Character Dossier: J. Alabaster
Identity J. Alabaster
Other Names/Titles Jake, Jacob, dude that's amazing
Species Human, possibly
Place of Birth Unknown, not this dimension's Earth
Gender Male
Age (apparent/ chronological) Appears to be in his late 20s to early 30s, however is likely to be immortal, speaks of things which happened in the 60s and 70s as though he was an adult at that time
Height 5'11"
Build Slender, not muscular, even
Skintone Fair
Hair Color Blond, shaggy, usually kept to shoulder length or in a pony tail
Eye Color Yellow, perhaps brown, sometimes white (unknown, shiny)
Distinguishing Marks Pleasantly trimmed beard, sometimes has eyes closed (yes, he's sleep-walking)
Family/Attachments No known family in Paragon, however does claim to have family or friends on the West Coast
Registered Information
Origin Magic
Archetype Defender
Current Security Level 20
Primary Powers Time Manipulation (he's very good at just putting time on hold)
Secondary Powers Psychic Blast (extremely adept telepath)
Additional Powers Flight
Affiliation Essence of Vortessence, serving as the group leader; Convocation Supergroup
Other Information Jake Alabaster has been repurposed several times - originally the character was invented by Zekiran and some friends in High School, from there he was co-opted into Zek's world The Endings as a mage and instructor at Carramba High School, he was brought into the novel Body Dancing in name only as an acronym of Jeff and Kyle (formerly Karen) Engel serving as the bosses of a 'family-run' business, he's in use (technically) by one of his creators in real life as 'who ordered this coffee', on live servers he was some other flavor of Defender, and now here, he's a mage used exclusively to base-build.

When Keenan Lane needed to have something 'built' in Paragon, he'd wondered how best to approach translating his existing other-dimension home into blueprints. Fortunately for him, he ran into an extraordinarily powerful mage who was 'slumming it' in Paragon: Jake Alabaster.

Jake had a widely known reputation among magic-users of certain groups, and it was that reputation that led Lane to talk to him about this project. They worked together for several months, hashing out designs and locations. In the end, Lane bought some appropriate property in Salamanca - also known as Croatoa because of the occasional ghost infestations - and Alabaster set about 'building'.

Jake's talents surprise even Lane. Perhaps the power is akin to Lane's own learning to shapeshift with greater ease: whatever power it is, it flows very well in this dimension. Alabaster took not only the raw lih, the Vortal power that Lane could provide him, but memories of the place he wanted to build, and put them together into a physical, actual location.

Essence of Vortessence is that location, detailed on its own page.

Alabaster and Lane reached some form of payment plan, though neither of them will speak of it. It's very likely that it involves further power use or 'battery power' from Lane, for Alabaster's personal use.

As a person, Alabaster is reasonably quiet and certainly soft-spoken, unless there's professional interdimensional softball involved. (He owns a pro level team called Alabaster's Gems, and also sponsors a team consisting of dragons.) It is very clear that Alabaster is remarkably intelligent, and that his magical talents are both innate and educated. In his work for Carramba High, he serves to promote their Magic Studies department, though what he might actually teach there is unclear. He could probably instruct most courses on summoning, pocket space creation, and teleportation with ease.

Though he seems to be too quiet for some activities, Jake is quite the party animal at times. He has a very... colorful past involving [REDACTED] and [REDACTED] but no one got hurt so there's no official records. He speaks with a distinct "so-cal" drawl, often using terms like 'tubular' and 'radical'.

All in all, Alabaster is a relaxed sort who enjoys his job, and enjoys the attention he has gotten for helping to create Lane's mansion. He doesn't seek the spotlight, otherwise.