Name: Niven Lange Walker

Gender: Male, bi

Age/DOB: ~16, aged, RY2

Origin: Rookery-born to Repurposed parents; Currently residing in Midnight Falls Weyr ** 2022 - sorry Seirye you left Discord at some point and so Niven is back home where he belongs, dragon and all. I am not going to give this one back.

Family: Spliced dads, Nigel and Gene, full brother Galen, with half-sister Desi, aunt Jennifer, other relatives

Other: With the amount of travel he's doing, Niven will definitely be of interest to quite a few potential relationships

Height: 5'10"

Weight: 120* Icarus reduces his weight and gives his sleek musclarity a lot of power

Hair: quite black, and though it's thick it is rather straight and wiry, a lot like Gene's rather than Nigel's afro; it will frizz up in dry conditions, but normally is sleek and goes to his upper back, rarely styled, but he does keep bangs that are often in his eyes

Eyes: strongly red without a hint of brown though if he had been 'naturally' born they would still show a reddish tint, almond shaped with a stronger epicanthal fold than either of his dads, under heavy black brows

Appearance: lighter yellowish tan skin than his brother or fathers, making some people wonder whether Melissa also dashed in another of the Pantheon gene pool into him? He has no scars or freckles, but does grow incredibly bronze-tanned in the sun, almost metallic looking; has taken to wearing the full Aperture-branded gear of white undersuit and orange coveralls, and has reinforced boots more for style than functionality; his voice is quiet, but deep and sensual, and his features certainly give most guys a run for their money in the 'chiseled' department

Icarus Processing: yes, while he was being put together, since he's a splice job and it is remarkably easy to do before even being implanted into a surrogate. Only Gene had been treated so there were not as many inherited traits with inherent boosting. As with his brother, this processing gives him enhanced strength and speed, only around 1.5x in each case, however his endurance and healing factors are nearly 4x a normal person's. His senses have been enhanced as well, the poor eyesight that Gene has was completely wiped out and he can discern detail at a room length away.

Image Credits: Azalea's Dolls Sci Fi Maker

Genetic Abilities: though his abilities include pyrokinesis, it's not as strong as any of his family, though still quite powerful overall. He relies more on his telepathic and empathic power, which are a lot stronger than either his dads or brother. His ability to sense conscious intelligences extends to humans, Vortigaunts, dragons, dolphins, whatever has a sense of 'self', and he can easily communicate with Vortal humans and aliens, and intelligent or magical/psionic dragons, at up to 10 miles away. When he speaks with non-magical creatures (dragons without psionic powers) or other humanoids, he does need to be a lot closer range, around 500 meters or less. He has strong empathy that works on both individuals and in groups, but he can get swept away if the group mood is very strong in any direction - be it angry, afraid, elated, or naughty. Niven can touch an individual person and get a sense of their well-being, overall this aids his dragon and they make an incredibly fine-tuned Search pair. Interestingly he can pick up a trail just like the dragon can, and 'track down' a specific person by their Vortal aura. He does seem to have a remarkably clear and focused memory and mind, though he doesn't show a photographic memory it's very close. As for his pyrokinesis, he is still able to create a gout of flame that is actually much hotter and more precise, and longer range, than his dragon. The flame can be focused from a wide 'hand splay' fan at around 30 meters long, to a single finger-wide beam that's laser precise and hot enough to melt through metal at 150 meters. The use of this flame does wear him out, he can only produce these effects for about half an hour before needing to rest for a good 8 hours, though he doesn't have to sleep in that time, just 'not' use powers. The flames burn at the same brilliant ruby wavelength as his eyes, and his eyes glow when he's using the pyrokinesis.
Skills or Profession: Like his brother and father Gene, he's very intelligent and knows how to work best with people and words. He is a natural linguist, and can speak English and Vortigese fluently, but also good bits of Spanish, French, Korean, and Russian, depending on the company - and will be able to very easily learn any local languages where he winds up! Since he basically took it upon himself to start exploring the multiverse once he was bonded to a dragon, he keeps track of a wide variety of locations - their tech levels, inhabitants, languages, and potential connectivity to the Rookery. It was on one of these long jaunts that he wound up... well, that's History... He is currently residing in Midnight Falls Weyr and serving as their Search rider, potentially going off world or between times, and he is adept enough at recordskeeping that he can reliably return to a location with the dragon following his focused instructions.
Personality: Though his brother Galen is the 'social skills' one, much more outgoing, Niven is hardly a shy boy and will be found chatting people up carefully to get the gist of their group dynamics. He's more observant than most, and is not willing to butt into a conversation if he feels he isn't welcome. But that doesn't mean he won't interrupt a fight or start up a rousing debate himself! He's charming, in a kind of distracted, nerdy way (a lot like Gene in that regard). He finds himself attracted to smart people, those who are a lot like him in the observation and diplomatic ways, but he's been known to have a romantic romp with those who are bold enough to ask. He hasn't thought about settling down with anyone yet, or even really settling down more than he is at Midnight Falls.

Events or History: Like his brother Galen, Niven was created in a lab setting down in Rapture, and has spent his entire life basically on the Rookery world, not their parents' home dimension's Earth. Also like his brother, he was artificially aged after being gestated by a surrogate mother - this process more fully embeds Vortal power with or without the Icarus processing to aid it, and since he didn't show as much pyrokinetics, he was not really required to do a lot of testing and download-reinforcement in the labs on being grown up to a preteen. He was happy to sit in with the scientists, with records-keeping folks watching all the refugees and dragons at the Rookery, and soaked it all in with an almost Vortal gaze.

