Name: Maynard Magnusson

Gender: male, he/they, mostly ace

Age/DOB: ~17, aged / 2032? wasn't necessarily born this year, his parents were also aged so it's kind of weird

Origin: Repurposed Earth, Black Mesa Refugee City

Family: mother Matilda, father Khan, with plenty of extended relatives, including half-sibling triplets Moses, Magera, and Zemina

Other: doesn't consider himself to be all that anything, but lots of people think so; would be far more likely to contribute to spliced offspring, and highly unlikely to seek a partner

Height: 5'9" takes more after mom than dad, as Khan is quite towering

Weight: 110, with Icarus treatments and inheritance reducing it significantly; build is gently padded, though he's still muscular under that padding

Hair: medium dusty brown, thick and quite easy to style without trying, that poof on top is without gel... kept shaved on the back and sides, but the top is all over the place

Eyes: medium brown, with a faint hazel green tone in the sunlight; large and pretty

Appearance: light brown skin that both bronzes deeply, and gains freckles in the sun, which he gets a lot of. Thinner lips than his parents, and with a flat nose, always smiling; prefers loose gear as shown, something that allows him to get flexible and dirty without much to clean up; voice is higher than expected, pleasant to hear

Icarus Processing: yes, though both parents definitely also had it; this enhances his strength and health strongly (even more than parental, so... yeah, he's basically immortal for the time being); also improved baseline Vortal senses and power level, so he's on par with some of the stronger high-end telepaths in addition to being among the physically strongest of the group at around 4x lifting and punching, he can heal very rapidly from virtually any wound or injury, and doesn't suffer sickness including from radiation or toxicity

Image Credits: DressUpGames Nonbinary Maker

Genetic Abilities: as both parents have incredibly intense physical durability and strength, so does Maynard. Resistant to nearly any form of damage, including from radiation or ingested, injected, or otherwise internally processed dangers, he's the one who often wanders out through a minefield or vapor trap to clear it out for others to move more freely. Vortally this is more than just a resistance, as he's able to actively soak up that radioactivity, or that toxin, those fumes, and store it for later use somehow. He can then Vortally enhance other people using this energy, but also can reinforce any nearby material provided it's mostly naturally present. (Thus he can't reinforce a plastic or plexiglass wall, but would be able to make a glass pane virtually shatterproof forever, or a mine-support beam able to withstand dire shaking from earthquakes.) He imprints Vortal strength using this energy, so if a group is ready to go fighting the Combine, he will be on hand to shore up their physical health, they will be able to withstand gunshots or laser fire, explosions, or even falls, with considerable healing even if they do get injured. He isn't a healer specifically, however, as this is a Vortal sided energy exchange. He can boost Vortal power outright, as well, and most of his subjects are Pantheon or otherwise non-normal people. Those people however that he does encounter in the wilderness or ruins, he can shield them from any further damage or danger, soaking up whatever ails them - are they sick from sitting next to an unexploded nuke? Not any more. Any headcrab toxins from that bite? Or leftover heat from a gas explosion, gone. Not healed up necessarily but definitely no longer impacting their health. He is a bit sad that he doesn't have his dad's actual shapeshifting power, but the Vorts in the area claim that whenever he's out and about soaking up the spare rads, his Vortal 'shape' definitely changes. Otherwise he does have a modest empathic and telepathic suite, able to detect other Vortal minds at around 100 meters, and discern who or what that presence is very clearly with a good idea of powers or abilities with touch. He can easily be communicated to by Vortal minds, but can only outwardly communicate with his genetic line.
Skills or Profession: a clean-up specialist, he has skill downloads for navigation and danger recognition - not for himself, but because other people will be relying on him to get from point a to point b. If a place is falling apart, he may just punch a wall or two to bring it all the way down, and make it slightly easier to traverse, or to remove any lurking Combine or animal life. He knows how to locate radioactive or toxic hot-spots, claiming that they make his nose tingle when he sniffs the air (this is true: it gives off a peculiar scent, and he can easily identy those different dangers on the wind). Those things aside, he likes helping to plant in gardens, and will spot sealed seeds or small plants that have somehow survived - embuing them with his Vortal energy long enough to bring them home to the Rookery for Eden and others to examine for their usefulness. Since he has no ill effects from, nor does he carry beyond the sites he goes through, any dangerous vapors or nuclear energy, he has been trained for the occasional repair work on the power plants at a variety of locations too, but he prefers to get direct instruction from the people who need those repairs done, than figure it out himself.
Personality: friendly, kind, and generous. He's really a genuinely nice person, who wants the most for everyone, and to keep those people safe he can do his best. He isn't particularly great under social pressure, and doesn't much care for the spotlight, so he's unlikely to show up at a sing-along. But he will certainly offer gifts and just the right word here and there to lift the spirits of those around him.

