Name: Julie and Roman

Gender: Female, Male, hetero

Age/DOB: 17 at Events, currently 35

Origin: All universes have a pair, this one's from Rookery Earth, they're from different parts of the former United States, and have fled from City to City together since they met shortly after the Combine arrival

Family: Each Other; eventually having twins Iachimo and Imogen

Other: Together forever; Notably they are part of the Shorepoint rescue group, having helped orchestrate a number of the refugees movements over the years, they are still considered part of 'the team' and will rise to aid them if possible

Height: 5'6" and 5'10"

Weight: ~120; ~150, both are of average build, muscular out of necessity rather than choice

Hair: Reddish Brown, short and straight; dark brown, shaved; both generally under caps

Eyes: Hazel grey, Hazel green

Appearance: as shown, both wear typical refugee garb, occasionally picking up parts of Combine armor to add to their outfits. Roman wears facial hair though often his head is close to shaved; gear as shown is for cooler weather

Genetic Abilities: Apparently, while apart they show no overt abilities, when Julie and Roman are together, they are very nearly indestructable, and have withstood some amount of danger and combat because of it. It is possible that Julie is unusually resistant to toxins and poisons, while Roman has a high degree of physical durability. Between them, they either don't take damage, or it is mitigated tremendously while they're close to one another. It is also entirely possible that they can, as a pair, teleport to places that are 'safe', because they do appear to show up in the oddest locations, seemingly before others are even there.

Icarus Processing: None, and unlikely to have it done. However, they both exhibit good genetic tags according to Melissa, and if they have children she'll push pretty hard for them to have it done

Image Credits: Valve / CombineOverWiki

Skills or Profession: They don't talk much about what they did in the past, and in fact may have forgotten any of their original skill sets in favor of survival in the new Outlands and Citites. Those skills include locating shelter or creating it, scavenging, and parts recognition for others to utilize what they dig up. In the future it's likely they will become guardian and teacher, to whatever children the Rookery creates.
Personality: Julie is a bit distraught, her whole life was thrown into the shredder and occasionally she will lapse into long sobbing sessions. Roman on the other hand is a quiet, protective, and stable man who will do anything to see the love of his life survive in this godforsaken land. He remains the more positive of the pair, often consoling his wife as she cries.
Events or History: Though their names seem to indicate this is a doomed relationship, this pair is anything but. They met in one of the big shuffles between Cities, after the 7 Hour War, and have been inseparable ever since. From being chased around alleys by Civil Protection, to hunkering down in broken buildings or old missile silos, Julie and Roman have transferred through a whopping five Cities before being picked up by the Rookery somewhere outside of City 17. Brought back to once-American soil, they have been reasonably safe, but trouble seems to follow them a little, and both of them do see some amount of combat here and there. They were informally married several years before the current date, however they've learned that there's an actual honest to goodness pastor over at the Ranch, so they're probably going to have more official wedding vows with him. That should be fun.

Dragon of Julie

Name: Devotion
Gender: Female
Size/Shoulder/Length: Medium-small (wings+) 7'4" shoulder / 30' l (half that is tail) / 50' ws
Colors: dusty pink with rose, fuschia, and pale pink patterns on body, head, neck, limbs, tail; brighter fuschia wingsails with pale pink and whitish target and lightning patterns, significantly darker red toned on dorsal and lighter underneath; dusty mauve hair, dusty rose claws, blue-violet eyes
Features: Tall, four skinny legs with 4 paw-like claws; fur-covered leathery wings with 4 visible stiff fingers and prominent wrist thumb, only wrist has large claw; neck and body are approximately the same length and size, tail is quite thin and whiplike; skin is velvety with very short fur that sheds in warm weather; head and neck has mane of silky longer fur; head is boxy with canine-like muzzle, external ears, two segmented sharp back-pointing horns
Powers: Winged Flight, Devotion has large, scooped wings that allow her to fly strongly even in bad conditions and heavy winds. Even though she has 'targets' on her wingails, she almost never gets hit - though she does get shot at! She's excellent at avoiding enemy fire, and uses the strength of her wings to maneuver over large groups of angry soliders. Those little ballet-shoe markings? They don't hurt either, because she is very balletic in motion in the air or even on the ground, light as a feather, she can somehow touch down on crumbling walls or dangerously precarious ledges and not disturb a single grain of sand or grit. She can carry both Julie and Roman, though she doesn't do fancy tricks with either of them on her back.
Vortal and Verbal Communication, Devotion is more the quiet type, preferring to direct her mental energy at Julie to be heard over the sound of gunfire. She has a strong Vortal presence, among those who can detect things like this, and though Julie doesn't realize it, Devotion has a permanent bond with her and an 'intertwined aura'. Though she does sense what Julie fears and worries about, Devotion isn't affected directly by her human's emotional state, and instead can help get her through it. She does have a voice, but speaks mostly broken English punctuated with draconic sounds, understood by any dragon.
Confidence and Emotion Tempering, though she cannot alter very strong negative emotions, Devotion has the soothing and calming Vortal power to help refugees calm down when panicked, and can cheer up and distract glum ones (like Julie) enough to get by. Where Julie is overly pessimistic, Devotion is clearly steadfast and confident in both her mate and their leadership, and inspires such confidence in most people that are nearby, as well.
Parentage: Unkonwn, unrelated directly but of the same breed as Silo and Echo
Origin: Adopted from Ghost-flare on Deviantart
Other Info: Though they are technically combat dragons, Devotion does prefer to run interference and distract enemies, while other bolder and more dangerous dragons do the actual hitting and burning. Since she lacks a 'breath weapon', and only has her horns, teeth, and claws to rely on for doing damage, and all of those depend on her being up close and personal with an enemy, she'll pass... She does however think that some of the more musical dragons, people, and even Vorts, should join her in dancing! Her elegance in the air is well known, and some of the more artistic people (and dragons) agree that maybe some day, they should put on a draconic play or ballet.

