Name: Brian Franc

Gender: Male, Pan

Age/DOB: ~17, aged, 2022

Origin: Repurposed Earth, AAEC Auburn Alabama

Family: Spliced, full sister March; highly unlikely to have other siblings, their powers have not surfaced virtually anywhere else; When Jin Sun-Kwon basically threw herself at him he figured hey why not. They learned that twins do run in his family, when Khan and Batari are born

Other: Part of the Reborn Pantheon, children who perished either in the nursery at the Enrichment Center (all under 3) or like some others subsequently outside either in the Icarus facility or while being prepped for their Icarus treatment

Height: 6'3"

Weight: 170* he is all muscle but Icarus first off changes it and second... well, he grows fur and stuff.

Hair: Dark brown, will grey or likely go silver by the time he's in his 30s, shaggy and thick, kept short; plentiful facial and body hair, it's a wonder he doesn't have a unibrow

Eyes: Light grey, only faintly blue tint

Appearance: Ruddy fair skin with black body hair, absolutely broad in all ways, heavily muscular in all forms; loves wearing tough-guy clothes, motorcycle leathers and jackets, jeans, he'd be a 'greaser' if this was the 1950s; he does have fangs, almost all the time, but they're affected in his fully human shape

Icarus Processing: yes, at age 3 he was given the full Icarus treatment and downloads for skills. This process strengthened and lightened his bones, joints, connective tissues, and muscles. It also tremendously increased his physically-enabled Vortal powers - not just his shapeshifting, but his overall strength (up to 3x normal), speed (2x), and healing ability (more than 4x faster than normal). Not aged until later, normally this process is done while Icarus is being put on.

Image Credits: Garry's Mod / Painkiller / City of Heroes

Genetic Abilities: Though he does have a minor amount of empathy and definitely shows a pair-bond with his sister March, those aren't going to be his strong suit. Though he can 'tell' whether someone is a normal person or a Pantheon or Vortally-enabled one, he claims that it's more because 'he can smell it on them', which may be true, as his senses are also quite well tuned and much more refined than most (vision 2x, hearing 3x, and scent up to 5x as keen, along with the ability to discern specific scents). Where his power really shows is when he starts taking off those jackets or kicking off the boots: because he's about to get furry.

While in his more or less chosen 'wolfman' form, Brian is capable of all of the above senses and strength changes, but also adds sharp claws and teeth to the mix, and though they can't bite through armor that doesn't mean he won't try gnawing on it. His claws can definitely scrape through thin metals, and if he keeps at it he can take apart a typical Combine wall or door. He can also run on all fours in this shape at slightly higher than his typical, 2.5 times above normal. He's taken inspiration from old movies, story books, and popular culture, for this appearance, but it's far from his only one, and others have encouraged him to try doing more rather than just being stuck in the rut of a werewolf. He's joked about 'trying on a zoo' and went so far as to grow giraffe-like fur patterns before someone realized what he was going for and put a stop to it. This ability works considerably better if he has access to animal DNA: dogs, coyotes, cats, rats and mice, many normally present animals are within proximity to all of the locations he's been. He cannot shift into foreign creatures, and so far cannot seem to shape into anything but mammals. He's tried birds, managed to sprout a few pinfeathers, but that's about it, and he figures screw it, what kind of bird would a guy his size even make? The available storage of such DNA however has been a little weird - he has found a zoo. And long-dead remains still have more than enough traces of the compounds and proteins that his Vortal energies need to work with them.

Skills or Profession: given a standard set of skills and information to start with, Brian took it upon himself to go looking for books and movies, music, and the like. He is among the few actual Pantheon members that knows how to play a musical instrument, though finding those is quite difficult as it is. (Of course it's a guitar...) But since he is 'big and strong' he's always been expected to have a good idea of what structural items can be kicked out and which need to stay standing. He can appraise a building in ruins and quite accurately judge what it used to be like, but also how to take it apart or where to stand so it doesn't fall to pieces when he jumps off it. Brian is good at distance estimation and visually sensing his surroundings, but also maneuvering through them very quickly. In his shifted form, he can also add smell to his expertise, and can sniff out items, people, or dangers on the wind. Though Jamie has offered to help him train animals to follow him around, Brian prefers to work 'alone', meaning with his sister and their dragons, and not a pack of weird half-native dogs.
Personality: Though fairly far from an 'intellectual', that whole greaser look and feel comes with a love of culture and art, poetry, history, and fashion. He's one of perhaps five or six others in the entire Pantheon that can give Wilson a run for his money in that 'stuffed into a suit' thing, and he likes showing off the clothing that Wilson tailors for him. He relishes his down time, and puts effort into learning more music and movie quotes, and seems to enjoy the looks that the older refugees give when he gets their jokes or can participate in reminiscing even though he wasn't there. Though he will absolutely go one on one with a Combine soldier or even a Hunter (and take them down with a couple well placed slashing claws) his favored activity is still exploration among the ruins.

