Name: Wattana Mwangi

Gender: Female, straight

Age/DOB: ~15, aged, RY11

Origin: Born on Rookery to Aperturth parents

Family: Mother Saruta, father Russell

Other: aged along with several others in this era to keep up with the Rookery's dragon needs, more than anything else; her name loosely means 'evolve'

Height: 5'5"

Weight: ~90* Icarus treated but she'd be diminutive anyway, she's much stronger than she looks, and is incredibly agile, very speedy, and dexterous

Hair: black, charcoal shaded, thick and wooly but easily styled, and usually kept up in braids, buns, or cornrow styles; it's about shoulder length most of the time

Eyes: shining brown, large, intelligent, with strong epicanthal fold, under high brows

Appearance: dark yellowish-brown skin, she has some moles and freckles but they're rarely visible; she looks much more like her mother, save for her darker skin tone and hair type; lanky and long limbed after being aged, but she's got sway to her hips and is distinctly feminine, even when she's shuffling around in air vents which she often does... Her voice is high, sing-song, and she uses that to her advantage when mocking people she disrespects; she enjoys wearing Aperture branded shirts, though she does tend to confuse people who think she's a clone because that's the style chosen; typically she also has a belt with tools added to this outfit

Icarus Processing: yes, at the age of 3 she was given the regular Icarus treatments, as it seemed unlikely that she'd need the Plasmid-mix. Notably, her mother had been taking Pythagoras doses before pregnancy, and this did strongly affect her as well as the other treatments. She was aged at this time and also afforded skill downloads, many of which came from her own parents; the processing lightened her body weight, increased her durability (she heals about 2x as fast as normal), her fingers can fiddle with even the tiniest of parts without fumbling, and she runs or dodges about 4x faster than normal; she is also around 2.5x stronger than a typical person, which surprises anyone that thinks they can get away with shoving her out of their way, or bullying someone around her, she will lay them out with one easy punch

Image Credits: Doll Divine Waterbender

Genetic Abilities: stunningly smart, and with a Vortal undertone of ELL level comprehention of machinery. She retains information about electronics, data, code, and math like a calculator, though it's not her passion. That would be her command over actual machinery and computers. Up to a distance of 50 meters, she can easily control with a touch - as long as there's electricity going to the device, she can 'read' it, control what it's doing, even broadcast thoughts through it if it's got speakers or video. Closer and with touch, she can sense the inner workings of physical devices that have electric components, anything from a calculator to a supercomputer, but also anything with powered parts. She can tell if something is broken, and with a Vortal push it is fixed if there's nothing to prevent it. (She can work on moving machine parts, but if one part is broken and clattering against another, it should be turned off first so that her fixes 'heal'.) Though she doesn't have the ability to siphon or use electricity, she can stop or start its flow around herself - this means that if she really wants to, she can cast an entire factory floor into dark silence with the wave of her hand. What happens to that electricity is unknown, it just stops. She does produce a mild static field herself, but it has never harmed her work, only jolting people or cats...
Skills or Profession: The fix-it girl that loves doing search and repair work, she has advanced math and physics in her mind, and understands how to make an engine as easily as a weapon, and likes to do side jobs of defensive machinery for the varied facilities she visits. She'd rather heft a wrench than a hand gun, but she knows how to use both with equal skill when it comes down to it. She can fix darn near any machine, as well as understand what the other scientists and engineers are working on just by looking at schematics.
Personality: Sharp-tongued, much more outgoing and pointed in her behavior than either of her parents. She's not unfriendly, but don't get on her bad side - and don't dis her work or that of anyone around. They work hard, why aren't you?

Events or History: she would have been born in the Austin Aperture facility eventually, if their Resonance Cascade hadn't happened. Her parents are impressed with her, duly so, but also aren't afraid of her tactics, and she obeys them well enough. They do seem a bit saddened that she was aged (from 3 to about 13) and they didn't get to raise her fully as a child, but then the Combine are a far more pressing threat than changing diapers and learning to walk would be worth risking. She knows this - she doesn't fault them but she also doesn't really care about 'that kid stuff', she's seen refugee families dealing with their own tweens and kids, and doesn't think much of those childish behaviors.

