Name: Daryl Pennington

Gender: Male, homosexual

Age/DOB: 38 / January 18, 19XX

Origin: Aperturth, Chicago Il

Family: a middle class comfortable family, unknown whether they're alive now, was single and not really looking

Other: He knows that his abilities were somehow triggered by the Resonance Cascade, and he's quite sure that his DNA will make Melissa happy, but he's not really interested in raising kids, he doesn't care for them

Height: 5'8"

Weight: around 200, extremely burly build though also a bit overweight; though he doesn't 'skip leg day' he has remarkable upper body and arm strength

Hair: dark brown, closely shaved, and usually with the standard issue SWAT cap

Eyes: small and brown, under bushy wide brows that nearly meet, close set

Appearance: fair skin with a good number of small scars as well as a large tattoo on his back picturing a sequoia and some wildlife, indicative of his love of wilderness and hunting; likes the camo and armor, kevlar vests, and heavy boots of his job, as they also suit well for that outdoors work, he is hardly ever seen without an axe; however he also seems to attract small objects, that collect and literally fly around his hands unless he notices and makes them drop; he has a predictably loud and bold voice, however he also can 'throw' his voice, a trick he picked up only recently but is quite good at

Icarus Processing: none, but the presence of Aperture's experimental residue is, according to some who can detect it, 'all over him', perhaps he was used in experiments without knowing it

Image Credits: Paragon

Genetic Abilities: He has extremely strong telekinesis though it's focused around him in a close sphere. This acts at times as an 'air pressure' ability, though it is just telekinetics and not some specific command over the air currents. Anything within three times his weight he can easily lift with this ability, from a single pine needle, to an entire pine tree - he's quite fond of caber tossing... This power suddenly showed up during Aperturth's Resonance Cascade event, about 3 years before the SWAT team's arrival to the Rookery. Even though he's only had a short time to really get used to it, he's shown tremendous aptitude with it, and is cleverly able to utilize many different defensive and offensive abilities. He can and does 'fly', though only for short distances, and he does have to be jumping or falling in order to affect himself, for whatever reason he just doesn't 'lift off' the ground if he's in contact with it. Using his gloved hands, he can slap them together and add in a Vortal component, causing a massive pressure wave from them that can pulp bones at around 2 meters, and crack brick walls at 10. As shown above, he also has to concentrate to turn it all off, otherwise there are small lightweight objects apt to circle him as though he's their gravity source. He can produce a 'shield', which when some of the Pantheon's original and oldest members saw him doing, they universally remembered their dear brave friend Alonzo who perished in their battle with GLADOS. But this man is hardly a tiny young boy, and is more than capable of using his powers at their full strength as well as for fine detail work. With time and practice, he will surely be among the strongest Vortal individuals in the Rookery. He lacks any other form of Vortessence, and the 'clap' attack and other extreme uses of the power, for instance a tree or boulder falling onto him being repelled by his shield, will drain him for a time. Most people who can sense auras claim that his is 'like a bubble, only stronger'.
Skills or Profession: from an early age, Daryl was happy to go camping, learn how to hunt with a bow as well as a rifle, build camp sites, and the like. He can fell trees and plant them with equal confidence, locate animal dens and trails, as well as human habitation in deep wilderness. Navigating in wooded areas is his strongest suit, and he truly enjoys going out and 'getting good and lost with Oki' so they can then find their way home. He knows how to file paperwork, but he's no fan of it. He likes to do construction and is the guy that people would call to help them move house, as he's very good with 'not breaking things'. During his tenure as a SWAT agent he learned more about procedure and ranks, but honestly doesn't give a rat's ass about it, and certainly doesn't pay attention to it now save for who's the right person to reach for dragon tending issues.
Personality: Quite stable and reasonably happy with this weird-ass situation that the group has found itself, Daryl was worried that his newfound powers would make him a target for government agencies or even Aperture - he knows they had something to do with it all, but he's not a conspiracy nut. Surprisingly smart for such a typically physical guy, he likes watching football and going shopping, dislikes cycling and sunburns. He does have a bit of a mouth on him, apt to blurt out what he's thinking before he finishes thinking it... Daryl does have a penchant for keeping 'good finds' to himself, which he's trying to consciously break that habit because in this Rookery world that might mean life or death to someone who needs whatever that shiny thing was more than he does.