Dragon of Roman

Name: Honor
Gender: Male
Size/Shoulder/Length: Medium-small 9'2" Shoulder / 35' l (mostly tail) / 38' ws
Colors: Strong pink over most of body and wings, bright and metallic alternating tiny stripes on back, tail, neck, white toes, strong red horns, main wing feathers, white flight feathers, eyes red
Features: Four long slender legs with distinct feline paw feet, retractable claws (3 on each), hind hips higher than shoulders; two feathered wings with very little connective skin on body; body is high, very slender and almost the same diameter from head to tail, snake-like and all muscle, with a remarkably heavy and long tail that can be used as both balance and a significant weapon; skin is covered in very short fur, wings are feathered; head is large and oval with a snarky expression, has a pack of back-pointing horns (two long on jaw, two large and long back of head, two short behind eyes, and three in center from forehead to back of head in increasing size)
Powers: Winged Flight, Honor is a good flier for short bursts at most, though in warm updrafts can soar for quite some time before tiring. While he can carry both Julie and Roman, he tends to do so only when Devotion cannot or is not near by. He can maneuver quite well in narrow areas, even given his length.
Climbing and Silent Prowling, Honor pads quietly on those little bitty feet, and his high frame keeps his tail from dragging on the ground. This gives him a stealth advantage even with his brilliant colors. He is not known to make any sound while flying, actually. Using his Vortal heat power he can gain altitude, but this for some reason costs him endurance, and he rarely does this unless necessary.
Verbal and Vortal Communication, Honor can say he is a master of English, Vortigese, and French, having learned the third from some of the rebels. He's working on other languages, because he believes that communication is key to success. He has a keen understanding of how Humanity has been shuffled around the world, and that they have disparate languages. He can sense emotion and intent, and acts accordingly when presented with people - if they are lying he doesn't hesitate to say so. He can only do this close range, less than 20 meters, but that's usually fine because somehow no one notices him if he's trying to be hidden, curled up on a ledge nearby. He likes to keep people honest.
Heat/Fire Immunity and Weapon, Honor's markings aren't just for show: those stripes are the same color as the waves of fire that he can produce. He can Vortally create almost any amount of heat, be it just enough to keep someone warm, or enough to spark flames, from around 10 meters to 50 meters away. He can also create a sort of 'heat trap', in an enclosed room he can increase the heat so that it will almost suffocate a living thing but not necessarily melt equipment. This has been useful to keep pests out of machinery at the Rookery. The actual flames that come from his power are vibrant in the Vortal spectrum, and can rip through walls, enemies, animals, or ice with equal precision and heat. Since they're Vortal in nature, they don't require oxygen to burn, though anything he intends to set on fire obviously does. He can choose whether this fire affects specific people, items, or locations, isolating enemies in rings of flame, or creating a path for rebels to run through protected by his fire. Also he takes absolutely no damage from fire or heat.
Parentage: Unknown parents, though he seems to be of the same build as a few others in the Rookery or the Color Guard, it's not clear that they're related as his features otherwise are distinct.
Origin: Adopted from Neekophobia on Deviantart
Other Info: Honor lives up to his name, serving and protecting his human friends, and the Rookery, with gusto. He does not hesitate to call out injustices, and Vorts often ask to include him in their discussions about tactics. Since he can use stealth he can sneak around, but in some way he also feels that to be cheating a little. It hasn't stopped him from being remarkably snarky and somewhat judgemental of some folks.