Name: Dr. Saruta Sinthudecha

Gender: Female, Straight

Age/DOB: 30@Arrival, RY9

Origin: Aperturth, born Thailand, working at Austin Texas facility

Family: Unknown status on Aperturth, currently in a relationship with Russell; in RY11 their daughter Wattana is born

Other: It's very likely that she had also been cloned by Aperture, but any of those clones probably perished in the Resonance Cascade

Height: 5'4"

Weight: 125, not muscled, a touch on the soft side, but with the changes to her world she'll likely grow more agile and strong over time

Hair: black with brown highlights in the sun, very straight, kept in a snug bun at the back of her neck, when loose it's nearly to her waist

Eyes: small, brown, heavy epicanthal fold

Appearance: yellowish skin with a reasonable number of small scars and smudges from working on machinery and scrabbling through the ruins. Very typical of a Thai woman, with a round face and a bit of a weak chin, broad nose, and full lips; she is usually smiling a little, with a sly thoughtful expression when she starts getting involved in things

Genetic Abilities: incredibly good at math in her head, that twinkle in her eye is literally her seeing the Vortal possibilities of any given action - she can 'see' theorems and mathematic schematics in her mind as though they're floating around her, almost Matrix-level 'code' affecting everything. Or, more aptly, like an Acme blueprint in a Road Runner cartoon... She has no further Vortal power, but Melissa has insisted she contribute to skill downloads for Pythagoras users.

Icarus Processing: None, the Resonance Cascade didn't trigger her abilities, they were there all along; she wouldn't likely benefit any further from Icarus, though she has very seriously considered popping some of those Pythagoras pills with her morning tea

Image Credits: Valve / Gmodder

Skills or Profession: Dr Saruta - she prefers going by her first name because people have a hard time with her family name - has always been the go-to for math and calculations on the fly. She is adept with rocketry and chemistry alike, to say she is brilliant is putting it very mildly. She has an incredibly good grasp on code and language, particularly languages with complex writing to go with it - almost any language with pictographic origins is easily mastered, she can speak Thai, French, Mandarin, English, Korean, and Russian in that order but even her Russian is better than most second-language speakers. She loves puzzles and glyphs, and is the type who'll joke about word math using even more complex reasons for her 'solutions'. In the Rookery, she knows that she'll be learning more and more about the Combine and their code, and relishes the challenge.
Personality: While not demure or shy, Saruta prefers to watch and wait for an opportunity to arise, and then will take center stage with ease in a discussion. She is confident in her own knowledge, and she 'has done the math' to back up her work. She will fume at those who don't take her seriously for whatever reason, she's a woman, she's an Asian woman, it doesn't matter she cannot stand it when men like Magnusson bluster their way to the top without regard to their peers. But she isn't the type to plot any sort of 'revenge', she feels the best revenge is being right about something.

Events or History: She was an only child, lavished with tutors and studies - she'd graduated high school at 14, and had already mastered her first three languages by the age of 10. It was very clear that she was a prodigy in every sense of the word, so when Aperture hired her on, it was to head up a lab on the other side of the world. She took them up on it and never regretted it. Since she is good at putting things together, as well as taking them apart - this isn't just physically, it's metaphorically too - assembling her team was expensive but worth while. While Therese was in charge of most electric and power supply research, Saruta kept things going smoothly in every other way.

When the Resonance Cascade occurred it was after a long buildup that Saruta definitely warned them would happen - and it did, she was right, but she's never liked being right about that. She is not a fighting rider, but will certainly ride Rouge out to survey territories, and make sure that their efforts are well-hidden from prying Combine eyes. She is centered in the Rookery, but helps out at Borealis and North Aperture on occasion. She does not like going to Rapture, for whatever reason.


Name: Rouge Rogue
Gender: Male
Size/Shoulder/Length: Medium (broad wings) 10'6" s / 60' l / 110' ws
Colors: belly from chin to tail end, and facial armor white; face, body, limbs, wing arms, to tail grade from lavender to brighter pink at tail, whiter at feet; armor on face, neck, limbs and back grey-violet; wing sails grade from dusty lavender through pinkish, and white edges ventral only, dorsal wing sails are same as body; dorsal and tail fins carnation pink to brighter pink at end; eyes cyan; claws white
Features: LightWing, not a fury but shares a great amount of features except for size, he's nearly three times bigger than the other Light Furies, and comes from Pyrrha.
Powers: Winged Flight, LightWings are superb fliers, and as such he can reach astonishing speed in a very short time. He does require a decent amount of space to fly, those wings are very large after all, and he uses them with purpose. Hovering and bursting into action are equally fun to him, and he is decently maneuverable, though there are dragons who could match him in that regard pretty easily. He is reasonably strong for lifting, though he does prefer to be ridden only by Saruta, and will do labor only at her behest.
Communication, he is noisy and cheerful, preferring to chirp and sing, and can speak his native Draconic, but also English and Thai thanks to his rider's teaching. Though he's not as technically minded as some dragons, he does understand the instructions given to him, and can recognize tools or equipment, vehicles, locational emplacements, and the like and use the correct terminology to talk about them. He and Saruta have a modest amount of a Vortal connection, but not enough to really communicate over great distances.
Explosive Fire, with an extremely volitile breath weapon, he is accurate with it over 250 meters. The explosion that it can cause weakens after around 100 meters, but it can take out a Combine tank at 50. This can also blind enemies nearby, even if they're not caught in the burst itself.
Parentage: Unknown LightWings, it is possible that he might be able to breed with Light Furies, there are very few others of his specific breed on the Rookery at this time, though that may change.
Origin: Adopted from and Fan Tribe by LunarSolstice981 with lines by X-Tamara-X on Deviantart, WoF by Tui Sutherland, HTTYD by Dreamworks
Other Info: Rouge lives up to both parts of his name. He is the trickster that Saruta isn't, though he would never allow a prank to turn dangerous if he can possibly help it. He absolutely is the Wile E Coyote to Saruta's Road Runner...