In Rookery Year 5, the hatching of Tork and Den'vahth's clutch occurred and he was rather surprised to Impress to a dramatically dark "Indigo" blue. They make a very good team, and while both of them are still young they have a confident and reliable air about them as a team. When Keh-thii'thioth decided he wanted to try teleporting, no one could stop him, of course, and while they do manage to get good and lost now and then, Keenan will come and 'rescue' them if they call out into the void for it. So far there have been very few times that has been needed, and the last time was to introduce Keenan and Den to the leadership at Midnight Falls, and formalize their 'transfer' to the Weyr there. **About a year later, he returns to the Rookery.


Name: Keh-thii'tioth (keh 'fixed/whole', thii 'pursuit or to sniff out something known', tio 'specific scrutiny of a person') "sniffs out and seeks to make whole" (keh THEE tee oth) or 'Kethii' for short
Gender: Male
Size/Shoulder/Length: Small (long) 7'4" s / 38' l / 52' ws
Colors: indigo blue mottled with deep charcoal black body from head to tail, quite a bit darker and more black on tail and wing fingertips; wingsails are deep impressively satiny blue-black, again more black along their edges and brighter blue toward the body; eyes shift with mood, but are often not what you'd expect of a Pernese color range.
Features: Alskyran/Pernese altered thanks to long term Healing Den residence - note that some siblings have other variations on features and those may also show up in descendants if paired with the right mate; long and narrow build; hide skin requiring maintenance; four legs with 3 digits, thumb on fore and heel claw hind, large claws; two leathery wings with 3 visible fingers, double-clawed first digit, and short wrist claw/thumb; long narrow face with eye ridges and curved horns (not knobs but still covered with hide and not open bone); sharp neck crest, no spines on back or tail, spaded tail end; egg layer, requires bond, may have broader colors in offspring, -TH ended name though -K is also found among siblings
Powers: Winged Flight (6) Large wings and a long body mean that Kethii is remarkably strong in the air, and has been known to be both the fastest, and the longest-lasting flier depending on the groups of dragons he's been hanging around. He is markedly acrobatic, and doesn't hesitate to slam himself into tree tops, sides of buildings, or flying craft (or other dragons) and wrap those massive wings around whatever it is to just cling there as long as the object can hold his weight. He acts like a flitter in that regard, but he's conscious enough of his size that he won't purposefully land on something he knows is going to break or get injured (unless of course, he's trying to injure it? or break it down?). He doesn't do well in unpredictable winds, or strong storms, preferring clear skies or at least calm winds. He can easily skim treetops or even weave between big trees even at his length, though sometimes Niven kind of would prefer it if he didn't because that is very dangerous and difficult to maintain his seat... While he doesn't mind being the transportation dragon for those he Searches, he's still reasonably small, and can only handle a total of three human-sized people or weight before he loses mobility.
Teleportation - Kethii is absolutely superb with teleportation, with his special trick of Time (6) displacement being strongest. He can flip back and forth between eras of a local world like it's nothing, but he knows better than to try and 'double up' on his own presence. It seems he is smart enough to know exactly when he is, even on worlds he has never visited before. He can take Niven and one passenger on these trips, and they tend to freak people out when they're not prepared. The trip itself is through 'between' but... more through a Void that is a lot scarier. His Local (5) teleport is very strong, able to move around 1-mile jaunts in quick succession without tiring, and 'combat teleportation' with incredibly complex moves if needed, though he is in no way a combat dragon. When he knows an area of one world well enough his Long Distance (4) ability can take him up to 500 miles at a burst, but he is usually pretty tired after that and will fly to find a safe spot to rest directly after. His 'weaker' Genre/Dimension (2) power is what got him to their current residence, and is what gets them lost a little now and then too. Generally speaking he can teleport from one very similar world to another, such as 'one destroyed Earth to a slightly less destroyed Earth', or 'one version of Pern to another'. Apparently the one which they landed on and decided to stick with, is displaced a little from other versions and though they didn't use the temporal port to get when they are, it seems... oddly early in that world's colonization process. (Similarly, some versions of Earth's history seem to overlap 'the 60s' in one dimension might be effectively 'the 1700s' in another...)
Communication, Kethii uses modest Telepathy (3) to communicate with dragons for the most part, and a much stronger Verbal (4) speech to talk to humans and other people. While he cannot speak all the languages that his rider does, Kethii certainly undetstands them with the same ease - probably due to their very close mental bond.
Unassisted Firebreath (1) .... yeah, we don't talk about this. While some of his siblings can in fact simply breathe fire like it's nothing, and though he does not 'require' the use of some chemical or rock to fire up those flames... They are just absolutely garbage weaksauce. When they have had to go into the skies fighting Combine or Thread, it's Niven that's done all the flame blasting.
Parentage: Tork and Den'vahth with numerous siblings around
Origin: Hallowed Silk RY5 Healing Den / Rookery
Other Info: He picked out this sibling and Galen had to wait for another clutch, but they've never been at odds about this fact. Jealousy doesn't run in their line, really. Nor does it run in the dragons' - with numerous siblings both full and partial scattered across the Rookery as well as other worlds now, Kethii is a remarkable search dragon. He has a nose for finding exactly the right person, if he knows who the eggs are going to want. He will butt in to a hatching ground and check to see whether there are any waiting eggs, sometimes ruffling the mother's feathers so to speak, and then go back out to inform his rider that they need to look for proper candidates. It's in his blood, it just makes him eager to meet people. He's not rude about it, but he definitely never hesitates to say what he's thinking. If that means 'well that girl's father is a jerk if he thinks she can't come with us', so be it... That leaves Niven to smooth things over a little...