father actually do this regularly, and often enough over at the Grounds Virva and Gertie have a good old time blasting Combine shells out of the area.


Name: Xiphiurus
Gender: Female
Size/Shoulder/Length: Huge 35' s / 150' l / 300' ws - yes, that's a football field when stretched out completely
Colors: belly from chin to tail, behind legs, ventral fin spikes greenish-grey slate; body and wing arms, backs of wings, limbs, tail, dorsal spikes, nose horn dark strong green that casts into very dark black-green in shadow; markings and bioluminescent spots brightly yellow-pale green slightly metallic; dorsal wingsails are also slightly metallic as opposed to the rest of her body; ventral wingsails and all fins grade from dark dusty green to stronger greens, not quite forest in shade; eyes frosty green and yellow; claws and horns velvet black
Features: Leviathanwing
Powers: Winged Flight, only on Xen does she actually fly in the air, preferring the depths, where she can speed around with ease. Though her wings are massive, they are of much more use in the heavy pressure and crushing weight of the ocean, where she can move freely as if a bird. Even though she is positively massive, under water she is as graceful as any dragon a tenth her size, and she's never once broken a piece of coral or building wall while down near Rapture. She can speed across great distances in the sea, in deep water that is open and free from obvious interruptions, and can attain speeds up to 70 miles an hour below the waves, keeping this speed up for ten or twelve hours easily. She does occasionally leap out of the water when there are targets above it, and does not miss when she's aiming for those 'tiny' Combine ships. She has dropship carcasses outside her seafloor den.
Communication, she is easily spotted by any Vortal mind, somehow, and that's likely because she does spend a lot of time on Xen with her friends. Communication under the waves is in the form of Aquatic dragon speech, and flashing luminescent patches, which she also uses to attract prey. She cannot speak English, but definitely does speak Whale and Vort to a degree. She can understand the human tongues around her rider, though whether that's because of Gertie's influence or simply having learned the tongue, no one can say. She and Gertie have a strong Vortal bond, and even half a world apart they can still touch minds.
Undersea Adaptation, the Leviathans are the best suited to deep waters, great pressure, extreme chill, and oxygen-depleted locations. She has gills as well as lungs, but hardly uses her 'nose' since she is rarely above ground save for those trips to Xen. She can see in absolute darkness, which isn't particularly absolute whenever she's around due to those glowing scales. Also she can smell prey for miles in a current, and sense its presence using special glands on her face. Even the biggest creatures cannot escape her probing mandibles, and she is unafraid to bite into anything, knowing that her sheer size alone will crush whatever it is long before it could possibly damage her. She eats surprisingly little, given her massive size, and it's not really clear how old she is - most undersea creatures will continue to grow larger over their lifetimes, and she is among the biggest dragon found in the Rookery. But she doesn't seem that old.
Parentage: unknown, not present on Rookery
Origin: Adopted from and fantribe by LunarSolstice981 with x-Tamara-x lines on Deviantart, WoF by Tui Sutherland
Other Info: Notably though Xiphi is extremely large, she cannot support her weight for long periods above the water, and prefers remaining in the depths by Rapture rather than even going to the surface near the Aerie lighthouse. However, she can and does fly and suffers no ill effects of doing so on Xen.