Name: Korivell (Andressen)

Gender: Female, she/her, bi/pan

Age/DOB: RY10 created, aged to late teen

Origin: Rookery Earth created from Repurposed DNA

Family: Made with base ELL DNA but with strong components from Emil Andressen

Other: Quite aggressive in her pursuit of bed partners, but picky as to who they will be, they need to keep up with her, both physically and mentally, which is saying a lot

Height: 5'7"ish, more if her hair is standing up like it often does

Weight: around 100, due to processing with Icarus, all muscle

Hair: richly black with strong reddish brown highlights only visible under sunlight or when it's wet; kept short and shaggy, tends to frizz up in humidity

Eyes: brightly orange, one of the 'Orange Eyed ELLs', larger than typical and always intense

Appearance: medium toned skin with no freckles or scars, markings, or other marring due to her regenerative properties; angular and lean looking, usually with a bit of a frown but people are more scared of her smile... Goes barefoot for sensory reasons, and adds straps or leather bits because style; voice is strong and loud, a bit scratchy from being strong and loud

Icarus Processing: yes, while being created in the lab; Melissa treated each new ELL slightly differently based on their added or altered donor DNA. This strengthened her bones and ligaments and allows her to be much more flexible than a normal person, though she's only about 1.5x stronger than normal. Her metabolism is similar to her donor 'dad', in that she can tolerate virtually any chemical ingestion, as well as go without food or water for several days at a time. She can 'gorge' on a large amount of food, and doesn't seem to have issues with it weighing her down, as it's being processed at a different pace in her rather effective intestines.

Image Credits: Doll Divine Viking

Genetic Abilities: with the ELL base connecting her to all nearly ELLs as well as her other genetically-related donors (Emil, Zonie, Melissa, and several others that may show up here and there), she can ping those around 2 miles away, and easily communicate telepathically at about 500 meters. Has weak empathy at close range, enough to get a sense of whether someone is 'into her' or not, mainly...
Her active abilities involve the sensing and detection of chemical compounds of any type. Need a particular brand of rubber for that replacement gasket? She can take a quick whiff and run around the ruins and have a box full of it in half an hour. Like a bloodhound, she can memorize what she needs to look for, and detects scents or chemical and molecular bits at a similar detail level to Emil, but with a range up to 200 meters with the wind in her favor. She does not need to smell for this to work, she can touch or taste them, which is why she goes barefoot.
Because Emil was also affected by Pythagoras, and is also likely related to Melissa, Korivell's memory and senses for detail down to an atomic level is truly astonishing. If she's sensed 'that thing' before, it's only a matter of concentration for a few minutes to recall where and when she did so, and can describe whether that location was safe for further recon.
Her ability to withstand toxins, diseases, and random chemicals, as well as radiation and even parasitic invasion, is quite impressive. She tends to exploit this to move through gasses or sludge. Generally speaking she does this to retrieve smaller items or help clear the way for others who can't resist those dangers, rather than to heft big portions out.

Skills or Profession: A bloodhound fit for sniffing out anything from literal blood of endangered refugees, to refined fuel components, or 'that thing you stepped in'. She enjoys being sent on scouting missions because she gets an opportunity to add to her extensive notes about what exotic things are where, and has a very good mental map of the areas around each of the Rookery's main bases. She has had skill downloads for wilderness and ruins survival, navigation, and basic rescue and medical knowledge, for when she does find people in the ruins. Extensive downloads and even regular classroom style book-learning for both organic and inorganic chemistry, metallurgy, all the things that an elemental-sensing person will need, to be able to distinguish elements that might harm other people
Personality: Like her appearance she is sharp, defined, and intense. Still quite pretty, as most ELLs are, but she is almost always in motion and will stare intently at someone while appraising them for whatever 'use' she might put them to. She doesn't use people like tools, she's not callous or arrogant about it. Just she enjoys having specific types of people around her, so don't be too put off if she seems to snub you, you wouldn't be able to follow her where she'd lead anyway

Events or History: created with numerous other ELLs, Korivell immediately took up the role of attentive student to Melissa. They aren't that similar in many ways, but in their sharp memory, their intensity, and their desire to have 'the right partner for the moment' they certainly jive. Since she is intended to be out in the field for searches, scouting, recon, and retrieval missions, she's got access to the variety of locations that any Rookery members might settle in: the Rookery is where she bases herself, but frequently heads to the Grounds, and after bonding her dragon, she can easily move to the Aerie Island (doesn't care for the stank of Rapture itself though, there's so much going on chemically down there), North Aperture, and over to the Bungalow which is just a short trip up to the frigid Borealis. Since she lacks the ability so far of 'reading all those signs' in the European areas, she avoids city-based locations and is on hand more for chemical research and retrieval. She can still navigate just fine by memory but won't be able to tell you what street she found something on, only 'that street corner with the three story bank and the cafe across the way'.

