Name: Janet deWok

Gender: Female, she/they fluid, bisexual

Age/DOB: 16, aged, RY2

Origin: Born Rookery to Repurposed parents

Family: mother Laura, father Jon, with numerous but scattered extended relatives thanks to splices

Other: it's likely that she'll be of use in splices, and she's more than happy to donate

Height: 5'2"

Weight: 90* her build is clearly affected by her parents' Icarus treatments; muscular legs and torso, she does love them stompin boots; she's so tiny and petite people underestimate her strength, which is very much disproportionate to her size

Hair: strong dark red, thick and somewhat stiff, keeps it cute and short but she also likes barrettes and even bows at times, but is equally likely to wear a cap or hat

Eyes: strong blue with a green rim, large and pretty with heavy lashes, under carefully kept brows

Appearance: light skin with a tendancy to freckle in sun, small scars from running around in the rubble; a diamond shaped face with high cheeks and a tiny nose, broad smile, and large ears; she looks like the quintessential tomboy who cannot make up her mind whether she wants to express as a boy or girl, and everyone loves her that way, she likes to be able to blend in with that rubble, hence the grey scale clothing shown, but also has a wide variety of party clothes from suits and tuxedos to ball gowns and slinky dresses; has a squeaky but very loud voice

Icarus Processing: none, both her parents were treated as they were created as Reborn Pantheon members her power as well as physical traits have responded like she was. She weighs virtually nothing, but is around 2x stronger than a typical human, and is markedly faster - she nearly teleports with bursts of electricity-based speed, provided there is power in an area; she is very nimble and can wedge herself into spots that are quite improbable, and though she does take damage** normally it heals around 3x faster than normal

Image Credits: Meiker | Modern Girl

Genetic Abilities: her parents abilities and physical properties mesh very well, and her command over electrical fields, conductive metals, and data flow is all but absolute. Though she lacks a very strong telekinetic power, she can lift small items provided they're mainly metal (65%, up to 10 lbs) in a short range around herself - close enough to reach out and grab them if needed, far enough that if an enemy is closing in they will be in for a nasty surprise, because she can accelerate them to up to 400mph away from herself or in any direction - after it's out of her Vortal range normal physics take over so she can shoot cannonballs and pachinko balls with remarkable accuracy, an effective explosive teleportation. Yes that includes 'live grenades'. Also within that short range (around 3 meters across, with her in the center) anything that can be conductive will conduct whatever electricity she wants it to. She can cause a spark between circuits on a board, or an entire fence to become electrified, she likes starting up and powering generators with this power. But she also likes frying Combine soldiers and headcrab nests too. **Notably she doesn't just 'not take damage' from any electrical source, she actively feeds on electricity. She can siphon batteries in moments, reduce or change flow direction in wiring, she basically has it at her fingertips entirely. Janet can very much sense through electricity, more broadly than just her tk-based command of metals. She can sense it outright from the smallest biochemical spark in a nervous system, to power generators or carried on lines above or below the ground, as well as sensing it as part of the visual spectrum, so she sees a very messy haze of people-shaped nervous lines, backed by banks of machinery and brightened by sockets and cords. Her vision, should anyone care to look through her 'eyes', is much like very powerful Vortal aura seers. She can absolutely discern people by their output, but can also see in the regular way - she did have some downloaded training to do this, when it was apparent that she was confused by 'all the moving stuff' whenever she looked around. She does have a very minor suite of telepathy and empathy, though they're close range (10 meters and touch respectively) and she tends to rely more on the environment and gadgets to communicate distantly. She does this with data reading and imprinting - she is much stronger with this than mom, more like uncle Martin. She can alter code on the fly, though she tends to like touching the keyboard and being near the source for that to work best. However she can detect and manipulate wireless transmissions, so she can fake Combine chatter and read enemy discussions as they happen.
Skills or Profession: though her 'teleport' is not quite the same as Martin's he's advised her on how to suss out an area before zipping into it using her sensory abilities. Best to move into a safe spot than one filled with angry Combine. Because she is easily able to do so, Paxton has insisted that she be up among the front line and scouting teams, and she relishes this, but also she knows it's dangerous, so her training in that regard was very, very thorough. She has a deep array of electronics, coding, and engineering backgrounds, math, and physics. She's studied the Combine intensely, from their architecture and vehicles to troop movements and coded language. Also she can identify small objects or creatures at quite a distance using her electric vision, and can tell whether someone is stressed, injured, or hiding Combine technology on their body - it has a very visible frequency. She is subtly used as a screener for newcomers in the fringes, long before they're even brought anywhere near the Rookery or its housing locations.
Personality: Charming and open, but she very much knows how important her roles are in the Rookery - so she's 'open' when among her friends and troops, but in the field she is all business. Not sullen or angry, but she tries not to bring attention to herself when strangers are around. Thankfully there are plenty of people that take that attention among the refugee groups. When she's with friends, though, she is all about the play time and enjoying herself. She loves "playing dressup" and show and tell with other scavengers, so she's known to trade items and goods for the 'nice' clothes. She can hardly hold still, but will do so when someone offers to tailor something, thanks Wilson love you bye bye!

