Name: Lt. Steve Chen

Gender: Male, Straight

Age/DOB: ~18 at Synchronicity Events

Origin: Repurposed Earth, Los Angeles

Family: Unknown, he has joked about having children but he's clearly too young to have had a full family before the Events; he was used as the additional DNA basis for Chenell

Other: Placed with the PHEAR division shortly before the Synchronicity, Chen wandered the exterior of the Enrichment Center and kept Armacham mostly occupied while the others inside did what they had to do

Height: 5'7"

Weight: 160, quite muscular though his outfit makes him look a little frumpy - if he takes his gear off he's insanely well developed with strong legs and torso

Hair: Black, slightly dotted with silver prematurely, kept short but grows it out later on to around jaw length, usually keeps the sideburns

Eyes: Dark brown, under heavy brows, and over a broad nose

Appearance: Asian-american, with yellowish tan skin and features common to Chinese heritage, with a broad nose and lidded eyes, thick lips. Prefers to keep his combat gear close, as he's quite used to getting right into danger; as above he is ridiculously well muscled, not bulky, but could easily pose-off with Geoff or Wilson and still woo the ladies.

Genetic Abilities: Unknown, but seems to be able to resist Alma Wade's signature - not immune or invisible to her, but she's seemingly unable to affect him directly. That's not to say he cannot be affected by psychic energies. He might have a stronger 'ghosting' ability, but it's still latent.

Icarus Processing: None, but Melissa is of the opinion that even at his age currently, he ought to have it done to improve his Vortal potential - what would it do with his physique?

Image Credits: Vivendi+Monolith / Garry's Mod

Skills or Profession: Like some other younger members of the Armacham pseudo-military group, Chen was trained from his teenage years for infiltration, close combat, and forensics. He also has skill piloting vehicles from ground to helicopters, and couldn't wait to get his hands on a mech unit. (It's a shame most of them have been destroyed, and they don't even exist on the Rookery.) He is adept with most automatic and semi-automatic weaponry, preferring machine guns and automatic rifles. He's got a good innate ability with navigation, and seems to enjoy sneaking up on things and people from spots in the landscape they just don't anticipate.
Personality: a touch on the snarky side, but able to both take and give orders with confidence. He is normally careful and observant, particularly after a few scares with Alma shortly before the Combine's defeat - though she herself cannot affect him, those things she animated out of the bodies of the dead certainly could. He really dislikes zombies and shuffling half-dead things, and will go out of his way to headshot them just to be done with them. He also enjoys being up above things at least to observe before heading into the action - once done with helicopters and Ospreys, now he enjoys sweeping an area with Freezer before they descend into the ruins.
Events or History: Just a little younger than Jin when he was brought on to the PHEAR squad, though 'he's a guy so of course he got the promotions' and rapidly rose to Lieutenant. The Events brought a great many challenges, and Chen met them with gusto. However, once he was placed near the Enrichment Center, he began to suspect that the company he belonged to (literally, they owned him) wasn't as 'great for the people' as they liked to claim. Particularly since he learned that the kids inside the Center had still been alive when Armacham decided to bomb and then vacate the place? Hello? Kids? He kept the external patrols on their toes, long enough for the kids to maintain their radio and finally teleport contact with Black Mesa, and then finally when everyone else who was leaving pulled out, he remained with a select few others. He continued to patrol Auburn for a while, and then went to Hoyle's location when it was more fully established. He was tapped very shortly before the destruction of the Combine, to maintain a bit of Alma's focus - she was always angry with those she couldn't directly affect, so distracting her while others got her 'loaded up' was an... exciting duty.
With the Rookery however, he likes to see the action that he didn't really 'get' to be in during their own world's fighting. After all: with the Armacham branding on his gear, he would have been expected to fight with the Combine, rather than against them. NO WAY.
Currently residing with Freezerburn at the Borealis site.


