Name: Tawnell

Gender: Female, pan

Age/DOB: Appears young adult, aged, RY 9

Origin: Repurposed Earth sent to Rookery

Family: As an ELL she's clearly related to all the others, but is specifically mixed from Leo Brune of the Reborn group - and thus she's also related to Valentine

Other: see that smirk? she dares you to ask her out, go on, try it. y'never know.

Height: 5'7", 5'9" with the hair up...

Weight: 120* Icarus significantly lowers her weight, though she's nicely curvy and would be quite a bit heavier normally

Hair: very dark brown, not quite black, thick and curly if left to its own devices, but is usually in a bun or braids and kept at upper-back length

Eyes: icy blue, the ELLs usually have this shade, even though her donor has brown dominant; narrow and almond shaped, with naturally dark lashes, under very fine brows

Appearance: medium to dark tan brown skin, with a very pretty face and expressive full lips, she is far more 'matronly' than most of the ELLs and has always looked more like a 'normal' woman than them. She chooses to wear modest and warm outfits in shades of orange, black, and cream, and will add a labcoat or biohazard suit as needed. Her voice is clear, loud, and filled with highly technical terminology

Genetic Abilities: Though she doesn't have true telepathy even with other ELLs her mind is quite easily reached by anyone with Vortal powers to do so, and her Vortal aura is brightly glimmering according to Melissa. She can sense emotions at up to 50 meters, but mainly in association with injury, sickness, or distress - a trauma surgeon with added feedback, basically. Within 5 meters, she can detect the physical aspects of those emotional traumas. She must have hands-on a patient to heal them, but even deep wounds and illnesses, diseases from parasites, or even Vortal attacks, can be fully healed within about an hour. She can address older injuries, but not longer-term disorders or those from genetic sources. Her powers are focused on humans and Earth animals only, she's attempted to work on Vorts or dragons, to little or no success. The patient doesn't feel a thing if she's working on them, all they feel is immense relief as the pain goes away

Image Credits: Shidabeeda

Icarus Processing: yes, while she was being created and aged. This reduced her weight and improved her muscularity though not to any superhuman degree. However, she does fend off injuries and illnesses at up to 4x normal, and has very strong senses of touch, smell, and sight that aid her in her work. She can feel heartbeat and pulse activity with the gentlest touch, and can often smell disease in a way similar to some 'cancer sniffing' animals. Tawnell even can detect the tremors of a seizure before they fully erupt, as long as she's nearby she can mitigate their potential damage if she reaches a person in time.
Skills or Profession: All the medical and professional health care options available, she knows about them. Pharmacology, anesthesia, x-rays and ultrasound tech, virtually any role that a person working in a hospital or clinical setting could possibly do, she can and will eagerly pick it up. Of course that relies on there being such a facility, which are definitely few and far between these days, but she does know how to reassemble an office for simple checkups and has a checklist of items such as bandages and pain relief or curatives for every place she visits, just to make sure their first aid kits are well maintained. She has an excellent bedside manner, though she can be somewhat commanding if there's an emergency and other people are just getting in her way. Generally Tawnell leaves the post-surgical and trauma therapy sessions to others with more of a bent toward psychology, and takes care of the physical needs and local maintenance instead
Personality: she's fairly straightforward and open about herself and her profession, and will experiment with new methods only after informing the patient or involved parties about the risks and benefits of whatever that experiment entails. Thorough, smart, and focused.
Events or History: Currently residing in Wilson Carver's "Nordic Bungalow" in Norway, one of the first on hand after declaring the Borealis to be 'too fucking cold' to work with properly. Anone with issues needs to be brought down to the medical center she runs in Spangeried near his place, but she herself lives in his nice home's 2nd bedroom. She travels between the southern town and the northern offshore facility, and occasionally has been brought down to Rapture since it's technically-speaking 'in the area' as well.


Name: Glaze
Gender: Male
Size/Shoulder/Length: Large (particularly for an Icewing) 11'3 s / 60' l / 120' ws
Colors: Body, limbs and tail, and backs of wings all a sparkling pale yellow, buttery but not too tinted; over this along face, neck, body, upper legs and tail, and primarily following where the wing arms and fingers are, is a dappling of pale violet and blue spots, highly metallic and catching light only in some directions; limb armor blue-violet with a faint yellow edge; under wingsails gradient between a more buff brown and pale tan, with an overlay of highly metallic pale red, gold, orange, and yellow spotting slightly larger than on body; face has a brown stripe of armor, yellow head and neck spikes with brown ends, brown on back and neck, yellow at tail spikes; horns light brown, claws peachy ivory; eyes vibrant blue
Features: Icewing, it's possible that there are other breeds tucked away in his line, but for all obvious purposes he's pure Ice
Powers: Winged Flight, eager to fly, and strong in all weather conditions no matter how harsh, he can keep his flight stable and steady for transporting people or gear, though he does have a particularly nice harness and basket arrangement since people can't exactly be put on his back unless it's a serious emergency. He attains his full speed with just a few good flaps, and maintains it enough to travel across the dangerous chill fjords up the coast to the Borealis, and can conserve his energy on long distance flights over the north Atlantic to reach Aerie Island and the Rapture entrance
Verbal Speech, though he usually is quiet he can understand English and Draconic, and a bit of the Aquatic dragon communication since quite a few Seawings live nearby. His voice is like listening to slightly creaking or crumbling ice, there's always something echoing in it somehow
Ice and Cold Adapted, even with massive wings he doesn't seem to lose any heat in the cold of the arctic areas he flies around, and can walk with confidence onto the coldest windswept glacier not missing a step. His massive claws can rip through those icy walls, but also tear easily through stone, metal, brick, wood, and Combine walls. He does have to take care not to spear anything with his spines from his tail or neck, though they are blunter they will still definitely do damage. Glaze can swim in near-frozen water, breaking his way through crusted ice even several feet thick with his claws and sturdy neck, and dives into darkness and pressure calmly. He can see quite well in dim or dark areas, including below the ice in deeper water, and has no trouble navigating in blizzard conditions. All that said, he does prefer calm but very cold air, and doesn't enjoy warmer climates though he doesn't really 'overheat' in them
Ice Breath, his breath weapon is like his spots: shimmering and shining in the light, deceptive in how thick or how cold it is. And that is to say, very thick, and extremely cold. He can encase a horse-sized creature in basically a block of icy moisture, if there's enough water in the air, since what he's doing is supercooling the moisture around it with his breath. His breath can freeze blood and cells, and he's been working with Tawnell to 'quick freeze' patients in a manner that allows her to work on grievous injuries even while they're technically frozen solid. Likewise he can thaw such a block of flesh, carefully and gently, though a human patient will definitely need Tawnell's treatment for frostbite on delicate skin. Glaze's name is reflected not just in his beautiful scales, but in the way he can lay a fine coat or a foot-thick layer of ice over anything, up to about 30 meters distance. He can also aim a piercing projectile of ice up to 200 meters accurately, and while it does shatter on impact that just means that whatever it hits also might shatter...
Parentage: unknown, not on Rookery; partnered briefly with Orangesicle and at least one egg hatched, brought to Twoarth, Nailfile
Origin: adopted from terrortheartist with xTheDragonRebornx lines on Deviantart (and dammit no I don't have an unwatermarked version of this gorgeous dragon :( any help to get that fixed would be lovely.)
Other Info: A prideful and beautiful Icewing, he enjoys being part of a team for rescues, as he is definitely in his element up in the cold Arctic. He does like it when people ooh and aah at his lovely appearance, and he can keep them distracted while Tawnell heals them