Events or History: That sexy plumber and the spastic programmer fell madly in bed. It's sort of a shame that no one was there to film it, because frankly it'd make some great porn? That's how Laura tells it, anyway, much to Jon's pride. She was always around dragons as well as danger, computers, and Vorts. She's made friends with all of them, including danger.

Modgud and she reside wherever Paxton needs them, so she's got dorms at the Rookery and North Aperture, and at the Grounds. She actually prefers Aperture because it has a more present and accounted for electric signature, where the Rookery is clumps in the middle of nothingness, electrically speaking. She has taken numerous trips down to Rapture when it's more open, but likes wandering the State Center area when she's visiting the coffee-addicts, because there's a lot of spare stuff to root through that hasn't been absolutely ruined like other major cities.


Name: Modgud (underworld guardian)
Gender: Female
Size/Shoulder/Length: Medium-Large (overall) 12'2" s / 55' l / 110' ws
Colors: Body purple w/ blue-grey; Wings black w/ white; Wingzaps all sides; Mane grey; Claws/horns lighter; eyes blue
Features: *may vary in siblings; tendril touched mane, scaled, egg layers; Forehorn 2 jaw Backswept; Mane; Small wingclaw; Small pawclaws; Curl tail w/spikes
Powers: Winged Flight, clearly fast and furious, Modgud is like the lightning on her markings, even without teleportation. She flies straight and sure, sharp turns and quick spins, dangerous to sit on but only Janet does that. She can carry a lot, but doesn't - she is not relied upon as a supply dragon after all. But if she needs to bust through a wall, look out.
Teleportation, Modgud is able to use a localized teleportation power that carries her around 10 miles per jaunt, though she can only do about 3 of these in succession without rest, after which a good night's sleep is what she needs. She can handle more of them if she has about 10 minutes rest between each burst. However, she can access the Spirit Plane, a form of the Void that allows for much longer jaunts up to 1000 miles if she knows exactly where to come out. So any place she's visited, there are usually a few dots on the map between in order to rest up for the next long spring. Her strongest teleportation though, is the electrical line burst that allows her and whatever she's carrying (touching her and hanging on, strapped, or clutched in her talons) to move along a line of lightning or even power lines if they're sturdy. With these, she can suss out exactly where to end up, like tiny seeking tendrils and maze lines, before bursting out of the air with a very, very loud bang. This is done both offensive and defensively, she does know the route to deposit groups or goods safely, but more often than not if they're in a very tight spot Paxton will send them in to absolutely ruin a Combine army. She can do this in conjunction with not only her own offensive electrical power, but Janet's to aid her.
Communication, Modgud is a dragon of few words, but she does keep up with commands as well as nearby discussions if needed. Though she is far too big to be helpful on a small scale, she knows all the technical terms for the power lines, electronics, and such that her rider uses daily, and has sometimes been relied upon to move whole line towers, since y'know, she's huge and can do that safely. She speaks in curt, sharp, loud words, but her mind is more of a sparking field of thoughts.
Electric Power, like most of her siblings she is able to use electricity to her advantage in combat, coming in the form of a burst of energy that can either power up large generators (like you'd find in a power plant or dam) or fill batteries or power lines to fry. It has a range of about 250 meters across with her in the center, but can be controlled into a much tighter sphere down to about 5 meters from herself. This can absolutely destroy living things, but she is well aware that her own people need to survive encounters - so she knows how to 'tune' her electricity to a specific frequency that disrupts only Combine tech. Since every Combine soldier and adherant has implants, they will definitely suffer if she starts to spark. This power works best with stormy conditions, obviously, but she has to be careful if everything is wet - once the energy is out of her sphere, chances are other bits will start to spark and she cannot control those at all. She can summon lightning to her location, if the weather conditions are good for it, but really doesn't rely on that power at all save for last ditch exits.
She is immortal, effectively, though she can be hurt by projectile weapons or crushing, anything that involves energy simply tickles. She has been known to eat Combine energy pellets.
Parentage: Anira and Perun, many siblings among Rookery
Origin: Hallowed Silk healing den
Other Info: She does like fighting Combine, and finds flying around their largest installations the most fun. She can cling to the side of a Citadel and claw her way up it, or down it, or around, and aim pulses of energy through the place to disable parts of it without even being near it.