Name: Maa'lach Vahh, "Malach", name can be translated to 'place of blunt lies', though most Vorts seem to imply it's more 'here is the truth' because they don't ascribe any negativity to the Vahh portion any longer

Gender: Male, bisexual

Age/DOB: Born shortly after Combine's end / 2028, aged, visibly young adult

Origin: Repurposed Earth, EC, Fairport, Alabama

Family: Mother Melissa Larrabie, Father Wilson Carver; obvious Vahh clan family members (Mystery, Paxton, Geoff, Darly, etc etc etc)

Other: Has run into his Zekiran counterpart, isn't all that impressed with his profession of dealing Budak...

Height: 6'4"

Weight: around 200, would be much heavier due to musculature, but Icarus lightens his overall weight; more sleekly vertical than his father, but still broad-chested and shouldered, with lots of upper body strength obvious

Hair: Very dark brown with a sheen of reddish-gold in sunlight; wavy (as below pics rather than above), kept reasonably short but grows quickly; facial hair trimmed nicely and usually has stubble aplenty

Eyes: Almost a lime-green shade, brightly yellow-green that is in no way 'hazel', but a shade between yellow and teal; intense, intelligent looking with expressive eyebrows

Appearance: Medium to creamy caucasian with no blemishes or scarring, though in sunlight does get a bit of freckles on face and shoulders; body hair is visibly present though not overwhelming, a little heavier than shown on bottom right; stands very 'vertical' and angular overall, though in motion he's very flexible; prefers either black or blue colored outfits as shown, and is absolutely not afraid to be naked near anyone; often, to Wilson's chagrin, he doesn't wear shoes even though he's got a closet full of em. He has a deep, quiet voice.

Genetic Abilities: As the very physical son of two highly Vortal individuals - both of whom were Icarus processed - Malach has inherited handfuls of both their abilities. From Wilson, he gets a remarkable strength and some amount of speed (around 4x as strong as normal, around 3x faster), it's Melissa's regenration that he inherited (and kind of complains about not being able to just resist damage, because caltrops are a real thing and he does not like them one bit particularly when they seal up under his heel...); from Melissa also though, he has an incredibly detailed and highly accurate memory - he can remember things from even the briefest encounter, and absolutely speed-reads to catch up on any given subject. He uses a form of her genetic sense as well, though he has in fact weaponized it, being able to shift the genetics of those around him (at close range only) into a painful almost radiation-burn kind of blistering. This heals itself naturally, but is incredibly painful and stops almost any living thing from doing much else when he's attacking it. He also has the typical 'psychic suite' of telepathy, empathy, and a strong aura sense like his mother has. He can pinpoint minds, but more easily he can spot their genes and aura long before his telepathic range would allow him to communicate.

Icarus Processing: Yes, but why? Well, Melissa wanted it, so there it is. It's actually unknown whether this process did more than just make him lighter weight, because the volume of his Vortal powers are already stupidly strong.

Image Credits: Icon/City of Heroes / (below) DollDivine Harry Potter / Lethe

Skills or Profession: In the post-apocalyptic world that he was born into, Malach is an unusual sort. He has had the skill downloads that Melissa and Carmen do: he can use, refine, even upgrade and repair all the medical equipment that is available (and some that isn't). He can work with cells and raw DNA, mixing and matching - he is after all a bit of a mad scientist like mom. He uses these things, though, not only to help further the Human species and get a better foot hold on the world once more, but to actively screw with enemies both there and elsewhere. Alternate worlds have been of interest to him, and he's learned how to put all those fighting moves that Wilson asked him to download, into use. Mostly though, he can be considered an aggressive DNA collector. But then again who wouldn't want to contribute when he's ... well, right there? He knows he's 'hawt', doesn't hesitate to leverage attraction to him, into donations to the collection back at Medusa. In the future of either the Repurposed or the Rookery Earths, Malach will be tapped for plenty of medical needs, not only the breeding side.
Personality: In a word, Malach is 'Gregarious'. He is absolutely everywhere that people are. He loves being around people, listening to them, spying on them Vortally, watching their auras, smelling them, having sex with some of them... He's truly a social butterfly, or perhaps given his mother, a social worker bee. Malach enjoys quiet time, certainly, he likes being able to study uninterrupted and be doing work without having to explain or pause. But any other time, he's definitely up for whatever is suggested. Beer pong? Sure. Flying kites? That's neat! Videogames? Absolutely. Perhaps the only thing he doesn't like, is when those groups start turning into mobs or bitch sessions - he would rather see the good in people, and smack the bad ones down, than just complain about them or give bad commentary. While he does collect gossip, he then puts the right pieces to use, either to track down someone he'd like to add to his collection, or to remove them. The down side of all of this, however, is that there may be a lot of 'supposedly jilted' lovers, people he's 'collected' who believe his advances have meant more than they were intended. Malach isn't a 'get too close' type, though he's far from a 'love em and leave em' - he simply can distinguish sex from love, and has yet to fall in love with anyone. Fallen in bed with, plenty... He's got to the point that he now remembers to warn folks first: he's not going to be committing to anything long-term, and yes he's had more partners than he could shake a stick at. So to keep them from being too jealous, he does have to be a bit more careful and possibly choosy. And for him, being choosy is actually difficult. Like his father, he loves looking good and being seen looking good. Unlike him, though, Malach isn't such the clothes horse that he must be seen that way. A frumpy housecoat and bunny slippers is absoultely as valid for Malach as a silk suit and tie.
Events or History: Though conceived 'naturally', Melissa did not give birth to this son of hers. She carried him almost to term, however, and shortly before his birth, had someone other-than-Wilson do the removal process (this... ask Darly about it, don't talk to Wilson though) to avoid any serious issues of birthing him. Because the world was still in a bit of a flux condition - the fighters, including Wilson, Pax, and Geoff, were needed to mop up outside. This gave Melissa a decent amount of free time to dedicate to her new children. Since, within several years, there had been numerous unveilings from both stored and new pairings: himself, Athena, Theseus, Brand and Matilda... to some degree they were all related to him. While Kitty took Brand and Matilda under her own experienced motherly wing, the considerably weirder trio of Malach, Athena, and Theseus sort of all belonged to Mel in most compelling ways. Tina wasn't about to take much of a break from her communication work to raise the stored-then-born son she'd had with Paxton, and Mars... well, no one would ever expect Mars to do more than carry a tune, let alone her child with Pax... (Yes, someone has suggested that Melissa prodded these two into carrying their Paxton-babies to term because she wanted him to come back and be safe at the Center...)(They would not have been wrong.) But here they are, a trio of highly powerful, and incredibly intelligent, children.
Malach would cling to his mother a little more closely and watch things from behind her, a little while longer than the others. Though he became quite well known rather quickly once mature, it was Athena and Theseus that grabbed more attention. That suited a young Malach just fine, he wasn't as delighted as they to be in the spotlight as children. His third year marked when he was put into the Icarus process like the others, and like them he was accelerated a little into his early teen years. The world was still, as Melissa would put it, quite dangerous for children, even her own Little Gods. So while the more normal kids were still running around playing Vorts and Scanners, he and his kin were being given downloads and testing them out in some of the old Enrichment Center chambers.
When he was 15, the group started their jaunting around the multiverse, and he joined in. Learning to become a hero as well as a hottie at parties, in Paragon City, Malach used that experience to hone his abilities. And now, by the time he's in his early 20s (... techincally speaking, he could be anywhere from 21 to 200, no one's saying how long they were at these other universes) Malach is ready for these gorgeous dragons at the Rookery. The mopping up back home has been largely finished off, Humanity there is still needing his aid, so he has eagerly found 'new' strains of powerful DNA - with their owners permission of course - to insert into the mix back home. But as phases go, right now, he's more than happy to gear up and start beating on a new flavor of Combine, for the Rookery.


