Name: Mara Jae Lee-Munoz

Gender: Female, bisexual disaster area

Age/DOB: ~15, 203X

Origin: Repurposed Earth, AAEC

Family: Mother Gracie, father Steve, spliced though naturally born after implant; has numerous relatives among the Pantheon; is the donor for one of the newer 'orange eyed' ELLs, Yorell

Other: though born on Repurposed Earth, she feels much more at home in the Rookery

Height: 5'6"

Weight: 125* Icarus reduces weight but she's still muscular and nicely curvy

Hair: Dark brown, kept short and stylish without even trying, usually falls over one eye, but her powers keep it from interfering with her vision

Eyes: medium shiny brown, large and even, under heavy brows

Appearance: darkly tan verging on brown skin, becomes coppery in sun, does love showing off her curves, she's built stronger than her mother that's for sure; she does like girly things but in moderation, and will wear dresses only if the situation warrants it, which is to say hardly ever on the Rookery; has a few scrapes and cuts from exploring, but nothing major

Genetic Abilities: Because both of her parents are remarkably talented telekinetics, Mara Jae is equally blessed, but also a bit equally cursed. Her powers are very strong over short distances, she can lift a bus or a single grain of sand with ease. But if she becomes distracted, fretful, or frightened, her control lapses and things start flying around. She generally has a set of small items with her at all times, which she uses as a focal point to keep her mind on things, as well as to occupy her unconscious power use instead of tossing that bus where it shouldn't be. She can sense through items she's lifting but only if they're around the same size as her hand, and only within around 20 meters at most. The range on her overall lifting power is around 200 meters, peaking at 50. She can manipulate and 'juggle' a dozen small items at once, though that's more practice than plain power use. Mara Jae does have a limited amount of telepathy, to around 50 meters at most, and decent empathy to 25 meters.

Icarus Processing: Yes, at age 3ish, though Melissa pondered whether to insert it directly into her DNA while being blended in the lab. This reduces her adult weight, improved her health greatly, and she's about 3x faster and more agile than a normal person.

Image Credits: DD Shida Frock and Folly

Skills or Profession: given standard skill downloads for educational purposes, but also directly from her parents and other telekinetics instruction on how to best use her abilities. This only goes so far, because each child's unique take on things may or may not be represented in those downloads. She is very good with exploration and navigation, more by practice than having downloads. She is also a very talented singer and dancer, though she would much rather record her songs than perform, and her dancing is rather energetic, she likes hip hop and break-dancing, though you'd be very surprised how good she is on a ballroom floor. Otherwise included in her downloaded skills are things she uses daily in her exploration - building recognition, landmarks, structural information, and some amount of stealth and tactical work.

Personality: though quite happy and well adjusted even with life on a new Earth and with weirdness happening all around, Mara Jae is still that traditional Bisexual Disaster girl - she cannot for the life of her be anything less than tongue-tied when she's around someone she likes, like-likes, you know what I mean? Others think this is absolutely adorable, and she's usually missed all the social cues when someone is interested in her. When she's in the field, however, she definitely has her shit together, and will take orders with ease, performing exactly what duties she is asked as long as she knows how to do it. Unlike both her parents, she does enjoy working with younger kids, and shares their boundless energy. She's gentle enough with them, that even normal parents don't mind at all when she starts lifting their kids with her powers, they know that no harm is going to come to them when they're doing a play or dance recital and up they go into the air.

Events or History: Mara Jae is good at both exploration and infiltration, and stay-at-home babysitting duties. So she'll often be out looking for families, finding stray kids and reuniting them with their parents, or scooting tour groups along in the Rookery. She does make regular forays into the Cities and ruins, trying to find specific items such as musical instruments, toys and games, and other such pleasantries fit to keep families together and safe. Eventually though she still has a dorm at the Rookery proper, she is very well suited to life in the North Aperture facilities, tending to daycare and educational needs for the kids there. (RY 13)


Name: Dorado
Gender: Female
Size/Shoulder/Length: Large 13' s / 67' l / 100' ws
Colors: under parts, dorsal line and spines, claws and horns, to feet grade from bright sunny yellow through pale yellow-green in pastel shades; face, limbs, neck, body, tail and wing arms grade from sky blue through pale aqua also in pastels; wingsails are robin's egg blue-green to sky blue with bright white Royal line markings clearly visible on both dorsal and ventral; spots and markings on body and limbs center on cyan, can flash from indigo to white in shades of blue, yellow, and pale green; eyes yellow
Features: Seawing, Royal
Powers: Winged Flight, Dorado is surprisingly light and adept in the air, even at her size. She feels best in the water, but can rise to great heights, and maneuver very well, even around a battlefield. She prefers to remain near water for her antics, however, because she will take no damage from diving into it. In the air, she can lift and carry considerable weights, and will likely be tapped to help move the Borealis once it's eventually sea-worthy. She does love taking the little kids around the Shafts, though mostly that's floating on the water.
Communication, as most of her breed, she can 'speak' with Aquatic, sign and signal language with her bioluminescent scales and posturing with her body. However, she was born on Earth and speaks very little Draconic, preferring English and Vortigese, which she understands very well. She speaks in a softer voice than expected of such a big dragoness, but can use her voice or at least the volume of it, under the water as an attack at close range.
Aquatic Adaptation, with gills on her neck, and the ability to withstand tremendous cold, pressure, and depth, Dorado is most at home in water. However she really does like warmer climates, her coloration is so tropical - and her name is that of a tropical fish anyway. Though she can dive - as deep as the Shafts are only with water filling them - she generally remains near the surface of any deep water, mostly because the sun is nice, and people swim only so deep. She can swim remarkably fast, however, and leaves quite a wake behind her if she takes off from a floating start. Her tail, like most Seawings, is capable of producing a massive wave, and she can use this to damage enemies or take down walls equally well above the water.
Technically speaking, Dorado is not only a Royal, but an Animus dragon, gifted with tremendous Vortal power. This may be accented due to the fact that she was conceived and hatched on Earth and not her family's native Pyrrha. Since both her parents display strong Vortal abilities, these are present in her as well. The ability to produce a breath weapon is one of those talents, and she has a sonic-blast that hardly gets used.
Parentage: mother Algaebloom, sire Acropora, brother Zamrud
Origin: adopted from MooncrestNecrozma with lines by Luna-The-Nightwing on Deviantart, WoF by Tui Sutherland
Other Info: It is obvious that both Algaebloom and Acropora stem from royal Seawings, this dragoness' markings prove it. She doesn't much care, she is more at ease helping out than bossing people around. She truly enjoys working with Mara Jae and the children, and is very often found floating around the bottom of the Shafts, with a raft of kids on her out-spread wings.