Name: Khan Franc

Gender: Male, pan, himbo

Age/DOB: ~20, 2030ish?

Origin: Repurposed Earth

Family: Mother Jin Sun-Kwon, father Brian Franc; twin sister Batari; aunt March, and technically aunt Alyx which means he has extended cousins on that side of the family; Matilda corners him and their son is Maynard (nbmaker)

Other: he is definitely a loveable massive goof, and people enjoy his presence even when he comes in with blood on his outfit...

Height: 6'5", broad and massive, but quick to kneel or crouch for younger kids to climb on his back!

Weight: 200, you'd think that with Icarus it maybe might be lighter but that is all muscle all the time, and he's far more flexible than most even at his size

Hair: richly black, swept up and kept short but it grows stupidly fast; has thick brows that nearly meet, and yes those are black horns; his hair and facial hair will probably go grey or silvery by the time he's in his 30s, genetics

Eyes: dark brown, very large, often showing exactly the baffled expression... more like anime eyes

Appearance: tanned skin that bronzes in the sun, and is occasionally shiny because of scales, or plush with fur, he is also fond of having metallic-looking insect-like carapace 'armor'; he has large and broad hands, usually bare feet because he doesn't hardly ever get hurt, you see? He has a completely oblivious expression because he's often completely oblivious... loud laugh, naturally occurring fangs, and he smells delicious even if he's a mess

Icarus Processing: yes, at age 3 with his sister, strongly boosting his Vortal powers but also adding to his senses and health; he heals at nearly 5x the speed of a normal person, even from grievous wounds; his sense of smell, taste, and touch are all very strong, but he also seems to have odder senses like pressure and temperature accurate to tenths of a degree, and like his sister always seems to know the exact location and direction he's facing just by closing his eyes and 'listening' to the earth

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Genetic Abilities: Telepathically bonded with sister Batari, and slightly stronger at actively communicating with both family members and other telepaths around. Has a very strong empathic sense, close up, which applies to humans, Vorts, dragons, and to a lesser extent animals. In addition to his healing ability, he can absorb things. Not just dna or 'meat' but actively 'pocket' things in his body and carry them perhaps just under his skin, but also deeper in his gut, muscle tissue, wherever is convenient, and can then extrude them later. This can include liquids like toxins or gas, blood, entire goat carcasses. He can carry up to about 100lbs of extra crap within him somehow, and it's possible that this is not just shapeshifting his cells around - it might be forming a pocket dimension. Lane has steadfastly refused to find out whether he can 'open' this dimension... However Khan can also just shift into things, such as a wolf like his dad... But his favorite is a cow, he saw the ones they've got out at the Mansion grounds and just adores them. He knows they're food, but they can also be pets, right? Right? He has no trouble going in and out of these full animal shapes, though he can really only do one thing at a time - if he's going to be a goat he's not going to be absorbing an item. The horns are actually permanent and grew on his head spontaneously after Icarus treatment.

Skills or Profession: entertaining the kids, and is very well versed in protecting them. He's usually brought around to help move new refugee families to their new dorms but also bringing them gear and supplies whether it's on his dragon's back or in his own. He does know better than to remove something from his body while people are looking, jeez don't get freaked out
Personality: he loves kids and he enjoys company, but man his gaydar is absolutely useless - he is the quintessential himbo, though he's far from dumb. He's not gullible, but he is just a gentle giant of a man, who will definitely put himself between any person and whatever is threatening them. He's very much the kind of guy you want watching your back if you have to travel in the Combine-patrolled wilderness.

Events or History: (brought to dragonhope weyr)

Currently residing at the Rookery, with eyes on heading over to the Grounds. While he knows there's a lot of kids and stuff up in North Aperture, they're obviously well cared for and he is pretty sure that the Rookery and Grounds would need him more.


Name: Smoxith
Gender: Female
Size/Shoulder/Length: Small, 6'9" s / 27' l / 46' ws
Colors: Green (female pernese) body that's quite bright and grassy; wingsails, crest, and neck flap incredibly dark black; faceted eyes, white claws
Features: Dragonhope Pernese 'version 1' fairly sleek with a spaded tail, sharp neck crest, big claws
Parentage: dam White Camdnith (Opal, dragonhope native), sire blue Kindanenth (W'ran, Kavera)
Origin: Dragonhope Weyr Year 8 giveaway
Other Info: it might have been different if her blue and black brother had marched up first, but Smoxith tumbled over to Khan and that big brown-eyed softie fell in love the moment she did...