Ioccios the Sirenpony

Name Ioccios (technically Íoccús)
Gender Male, pan?
Homeworld Equestria
Class Sophomore, 25+5
Nut Nut
Totem Jackalope
Smarts 4
Bod/Feet 6
Luck 5
Drive 2
Looks 2
Cool 3
Bonk 7
Powers Slightly Evil Magic
- Telemove
- Deep Freeze
- Sonic-Based Emotion Control
- Water Survival / Travel
Clusters Evil Magic +2
1 Naming and the Power of True Names / Akarist / Excellent
2 Fur-Side Mythos and Rituals / Kirabo / Superb
3 Basic Ice Magic / Wenona / Superb
4 Dragonry Prep / Aliza / Decent
5 Oceanography / Poddie / Decent
6 Deep Pool Sports / Dean Rhein / Excellent
7 Betting and Odds / Haital / Decent
8 Non-Human Languages (Whale, Deep One) / Noah / Decent





Name: Zamrud (emerald)
Gender: Male
Colors: main body teal, with greenish shiny armor along belly from chin to mid tail, dark green to hiny aqua dorsal scales and limb armor; fins on chest, limbs, and dorsal along with wingsails gradient from spring green to sky blue, wings with bright yellow-green royal markings on undersides only; horns, claws, and tail fin medium blue; eyes violet
Features: Seawing, Royal, oddly does not have visible gills or seawing-typical markings on body
Powers: Winged flight, though quite big and rather heavy, Zamrud is markedly strong in the air, preferring the windy cliffs and seashore, large scale storms are his home. He can carry quite a lot of weight, even into the air, but it had better be waterproof.
Swimming / Seaworthy, of course as a royal Seawing he is stunning in the water, swift and sure even in turbulent or strong currents, and in fact relishing them. He's able to use whirlpools and riptides to gain speed and shoot out into the skies. As he is still a Seawing he can survive the incredible pressure and depth of the sea floor, both salt and fresh water is breathable to him. He does not require water, but certainly likes living there much more than out of it.
Communication, he can speak Draconic, English, and Aquatic, and has learned some amount of local language bits and pieces thanks to his Siren friend.
Water Manipulation, this dragon is able to command the water around his head, not a true water blast, more telekinetics than anything else. He can summon a massive wave if he wishes, and is able to negate riptides or create 10 foot waves out of a small swell on the shore.
Parentage: Acropora and Algaebloom, sister Dorado
Origin: Adopted from TerrorTheArtist (MS981) on Deviantart
Other Info: Zamrud and Dorado were both born on an Earth, and then Zamrud moved to Twoarth. They are not often together, but when they are, they make quite the royal kids.