With String Theory's arrival in her life, Wattana has started branching out, she can reach incredibly difficult to reach spots, thanks to his flight, and this has made them a great scouting and sabotage team in the cities. They will fly in, sometimes with an escort just in case, and do as much mechanical damage to the machinery around as they can, and escape while the Combine forces then encounter the true fighting squads on their way. They are centered in the Rookery with her parents, but she will frequenly head over to North Aperture and loves being called for duties at the Borealis, because then everyone gets to see String Theory - or more accurately not see him, zipping around over the icy structures there.


Name: String Theory
Gender: Male
Size/Shoulder/Length: Medium 11' s / 56' l / 74' and 50' ws
Colors: surprisingly white, brilliantly so, over most of his body and wingsails, buttery pale yellow horns, dorsal spines, and claws as well as behind legs, and in markings on body; brilliant yellow whoosh lines on wingsails; pastel blue horn, side armor from head to tail tip, and in whooshes on wings; eyes are blue
Features: Hivewing, with obvious Icewing ancestry in colors
Powers: Winged Flight, there is nothing like seeing this boy in action, he is remarkably fast and incredibly stable in the air, like a massive dragonfly. His wings pulse faster than the eye can see most of the time when he's hovering, leaving a dazzling afterimage of yellow and blue lines. He can carry about 600lbs worth of whatever, as long as it's in a harness under his chest, or on his back, without suffering any penalties for speed or agility - though he does remember not to go inverted if there's anything that might spill or fall, he's quite conscious of his direction, speed, and angles of approach. He does make a strange humming sound, that is quite a bit higher pitched than you'd expect a massive dragon to make while flying. He can speed up to 200 miles per hour for short bursts, doing so only with the knowledge that everyone is hanging on and safely ducked down so their little necks don't break. He isn't great for long distance flights, but with only his rider with him, they can safely travel to and from scouting points nearly 100 miles away without worry of exhaustion.
Communication, this dragon is able to speak with a hissing accent, English, Thai (picked up from Saruta), and some words in other languages. His only Vortal connection is to his rider, however, he doesn't have the ability to listen in on any mental conversations.
Directions, String Theory is able to weave around in 3 dimensions like literally no other dragon in the Rookery. His sense of location is absolute and flawless, and even if he's teleported by another person or dragon to a spot randomly he takes less than a second to reorient himself and can pick up at full speed with ease. This is how they work out in the field, actually, with spotters cruising distantly to explore, then finding a teleporter that can move them out to it from a safe spot, and back again when they're done. They can be at absolute full speed while teleporting, and he'll still have no trouble dodging bullets, buildings, trees, or power lines if they suddenly appear before him. When he's not encumbered by any rider or gear, he can perform incredible feats of maneuvering, and enjoys playing hide and seek - or even pestering much larger or dangerous dragons like a hornet, because he absolutely is a hornet compared to some in the Rookery. Not one of them has ever managed to swat him, even with teleports.
Spikey Bits, like all Hivewings, he does come with an array of sharp pointy parts, his claws and tail are tipped with barbs that are tiny, latching on to prey or flesh, or cement and metal, easily. He can claw without holding on to something, but when he intends to grip, those barbs come into play and he is almost impossible to pry off a wall. He's been seen to latch on to a Combine Gunship's back, avoiding the rotors and moving parts (while Wattana takes care of those) and biting it's 'head' to disable it in mid-air.
Parentage: Unknown Hivewings, with a grandparent or great-grandparent Icewing - though it looks like he might be related somehow to Saxifrage, it's not clear that they are.
Origin: Adopted from LunarSolstice981 with Biohazardia lines on Deviantart, WoF by Tui Sutherland
Other Info: Young when he arrived to the Rookery, he has taken interest in all the things that his rider likes, and seems much smarter than the typical Hivewing. He doesn't like mind-controlling folks, and those appear quite frequently, though he has to admit that Paxton does make a good team leader he resents any direct intrusion into his mind.