Name: March Franc

Gender: Female, aggressively lesbian

Age/DOB: ~17, aged, 2022

Origin: Repurposed Earth, AAEC Auburn Alabama

Family: Spliced, full brother Brian; unrelated to others in the Pantheon, and will have to be spliced because 'there's no way I'm gonna get busy with some guy no thank you', it's likely she'd become a mantis and eat her mate so there's that

Other: Along with numerous others is part of the Reborn Pantheon, she and Brian had been found in the prep rooms for Icarus having passed in their sleep just before their processing

Height: varies* 5'10" normally, from 4'2" to 9'0" while shifting

Weight: varies* 130 normally, obviously Icarus treatments mean that her human form is considerably lighter weight and more durable than a normal person, but she can also adjut her weight while shapeshifting, rarely more than 200 however

Hair: Dark dusty brown-black, will go grey early and she thinks this is great; straight and thick, kept short but also found in 'cute' tails as shown; hair turns to a kind of harder chitin when shapeshifting

Eyes: medium grey-green, seems to have several other colors buried in it, but they only come out while she's in 'full bug' shape, she has heavy lashes and well-maintained brows

Appearance: ruddy fair with generous freckles, she does have a number of odd scars, including one on her neck which she got while fighting a Combine as a bug; wears lip piercing and has other plans for tattoos and such, if she can find an inker

Icarus Processing: yes, at age 3 and again at age 4. The process certainly 'took' the first time, however when she grew to nearly twice her normal height and size suddenly, it was clear that the thinning of it on the bones and underlying structure of her body needed to be reinforced. The second batch has helped greatly in that regard, and actually is in use as armor when she shifts; her strength is around double a normal person's, and her speed nearly four times, but aside from that...

Image Credits: Garry's Mod / Murdered: Soul Suspect rip / City of Heroes

Genetic Abilities: Melissa took a tremendous chance with this one and her brother, there had been no children quite like them before in the program. To Brian she added a touch of 'whatever was lying around' in a mammalian collection, and to March, she put in a small dose of insect DNA. Though she has a modest amount of empathy and telepathy, usually able to locate and communicate with her brother or another very strong Vortal mind nearby, her physical prowess is staggering and unusual. She is able to rearrange her own body, into different sizes (squashing herself into a 'child size' or lengthening everything to become a towering giantess), but also growing a thick and sturdy carapace of armor directly onto her skin.

She adds a 'tail' because why not? With a bit of practice she thinks she can even put a stinger onto it, won't that be great? Though not impenatrable by any stretch, this armor coating is made of Icarus mixed with her own bone tissue, she ... basically turns her endoskeleton into an exoskeleton. Yes, watching her shapeshift will cause people to vomit and scream, because it's terrifying. And she delights in this... She is not given any particular control over insects, but she studies them for inspiration. Her feet and hands can be modified to have small claws or even a multitude of grasping hooks, with which she can then climb virtually anywhere that can support her weight. This feature is built in, and she doesn't need the Icarus undersuit or armor parts to do it like some others. She can also alter the texture of the overall armor, producing a near-camouflage effect, though it's obvious when she moves that she cannot maintain a 'color scheme' and merely takes on the textures and some amount of reflectivity of nearby walls or items. Her senses are improved in this form, to an extent, she gets a faceted eye lens, able to detect movement and light-shadow changes with greater ease, and claims she can 'smell with her hair', when it's spiky like that. When she is in 'buggy' shape, her speed truly shines - she does make a skittering sound, but can also slide under things or up walls at full speed, the entire package deal of 'roach on the run'...

Skills or Profession: Ideal for exploration as well as picking things off high shelves. She's very much the self-starter, and has to occasionally be called back to a meeting to make sure that she understands what the group is doing. Though she has asked for downloads regarding civil engineering it's not because she wants to build things, it's because she needs to understand what parts of a structure will be passable in what size or configuration. Will that piece of concrete have openings large enough, or will she have to go around? She's not much for the artistic side of architecture, but can appreciate the effort that goes into creating good buildings, and the Vorts think she's quite clever in getting around spots the way she does - they've suggested she talk to Igor the Vort, because he has plans for the Testing Shafts in Aperture's facility that she will be able to work with. Otherwise she's got a reasonable amount of regular-kid education, caring little for history or English, but eating up math and communication skills. She can sense insect pheromones and is to a very small extent able to both be affected by and utilize the Antlion pheromones. She can't outright control them, but she can 'smell' their trails and make sure that people aren't crossing paths with monsters that they can't escape from. The Vorts have instructed her on the use of the Guardian's 'bugbait', and she keeps one of the squicky-icky glands on her person at all times.
Personality: aggressive, dominating, sure of herself, and a bit impulsive. March will sit and listen to her brother's poetry or songs, but only for a while and then she grows bored. Though there's much more equality among the Pantheon, she has made note of the disrespect that some refugees and even a few of the scientists show toward women, and has made absolutely sure to inform them of the error of their ways. She does have to be handled very carefully if she's done something wrong - she will become very defensive and angry, she does have anger management issues.
Events or History: She and her brother were recreated with some unusual bits added, and she thinks this is great. They were allowed a little more time to grow up as kids before they were artificially aged about half-a-decade, just enough, she thinks, to make it worthwhile. She always liked being able to 'stretch' to pick up things that her age-mates couldn't reach, though she rarely then shared with them. She was never quite a bully, but always at odds with the boys, and almost always unwilling to do what the big-man-Paxton says, until he stuffed himself into her mind and showed her the error of her ways. At the age of 3 they went into Icarus and their abilities expanded greatly, but it was pretty clear from the start that her own would require more maintenance. Growing extra mass out of Vortal energy took a toll, and with the added batch of it the next year she seemed set. It's possible that she might actually want to add it again, since it does get moved around internally and externally. March is only really calm and 'nice' around other women, and has had her eye on Jessica ... or even Natascha, for quite a while. They're both 'properly strong ladies'. Melissa hesitates to wonder what a union of their genes might make - not genetically or Vortally, but personality wise...
Bloodlust is the perfect addition to her small family, just as bold and blustery as her human - together they can cause so much ruin on the Combine!