Events or History: He and his sister had been in prep for Icarus treatments, before the Synchronicity Events. Their bodies were found eventually by Melissa on a deeper journey through the Icarus facility, they'd both clearly just died in their sleep as they were already unconscious. The notes that their keepers had made about their potential abilities were... not particularly accurate? (Brian's read something like 'biological pseudopod / camouflage', which... while somewhat available if he's already shaping into something, doesn't cover 'shapeshifting' overall.) So it was up to Mel to figure out how best to reassemble and improve the designs which of course Wade had taken liberties with in the past. Melissa didn't normally choose such far-reaching implications, but... She did in fact splice animal genes into both Brian and March. The effects combined with the Icarus treatments show that her gambit paid off tremendously. Brian would be found speeding around on all fours even without changing forms, before their rebirth treatments, but afterwards the effects were very clear. Whenever there is doubt about a specific child's abilities, Melissa generally delays further aging - and in this case, she waited for both siblings to be around 7 and had grown more fully into their power use. This put them both in the aging vats while the Combine was being struck a fatal blow, and when they came out as early-teenagers with their newer skill downloads and stronger bodies, they were fit to help rebuild.
But that's boring as hell, right?
When the Dragonry was begun, however, they realized that now their full purpose could be fulfilled - and in addition to that, Brian could start up an entertaining business, singing and distracting the refugees of the Rookery world, in his own down time. He certainly enjoys all of his duties. Currently stationed at the Mesa, but might move around a bit once things get settled.

** Note that RY+10 he does in fact move to the Coffee Grounds, since it was hinted (by Melissa of course) that there were some other shifter types among those weird Hippies and Carnies - he and Passion now reside at the Mansion and perform duties centered from Dragon Tower 9, where he gets to switch off with Crow, is that what the kids are calling it these days?


Name: Passion
Gender: Male
Size/Shoulder/Length: Medium 8'3" s / 40' l / 55' and 28' ws
Colors: face, belly, backs of limbs dusty pink; medium scales, antennae and horns, faded burgundy; main scales on neck, limbs, face bright scarlet red; dorsal armor pattern, face armor, fronts of all limbs medium warm grey, some amount of pale grey as lines and dots on scales; spikes faded red; wings edge deep crimson, main pattern gradient from strong carnation to deeper red, inner patterns gradient from velvety black to dark blue-grey all speckled with star patterns that twinkle and shine; claws dusty red, eyes silver-grey
Features: Silkwing with one Nightwing grandparent, pattern and powers from Nightwing; four slender and muscular limbs with 5 and 4 short curved claws, silk glands on forelimbs; four leathery butterfly-like wings with 3 and 1 fingers, elbow strut, and short stiff wrist thumb all with short claws; body is scaled with soft armor from chin to tail, large curved armor plating along neck, body, and tail; obvious limb armor on fronts of all limbs; face is long and dished with nose beak, jaw nubs, external ears, two long thin antennae, and two long elegant horns; entire spine from head to tail tip has short spikes
Powers: Winged Flight, a decent flier, Passion can carry his human and a friend with ease, but not much more, preferring them to be in a harness on his shoulders rather than having to be carried under his neck; surprisingly good in hard wind and stormy weather, but would rather fly in calm warm air as it gives him good lift. He hardly makes a breeze himself, even lifting off from a still start, and can maneuver in quite tight areas with his smaller wings adding stability.
Communication, perhaps the remnant of his Nightwing grandparent's influence, he can telepathically connect to other Vortal minds, though only at a short distance. He can sense where his human is, though he claims that when he's shapeshifted he's much easier to locate. Passion can speak and understand English very well, Vort to a smaller extent, and speaks Draconic with ease. He has a good voice, not shrill and not too husky, and likes humming along with Brian when he is composing or practicing.
Silk Production, Passion is able to create a wide variety of silk from the glands in his forelimbs, and with them weaves heavy nests, sticky webbing for trapping food or confining prisoners, and springy ropes which can be used to climb. He carefully ponders what kind of silk to make, before dedicating himself to the task, and produces only enough to work with. The sticky webbing can entangle even very large or strong objects or creatures, and with his sibling's help they have even trapped a Strider. The ropes can hold full dragon sized objects, though if he's having to lift a dragon he'll definitely want help to make sure that there's enough to support them. His 'nesting' silk is quite popular, because it is very soft and fluffy, people use it to stuff mattresses and pillows. A night out exploring with him is done in comfort and style!
Parentage: Mother, father , full sibling Bloodlust ** parentage changed
Origin: Adopted from Moonshimmer981 on Deviantart, Wings of Fire by Tui Sutherland (Silkwing Bloodsilk Silk-Nightwing Noctuid former parents)
Other Info: Passion enjoys being with humans, and listens to their stories with the same intensity that he shows. He also occasionally asks a Vort to explain this or that phrase, though their answers are often too cryptic for him to really grasp. They do seem to appreciate the effort though, and will indulge both dragon and human for these stories.