Events or History: An 'outdoorsy' type, as a kid he would eagerly participate in cookouts, scouting, and camping trips. He was unable to finish his Scouting badge as a teen due to coming out - and being refused reentry to the organization, which made him quite depressed. However, he decided to dedicate himself to college, working primarily toward a degree in land management and forestry. He did very well, though there wasn't much excitement in the field. He was recruited by Aperture however, and they did put him to work assaying land and doing environmental impact reports, until about 9 years before the RC there. Having come across a gruesome serial killer's hidden lair, he realized that his skills could be of use in police activity, and he could do his part to aid the local authorities. He quickly became well known and practically adored among his peers in the SWAT team. Given that he was as popular as he was in the team, choosing to remain on hand at the Grounds was a little weird according to some of them. He may even want to move on to North Aperture, though he does sort of mistrust that place overall, even knowing that it isn't the 'same' one as their homeworld's.

Currently on the Grounds stationed at the hunting and wilderness based Dragon Tower 8. Of note, he seems to be quite allergic to cats, and whenever Jet has been there he knows it.


Name: Okiitii (o' kih tii 'tolerates going in with great patience'; also happens to be a cornsnake color morph), aka Tolerance
Gender: Female
Size/Shoulder/Length: Medium-large 11'6" s / 60' l / 120' ws
Colors: face, neck, belly, limbs including wing arms, tail bright snowy white; face armor butter yellow; dorsal scales grade from butter yellow to strong red, mid scales red through yellow opposing them with black outline, and inner armor slightly more faded versions with black insets on neck; wingsails and dorsal fin grades from deep brown-red through a brighter rust sunset shade, wings have faint large light spotting, while fin has some variation on neck and shoulders; horns, claws, tongue rich black; eyes dark red-brown
Features: Sandwing standard
Powers: Winged Flight, Okiitii glides through the air like a snake through grass, with sinuous ease and grace. She isn't light weight, by any stretch, but she can seem almost like she's floating without flapping; she can fly for incredibly great distances, given warm air... or a boost from her human friend's telekinesis to push her along. Adept at grasping things on the move, and quite precise with it, she can snatch a sniper's rifle from his hands in the middle of a ruined building without brushing the broken walls with her wingtips and be half a mile away before he even knows she was on him. The breeze after this, however, can be pretty intense!
Communication, she is good with Draconic languages and Vortigese, but also seems to understand grunts and bellows of animals, about as well as English. Though she doesn't have any overt Vortal powers, she can sense when her human is near, more than likely do to his own kinetic energy pressuring her sensitive ears and fin.
Fire Breath, oh my can this girl breathe fire. She's been known to fuse sand into glass, and melt glass into puddles at close range. She doesn't have good aim at a distance with it, but she knows how to time her flight and fire so that self same sniper whose gun she just stole will ignite into an ashen mess about 5 seconds later. Her flames being so hot aren't much of a problem in this area, as the water table has always kept the crops reasonably healthy, but they aren't normally sent into harvest-time areas just in case.
Heat and Aridity Tolerance, as with most Sandwings, Okiitii is apt to go very long periods without drinking, and gains most of her liquid from the creatures she feeds upon. She's never been bothered by overall heat, though she can still become burned, though not by draconic flames, even from those of a Firescales dragon. Only 'natural' burning fires, and those unnatural plasma weapons, might do damage to her fine white scales.
Massive Stinger, though she doesn't have venom in it, her stinger is quite big and heavy, and can actually serve as a limb to 'grasp' things - that don't need to be alive when they're carried, that is: if she didn't already humiliate or immolate that poor sniper on his nest in that ruined building, how about that APC she's picked up with her tail spike and drops on him? Okay, that's cheating, that was actually Daryl hoisting it for the most part. But she could easily stab and drag a Strider with it.
Parentage: Unknown pure Sandwings, probably quite bright ones by the looks of her markings; has Shattershell with Leopard of the Desert
Origin: Adopted from Mooncrest-Necrozma on Deviantart, lines likely by LunaTheNightwing? WoF by Tui Sutherland
Other Info: She does have a sense of humor about her, and yes, that scenario with the sniper has played out - and gotten retold better and more hilarious - around campfires for weeks.