Notably, around RY8 when those weird carnie people show up at the Mansion, those other guys... Half of them are mantis men. And most of them headed out to MoCon. Maybe she ought to catch up with them, see what New Vegas can offer?


Name: Bloodlust
Gender: Female
Size/Shoulder/Length: Medium 9' shoulder / 42' l / 60' and 30' ws
Colors: belly from chin to tail strong wine-burgundy, neck plating, horns and antennae faded burgundy, face, neck, limbs including wing arms, tail armor vibrant red, face armor, neck pattern and front of limb armor deep crimson red, body with light grey trim and dots; wingsails edge dusty crimson, main pattern warm graphite with bright sparkling star patterns, inner pattern dusty red gradient lighter and darker; all claws, spikes dark warm grey; eyes muted silver-grey
Features: Silkwing with one Nightwing grandparent, color and some power from Night; four slender muscular legs with 5 and 4 short curved claws, silk glands on fore; four leathery butterfly-like wings with 3 and 1 visible finger, elbow strut, and stiff short wrist claw, short curved claws; body is scaled, with soft armor from chin to tail, overlapping curved armor plating on neck, body, and down tail, prominent armor on fronts of limbs; head is dished and long, with prominent beak, eye ridge, external ears, jaw nubs, two long elegant horns, and two long slender antennae; entire spine has short spikes from head to tail tip
Powers: Winged Flight, Bloodlust is an aggressive and confident flier, entering a fray with much bigger fire-breathers and putting up an incredible amount of ferocity toward big 'prey'. She allows only March to ride her, or be carried. She feels she's a combat-worthy dragon and she's going to do that - she's not a servant! She does make exceptions when a dragon is injured in combat, she and Passion will produce their strong ropes and webbing to carry them off the battlefield, but she's right back in the fight instantly. She's quick in the air, zipping back and forth, up and down, with confusing maneuvers and break-neck speed. She will rest only after a fight, and has injured herself putting too much stress on her wings, and only grudgingly allows any dragon-healer to look at her injuries. She feels that they're well earned... But she does at least consider the fact that if she damages her wings she cannot go back to fighting...
Communication, like her sibling she's able to communicate directly with her bonded human, mentally. She and Passion also share a bond, and she can sense strong Vortal minds, using this sight to home in on allies if they're separated in a dangerous location or a big fight. Unlike her brother, she does have a shrill, dangerous sounding voice that can hit some unusually sharp volumes before she coughs and laughs it off. She understands Draconic and a good amount of Vort, but prefers speaking English, though with a not-very-appropriate vocabulary around many audiences.
Silk Production, like all Silkwings she is able to create a variety of webbing from her silk glands, but uses a few types more than most. She has a form of 'stiff' web, that she starts with, it crystalizes rapidly in the air, and she can put it into a large weighty ball, or even form it into a sharper point - then adds a length of rope to it, creating a swinging pendulum or a dangerous grappling line that her human is able to use in combat. She's studied human melee weapons, and thinks that the 'fictional' ones are of much more use to her, that 'bat'leth' thing among others looks like it could be made with a liberal dose of 'found metal' embedded into her silk. Otherwise she produces a large, heavy sheet of sticky webbing that can be draped over an enemy, immobilizing them at a decent distance. She can shoot this specific type of web out during combat, accurate...ish up to 50 meters, but much more accurate around 30. That webbing will clog machinery and tangle around legs or limbs, causing Striders and Hunters to topple, and even affixing a Gunship's rudder or fan-like propulsion system so they crash. This webbing dissolves reasonably quickly, however, so whatever gets tagged by it needs to be dealt with before that point.
Parentage: Mother , father , full sibling Passion ** Parents changed, since ms981's system is gone
Origin: Adopted from Moonshimmer981 on Deviantart, Wings of Fire by Tui Sutherland (Silkwing Bloodsilk Silk-Nightwing Noctuid former parents)
Other Info: Indeed this is a match made in heaven for this pair of fighters. March and Bloodlust eagerly go into battle, it's the one time that they will listen to Paxton's commands without hesitation. He does know what he's doing there, after all!