Events or History: When Mattie decided to figure out 'how her parts worked', she took it up on herself to locate a fun partner, in Khan Franc - the shapeshifting family's lovable hunk. Her inexperience wasn't hindering anything - Maynard turned out just perfect in their eyes. This gentle soul was aged a little as many were in the post-Combine era, in order to help clean up and shape their world consciously. Among many such kids, Maynard quickly gained a reputation for being the nice kid, the quiet one, the dependable and strong-as-an-ox-whatever-an-ox-is sort. He was no pushover, he certainly has his preferences for who he hangs out with - the nerdy types, those who like art and pretty flowers and nice food.

But in order to get that art, those nerdy books, that nice food? He will literally walk through hellfire. He protects those around him with a warmth and a smile that can't be beat. When the Rookery began, he was still young enough to enjoy a long while deciding what he'd be doing there - it was never in question that he'd go to this other dimension where the Combine still ruin the world actively. Though he seems like he tries to avoid conflict, he is still protective and brave to a strong degree, and since he's very hard to hurt and can help others also be harder to injure, he makes for a good behind-the-front-lines helper. He won't be a combatant, he doesn't like killing things beyond food animals or for defensive purposes, but he is definitely going to help those brave souls who are needed to fight!

Generally he resides at the Rookery proper, but has made trips out to all the major areas of their habitations, anywhere that still has dangerous terrain or obstacles needing to be dimmed or removed, and anywhere that he is needed to walk in with tools and a telepathic connection to a repair guy...

He's not sure where he'll find the right dragon or other creature, but they will probably need to be able to keep up with his required duties too. Maybe they'll be resistant to disease, or heal super fast, or whatever - but they can't be fragile, he just hopes they won't be so rough and tumble that they clash.


Name: Sonoma
Gender: Female
Size/Shoulder/Length: large, 12' s / 75' l / 120' ws
Colors: belly from chin to tail tip soft cool grey; frame scales rust red; limbs and base armor bright warning-yellow-orange slightly more faded orange toned on wing fingers; markings in rich black over face, neck, body, wings and limb armor; wingsails mottled golden orange with mostly black on backs; dorsal fin dusty yellow-gold; horns and claws graphite black; eyes green
Features: pure Sandwing as shown
Powers: Winged Flight, Sonoma is fast, extremely strong, and durable in the air, and enjoys soaring over the warm New Mexico desert for hours on end. This is good because she tends to be on her own for a while and then makes her appearance to help extract any refugees from now-cleared areas with her human friend leading the charge. She can carry an absurd amount of weight, though she does glide lower and slower with groups or gear. She's not as agile as some who can attain the speed she does, but that hardly matters as she's not intended for combat or dodging bullets. However she does always benefit from her human friend's powers in that regard! All the bullets she's actually taken to her wingsails have just... bounced right off, and she absolutely loves that.
Verbal Speech, has a strong and loud voice, and is capable of Draconic, English, and to a degree she understands Vort when given the right contextual clues.
Heat and Fire Tolerance, the desert is her home, and she enjoys all the challenges that come from it. She can go without water for quite a while, and fly into walls of firestorms, dust, and even the chill nights don't get to her particularly. So she can walk into the hot sand, and bring others out of it safely.
Fire Breath, her fire is not the hottest of the Rookery's many Sand or Skywings, but she can use it to crisp-fry flying enemies, or explode gas traps, that kind of thing, at a good distance away, up to 300 meters accurately firing a blast, or 50 meters in a broad sparking fan
Parentage: unknown, unrelated to others in the Rookery, and has currently not bred with any of the locals but there are a good number of very fine males around!
Origin: adopted from Synthwave with K9 lines on Deviantart, WoF by Tui Sutherland
Other Info: Though they are not mind-paired or telepathic with each other, Maynard and Sonoma seem to have an understanding that is almost Vortal, and she senses when he's discovered something interesting or dangerous at up to 10 miles apart