Name: Freezerburn
Gender: Male
Size/Shoulder/Length: Medium (broad) 10'5" s / 35' l / 95' ws
Colors: Belly from face to tail tip very light dusty blue; limbs, head, neck a more greyish blue-dust with a faint pink tint; back of neck, back, and to tail tip light sky blue; wingsails gradient from pure white to medium bright blue at edges, edge has strong 'fracture' markings in medium blue; claws, horns, all spikes brilliant ice white; eyes rich blue
Features: Pure Icewing, four legs with 5 and 4 extremely sharp, long and curved claws, very prominent heavy armor scaling; two leathery wings with 4 visible fingers, strong elbow strut, and extremely prominent wrist claw with cutting jagged edge, all fingers with very long pointed ice-cutting claws; body is armored with sleek scales on belly and limbs, but heavy plating on sides, back, and tail; face has heavy armor on forehead, and is boxy with jaw points, external ears, two sharp conical back pointing horns, and a cluster of very sharp icy spikes on neck; spikes also extend on back, and tip of tail
Powers: Winged Flight, a thoroughly strong flier, Freezer likes to glide on the warm air currents but hardly tires when he must actually flap for a living. His flight is so steady that Chen can get a good bead on a distant enemy while seated on his head behind those horns (as it's the only 'safe' place on him aside from a front-fitted harness to sit). To top it off, Freezer's flight is nearly silent, those big wings flapping make hardly any sound at all, and the only indication of his taking off or landing is usually a "pluump" on the ground. He's as silent on the ground as in the air, slinking around even loose rubble and rocks, hardly moving a stone out of place. His carrying capacity is limited by his spikes, he must use a harness to lift goods or other people, but he can do so to the tune of nearly a ton of weight provided it's compact enough to hold on to. He does get a little front-heavy and complains about this while flying.
Verbal Communication, so of course any dragon paired up with Chen is expected to keep up with his snark. Freezer adds the burn to his name by those sick burns he often delivers to other dragons while they try to keep up with the pair on scouting or recon missions. He's picked up altogether too much Human slang for some of the elder dragons from his world, but most of the younger ones think he's absolutely hilarious with it. He can speak Draconic and Aquatic dragon tongues, and understand a decent amount of Vortigese in addition to English.
Ice Manipulation, Cold Tolerance, Freezerburn enjoys those warm updrafts, but he's absolutely suited to life in the ice and snow. Where Mudwings like to wallow in warm muddy ponds, Freezer can do the same with frigid pools of icy slush or mounds of snow, coming out of them energized and ready to fight. There's no place he'd be more at home than the frozen foods aisle, am I right? wink? In addition, however, he can 'sculpt' ice and snow, anything frozen enough to be reasonably solid - where he touches it and molds it with his forepaws, it stays. He can create ice walls, spikey pits, even fragile icicle traps scattered around cold locations. These features become effectively 'natural' when he's done with them, so they generally work best while it's still very cold. (In other words, it doesn't work too well at Black Mesa...) He does have frozen breath that can instantly freeze living things solid, and when he needs to he can crank this power up a notch and literally burn things with it - falling away like ashes, only ... it's a bloody slush pile when it's thawed out. His claws and spikes are superbly geared to gouge out and stab through even incredibly thick ice, and though he can't pierce thick metals, he often winds up with chunks of cinderblock and concrete dangling from his claws after plowing through a building.
Parentage: Unknown full Icewing parents
Origin: Adopted from SeastarofEarthclan on Deviantart, base by Moonshimmer981, Wings of Fire by Tui Sutherland
Other Info: like his human friend, Freezerburn is quite a bit more personable and smart than he lets on. They're both a pair of showoffs, but they also both know when to get serious and go silent. He enjoys down time, and wonders why they don't visit this 'Hoyle place' that Chen talks about - but they can't, really, because it doesn't exist on the Rookery. Instead, they're up at the Borealis where his abilities are kept well honed - they do take trips down into the mainland Cities, looking for refugees to pick up and shuttle back to the Rookery sites. It's possible that they'll reprise that Hoyle Enclave role when it's relocated over at North Aperture, but for now, this is their home.