Name: Dr Coomer Fit Fighter

Gender: Male, dangerous, pan

Age/DOB: apparent age 50s, chronologically around 7, unknown DOB

Origin: Aperturth, Black Mesa facility clone department

Family: Is a rogue Coomer clone, and will not hesitate to kill his peers (except the Bitty), and can be called upon for any really nasty work needing done

Other: while the Prime and other clones, even the SuperPlayer, tend toward murdering each other, they will avoid this one at all costs, because he's simply too ruthless and too hard to hurt

Height: 6'2"

Weight: around 300 with heavy armorments and enhancements, cybernetics allowing him to fly as well as endure tremendous conditions

Hair: bloodied white, plastered down with remnants of whatever he's murdered recently

Eyes: glowing green, really scary under bushy brows and behind a ton of gore

Appearance: light skinned and covered in blood, otherwise mostly the same as other Coomers, with dripping blood and you don't want to know why his mustache is all like that; voice is always intense and scary, and usually saying things you Should Not Hear; leaves a trail of blood and gibs

Genetic Abilities: uses weaponized empathy, not outright control over other emotions but he has a very powerful aura of danger and intimidates pretty much everything around him. That's not always other people's blood that's dripping, but he never seems to run out of it, and it's possible that he slurps that up instead of soda... Is therefore capable of consuming anything - anything for energy. He can and does control any weaker-willed Coomers in the area, so if there are more than 3 of them (the 'regular line' types, not the 'named NPC' ones) they will do his bidding as easily as the Prime's illusory ones do. He takes the 'audible illusion' part of the Coomer line to an art, and pretty much speaks in as close an emulation of this as possible:

Icarus Processing: has cybernetics, and is created in a lab, as a clone; he's pretty much just like any other normal Coomer clone with the added bonus of absolute psychosis

Image Credits: City of Heroes (and Valve and RTVS)

Skills or Profession: As a normal Coomer he would still be the one committing scientific atrocities, because Science. He would also eagerly experiment on himself or other Coomers, so if he finds you and wants to JUST kidnap you, get killed instead because it will be much, much easier on you...


... ...

Events or History: Produced early on in the Coomer line, however he may have bided his time and snuck in the occasional fleshy snack when no one was looking. However after the Resonance Cascade and the events of VRAI, he very much took it upon himself to let loose.


Name: Salamander
Gender: Female
Size/Shoulder/Length: medium-large (very big wings) 15' s / 75' l / 140' ws
Colors: belly from chin to tail tip and behind legs, and wing armor rich dark red; body and limbs, and backs of wings speckled crimson with red reflective tones to catch light; body and limb bioluminescence in brilliant red; gill and neck armor faded red with grey-red gill lining; wingsail dorsal sides and neck/spinal webbing heavily reflective and mottled black-red, crimson, dark red, and faded red, darkest on spine/neck webbing; horns and claws red-black; eyes red-orange
Features: Seawing / Skywing hybrid, with the big wings and red coloration common to Sky, but a sleek and strong body with aquatic adaptations of their Sea line
Powers: Winged Flight, both above and under the water, Salamander is positively brilliant in motion. With wings that size it's no wonder she can dominate both air and sea targets. She however is quite large in that regard and needs space to rise and land, and her powerful flapping will knock over anything not nailed down. If it's nailed down she can easily pick it up and fly with it, up to and including small boats, rail cars, and large machinery
Swimming, using those big wings mainly to gain speed, but her massive tail and sinuous body to maneuver in the water, she's absolutely as fast under the waves as above, and can power herself upwards out of the water to smash Combine gunships or large boats, and big enough to come down on them to sink them forever
Communication, she speaks Draconic, English (highly technical at that), and can utilize the bright flashes of Aquatic in dark situations to communicate with other dragons or those who interpret her lights. However, if she speaks directly to a person, she gives off the very same intense terror radius that her rider does, and it's possible that's because her voice sounds more like someone drowning you, than someone who is drowning...
Parentage: Unknown, likely not related to any in the Rookery, though people speculate that she is in some way related to Hellfire, though he claims to be a Nightwing, who even knows...
Origin: Adopted from GuildKnight with Biohazardia lines on Deviantart, WoF by Tui Sutherland
Other Info: She might become 'friendlier' with a mate, or she might just take what she wants and don't you dare touch her eggs