After bonding her dragon, her opportunities for exploration have expanded considerably, and while she is always ready and willing to do the scouting work that Paxton lines her up for, she does it for herself mainly over the south-west states, and the mid-west area around the Grounds. She has been known to come home with some unusual non-Rookery Earth items, however.


Name: Zwuroth
Gender: Female, queen pernese
Size/Shoulder/Length: medium 12' s / 36' l / 70' ws
Colors: yellowish orange, with markings in rich black as a skull mark on face, spine dots, and 'ribs' on sides; wings are the same orange, with a blanket of black over the bulk on both dorsal and ventral sides; faceted eyes change colors
Features: nonstandard Pernese, four legs with 3 fingers and thumb on forelegs, 3 toes on hind; two large leathery wings with 4 internal fingers and modest wrist claw, all clawed ends; head is 'dinosaur' rounded, no head knobs or external portions; no spinal ridge though the dot markings make it look like there are, tail is bare
Powers: Winged Flight, sturdy, if a bit slow in flight she can still keep up a swift pace longer than most her size. She can lift a lot of weight, either on her back, in panniers, or held in her capable paws with added telekinetic support - up to a train car filled with gear or food, for instance. She's not terribly acrobatic, she relies more on strength and endurance than fancy dancy moves
Teleportation, enjoys moving quickly between short-distance locations like across the scrub from the top of the Rookery to the middle of the Ranch, and has as good a memory for locations seen from above, as her rider does from the ground. So if they do need to go to that spot on the bank's corner cafe, she knows exactly where that is and what it looks like from above. She can also move from one Earth to another, or other spaces that the Rookery inhabits, as long as she's been taken there with assistance in navigation. They like visiting the 'other Ranch, that one with the deathclaws' on Vault Earth, or over the GoCat ranch of Twoarth.
Telepathy and Verbal Speech, Zwuroth has a clear, strong, and commanding mental voice, and aids her trumpeting and trilling with equally clear English words, though spoken somewhat slowly and very deep in tone. Though she's hardly a chemist, she can keep up with some technical conversations that her rider has, and recognizes the difference between 'junk' and 'equipment' on sight
Dragon Command, as a queen Pernese dragon she is capable of throwing her mental weight around toward other dragons, mainly Pernese ones. Mostly this is in the form of suggested flight patterns and directions to places to fly or teleport to, but sometimes it's 'sit your disobedient ass down right now or you are grounded' should she feel that any impertinence is being aimed at her. It's highly likely that if she rises to breed, she will filter out any undesirable competitors before the flight, both those with riders her own won't want to deal with, or those she finds lacking for whatever reason
Telekinesis, she has very strong local telekinetic ability to help boost her speed on long flights, and to keep items clinging to herself - such as her rider, or packages, or gear... This can only be used within a few feet of her skin regardless of whether that's her tail tip or her deft forepaws, belly, neck, or wingsails. She can hold an item about 100 lbs at a distance around 2 meters with concentration, but prefers to just let things adhere to herself almost like static cling and styrofoam on a cat
Carries Firebreath, whether it's by using firestone or innate, will depend on the other parent
Parentage: Obsidian Gold Etiuruth and Neon Blue Black Yuth with added Vaoth (markings)
Origin: adopted from and art by 8Siren with lines by Bronzehalo on Deviantart
Other Info: Smart and sure of herself, and large enough to be respected by many other dragons including those of other breeds. Her unusual coloration is notable among her Pernese type, but other dragons hardly even balk at it, and she enjoys that. She's not above growling at those that her rider doesn't like, though those are fairly few given Korivell's own intense growling. If she'd been on Pern all this time, she would still not really want to become 'the' queen of a weyr, she knows her duties here and her place is wandering the landscape, not sitting around on eggs all year.