Name: Chenell

Gender: Female, bisexual

Age/DOB: ~16, aged, 2028

Origin: Repurposed Earth, AAEC

Family: an ELL created with added DNA from Steve Chen

Other: She does seem a little too dangerous to get close to sometimes

Height: 5'6"

Weight: 100* Icarus treatment significantly reduces weight, and allows her a range of movement that is almost unnatural, also improves her durability and endurance, healing factor, and mildly improves speed

Hair: quite black, shines charcoal-oil in sunlight, will likely streak with silver as she gets older more naturally; thick, typically straight, but kept in tails and buns, to mid-back

Eyes: brightly red-violet, almost pink, larger and more open than Steve's, with a strong epicanthal fold, under thin brows

Appearance: dark tan-yellow skin, considerably more brown than her 'father', with an oval face, wide flat nose, and thin quirked lips; she is long-limbed, quite slender, and though feminine in looks she's not remarkably curvy; almost always chooses to wear Aperture white and orange branded goods, and has become quite fond of sheer fabrics; her voice is high and somewhat scratchy

Icarus Processing: yes, while being created, this is in addition to Steve's processing having been done before donation of his DNA, so the effects on her are markedly stronger than many. Her healing factor is improved around 3x, she's about 2x faster than typical, and can run or climb, swim, or do other motion based activities for 6 to 8 hours without breaking a sweat; she can squeeze into spaces that are barely wider than her head, somehow, and the Carnies would like a word with her about that...

Image Credits: Pastelkatto Assassin

Genetic Abilities: added to the Icarus effects on her physical form, Chenell is quite gifted with Vortal power. She has a strong connection with all ELLs within about a 15 mile radius, and can easily communicate to any telepath within 10 miles. Her mental voice is clear and chill, almost like cold metal. She has been shown to resist any form of Vortal nudging, from Paxton on down, meaning that she can actually match wits with Keenan and even Alma, if needed. She shrugs off commands, emotion control, hypnotism, or illusions, though she cannot create her own. This also seems to apply to Ulathoi's psionics, the flip side to Vortal power, so even if an Advisor is right in front of her, it will not notice her. Her ELL sided abilities are akin to most, she is able to understand or work on machinery with ease, however she is literally the 'ghost in the machine' as she's able to communicate or sense through any connected devices, if she's touching one that has a physical link to another. This can come in the form of wiring, but not wifi, and lets her turn on or off devices at distances up to 2 miles, via conduit or even accidental electric shorts. She can 'speak' through them within 100 meters regardless of their connection. Her ability does work on Combine technology, which makes her a strong front line scout. Chenell has a modest further suite of empathy and Vortal sight, though she generally doesn't utilize those as much as her ability to communicate over long distances. Her Vortal presence can be seen by talented visionaries at up to 10 miles, and is as sharp a pinpoint as any dagger or blade.
Skills or Profession: though she is usually asked to help fix up machines in remote locations, Chenell's power to tap into her sisters is of far more use, and she has become a long-distance 'ping' for the ELLs overall. She has extensive mechanical engineering downloads as well as electronics and architecture, and has never shied away from large devices; she's capable of repairing their major teleport machinery as well as understanding its properties. In the Rookery, however, she is also rather well known to be able to slip in and out of a place unseen, and this is of incredible use when there are Advisors around. Though she cannot 'memorize' or 'siphon' information out of those Combine computers, she can reroute their output and copy its contents onto a safe remote unit for examination by other more apt in that department. She's quite good at stealth, and her ability to squish into spaces allows her to wedge herself into very improbable spots to watch and signal others.
Personality: confident and a touch grimmer than her quirky smile seems to present. She's got the look and emotional feel of an assassin, even if she's not really the type to run around murdering people. She is, however, quite happy to be the one to hook up with folks that do - if she finds a way into a facility where they need to be, she's eager and willing to work on it. She has had to learn to take orders, however, because that seems to be something both sides of her lineage is a bit lacking: Paxton must actually tell her straight up, to do something - otherwise she'll just ignore him. That's all but unheard of.
Events or History: Created just after the downfall of the Combine on Repurposed Earth, to help bolster the reconstruction of the areas around some of the Pantheon's haunts. She fits right in with the Rookery, because after all, she can actively mess with the Combine there, and loves doing so. With a dragon as colorful as she seems to be, Chenell is on call in any given location, but is centered in North Aperture after its full opening. Before then, she remained on hand at the Rookery proper.


Name: Honeycomb
Gender: Male
Size/Shoulder/Length: Small, 5'8" s / 20' l / 30' ws
Colors: belly from chin to tail, paws, accessory nubs, tail tip, wingsails brilliant white; body candycorn yellow, white, orange-red patterned; nubs more orange-red than yellow or white; eyes red-orange with yellow pupils
Features: Equestrian candy dragon? He seems to have features that are similar to dragons or creatures found on Equestria, four legs, two wings, tail, muzzled head; large ear-bulbs, very large shoulder and tail spines which are slightly soft and padded; jaw, brow, and nose spikes, back and neck spines, and elbow/leg spines; 3 fingered segmented wings with a large wrist nub, 3 digits on paws with very large claws
Powers: Winged Flight, even with a smallish surface area, like most of those from his dimension he is able to fly without issue. His wings do flap pretty quickly, producing a hum that sounds remarkably like bees (which is partly why he's called Honeycomb). He is slow and steady, not bumbling at all, but not really fast enough to keep up with racers. He can in a pinch get himself the heck out of dodge, however he's likely to be waiting in the ruins or woods if his rider is busy messing with the Combine, because he won't be able to outrun them with her on his back. He can carry quite a lot more than just his rider, however, if you don't need something there 'quickly', he can still fly with a literal truck held in his strong paws.
Communication, Honeycomb is able to speak English and understands a few phrases in other languages, but not speak them. He and Chenell have a strong Vortal bond, however, though he does not have any further Vortal connectivity.
Sticky Sweet, Honeycomb is able to produce a kind of mucus that sticks to nearly anything, and can be manipulated until it's fixed in place, which resembles the Antlion crust (as seen on the background of every page), he can make it more or less brittle, soft, squishy, sticky, or sharp at will, though he has to work it with his paws after spitting it out. Each gob of this stuff is about the size of one of his shoulder nubs ... and it's entirely possible that those or any other bit of his anatomy falls off on occasion, because sometimes he's been seen without them. Like a few of the odder dragons around, this stuff is also edible, though only in a pinch. Once it's been molded with whatever Vortal or magical power, it will remain until he breaks it down, so it can be permanent or momentary, depending on his mood. He has created light bulb-like art out of it, as well as dangerously sweet smelling foot traps that ensnare and then become sharp - slicing through even Combine armor.
Smells Great, though it's more of a side effect, perhaps of those nubs on his body, Honeycomb does smell really nice, very sweet but not overpoweringly so.
Parentage: Unknown dragons, likely of a breed that is not found anywhere on the Rookery; however his genes have been examined by Mel and Baeris, and they've decided that should any breeding come from him, he's fully capable of siring 'something with everyone' in the dragon ranks.
Origin: adopted from Eternity9 on Deviantart
Other Info: Chipper and friendly, he's much more approachable than his rider, and spends a lot of time with the smaller, smarter, and more talkative dragons of the Rookery.