Name: Nilima
Gender: Female
Size/Shoulder/Length: Small(medium-small) 7'3" shoulder / 30' l / 50' ws
Colors: Royal blue speckled with indigo on most of body and wingsails, medium sky-blue speckled with dark blue on neck, chest, under tail, and backs of legs, light grey accents on wingsails and armor along back, brighter white markings along sides, teil, and legs; creamy back / neck spines and claws, dark blue-indigo horns and antennae; bright cyan eyes
Features: Silkwing, four legs with short curved claws 5 on fore and 4 with heel claw on hind feet; four wings in a butterfly-like style, with 3 visible fingers, wrist claw, and elbow strut on main wing, and a single finger with elbow strut and short wrist claw on secondary wings; body is scaled with soft belly, larger plates on neck, back, and tail, head has minor armor with two long curved antennae, and two long slender backswept horns, external ears, and short jaw nubs; short spikes from top of head all along spine to tip of tail.
Powers: Winged Flight; as most of her breed can, she is an adept flier, though Nilima tends to fly in calm weather or at night, avoiding storms or highly visible locations; she is not a powerful flyer, but she can easily lift her bond friend and another or supplies, and fly for a reasonable distance without tiring. She is not expected to do combat moves, that's what her little Human is for!
Communication, she is able to speak English and Draconic, and understands a good deal of Vort though she doesn't attempt to speak it mostly for fear of getting the inflections and telepathic context wrong. She has a very delicate mental voice, but she absolutely can hear his, and send her thoughts to Malach. This is a reasonably short ranged ability, however, but she also claims that she can 'smell him' on the air, with her antennae, and perhaps he aids this by producing his own distinct pheromone 'flavor' that she alone understands.
Silk Production, as a Silkwing she can create thick or slender strands of webbing, creating cocoons and webs to catch prey, or to hold enemies still. As with several other of the Silkwings and hybrids around, she has been approached by Malach's father about making silk for their looms - she thinks this is an absolutely wonderful use of their silk, and participates in weaving when she can. Her silks can range from hair-thin sensory webs, that alert her to movement, on up through heavier tripwire-like strands, and sticky versions that ensnare, but also a sheet-like volume that she can blanket an area, useful for tossing over goods for transport, and even for tossing leaves and cover on to camouflage a spot from overhead view.
Parentage: Unknown, though she is likely to start nesting with a few others, because there are some handsome dragons at this Rookery... What she hadn't realized was that she had hatched from a trio of eggs left near a a 'Flux point' - one of the entry points between her kin's world, and the Rookery, which acts as a miniature Portal Storm. Three other eggs were left by their mother (who is not on the Rookery world), and had been found by Combine patrols when the Flux moved and exposed the eggs. It is painfully clear that they are all from the same clutch of eggs, with the same parentage, what with their vivid blue coloring. Two currently reside in the Rapture facility for their protection, while the third has been moved up to the Borealis.
Origin: adopted from Furrygamer2003 at Deviantart
Other Info: Though her partner is clearly suited to combat and activity, Nilima is a much more passive and observant dragoness, and she enjoys their down time more than his frantic moments of combat-readiness. There are a dozen other dragons that he calls upon - some calling Paxton their leader - to bring him into those battles. She knows he's safe, he's so indestructable! But still she worries, and makes sure that any refugees that return on those ventures into the Outlands come back to a nice warm and safe nook. Rook!