Name: Imogen

Gender: Female, straight

Age/DOB: ~15, aged, 2029

Origin: Rookery Earth, BMDR

Family: Mother Julie, father Roman, twin brother Iachimo

Other: born about 5 minutes after her brother

Height: 5'6", will be around 5'8" as adult

Weight: ~100* Icarus significantly impacted her build, she's much more wiry and flexible than most, and won't get much heavier

Hair: Dark brown with reddish highlights in bright sun, silky and straight, kept short but also under one of mom's beanies

Eyes: hazel forest green, wide, always half-hidden under surprised looking brows

Appearance: fair skinned with freckles, not skinny, though not much curvier than a teenage kid ought to be; rummaged around in some dead guy's closet, and really loves the results; she is the one who found all the shoes

Genetic Abilities: As with Iachimo, she has a baseline amount of Vortal presence or sensing ability, and can sense her brother at any distance, but gains telepathic communication within 5 miles of him. They can teleport to one another at any distance, she wants to try it from Xen... Beyond this, they gain speed boosts up to 4x normal when in proximity to each other, though she is quite quick on her feet and can always catch items within reach, or even try dodging fast moving objects when she knows they're incoming.

Icarus Processing: yes, at age 3 she and her brother were brought to Rapture and had the treatments and skill downloads; it strengthened and improved her body's durability and flexibility greatly, she can squirm into places even Mars can hardly get into. Overall she takes less damage from normal sources (around half for physical damage) but takes absolutely none from elements such as cold, heat/fire, acid, toxins and gasses, or electricity. She has never been ill with any sniffles, parasites seem to ignore her, and she cannot carry diseases (they've made sure of this).

Image Credits: Doll Divine Scene Kids

Skills or Profession: She would really super like to train with those Carnies out at the Mansion. Because they dodge knives and do juggling! Her skill downloads include quite a bit of agility and sport training, as well as navigation and structural engineering. Her regularly-scheduled math-science-history-literacy is good in theory, but she's never bothered trying to put any of it to task in the field. If her brother wants to make silly slogan sprays and insulting posters, she's the one who gets them put up on walls in extremely improbable places like under high bridges, flagpoles, and on the backs of Combine soldiers helmets while they're walking away... Also she super wants to try using a wingsuit - she loves flying and wants to be able to do it without sitting on a dragon's back!
Personality: Does say 'super' a lot. She's clever like a fox, though doesn't seem to care about book-smarts so much as realistic issues. Though no one would accuse her of being 'impractical', she does like finding stores of goods, and always makes note of their locations before speeding off to another spot. Always carries a small amount of glue, and a bright-orange paint spray can.

Events or History: yeah yeah she was born after the bro whatever dude. Though Iachimo is just as physical, she's a little more willing to do weird shit, and get away with it. Though she does know that he's the more durable of the pair, and she has to watch out for falls or dangerously precarious chunks of building. He's rescued her from such things, way more often than she's had to do so for him, and not just because he can shrug off a blow from a half-ton of rubble.

As a pair, they can scoot through the ruined cities near Black Mesa like banshees, and super love messing with the Combine they find.


Name: Heart Flutter
Gender: Male
Size/Shoulder/Length: Medium-Small (adult, big wings) 8' s / 55' l / 100' ws
Colors: belly armor from chin to tail tip and behind legs creamy peach; head, body, limbs, tail medium carnation pink; dorsal and limb armor from neck to tail tip strong pink; wingsails light lilac; all horns and claws dark red; dorsal ridge scales white; eyes light tan
Features: Skywing
Powers: Winged Flight, even though tiny in overall stature, Heart Flutter is extremely strong in the air with those big wide wings. He was practically born flying, and is light on his feet even on the ground. Quite agile, but also with an eye for just the right moves so he can concentrate on power, speed, and dodging Combine fire all at once. He is likely the most aerially competent dragon around, able to give Hivewings a strong run for their money, and keep up with much larger dragons for at least a while in longer flights. He does wear out after a while if he's not able to alight on a ruin or somewhere on the ground.
Communication, Flutter was hatched on the Rookery, out of a little egg that didn't seem like it was even from Pyrrha at all. As such, he doesn't know much Draconic speech, instead being fluent in English and having a little Vort thrown in. He and his rider have a strong Vortal bond, however, he considers this to be the benefit of being born on such a world. He does know that elder Pyrrhan dragons don't think much of this, but... hey, whatever. Gets to fight, go team.
Fire Breath, Heart is able to make a decent flame, but it's not hot enough to outright kill a Combine in full armor. It will absolutely roast their armor, and he can use it to damage visual sensors, as it's quite precice. He can shoot a tiny dagger-like spot of flame no bigger than human hand around 100 meters with tremendous accuracy, and this is their forte in battle. Because it's kinda hard for Combine to fight if they can't see.
Parentage: Unknown pure Skywings, though they are both likely on the small side
Origin: Adopted from bi0nic-rapt0rs on Deviantart, WoF by Tui Sutherland
Other Info: Flutter is tiny, even though he's young he is not going to get a lot bigger than shown; this suits Imogen just fine, little and speedy is absolutely great!