Dragon (most information will be for mature age)

Name: Bright Reflection, "Ach'darr Xkah-yox", blinded by the bright reflection
Gender: Female
Age: Around 4 years old in RY 10, mature enough to Have An Opinion, but not experienced particularly
Size/Shoulder/Length: adult size will be around 10'2" or so at the shoulder, but for now she's still about 3'6" at the shoulder (10'2" s / 70' l / 100' ws)
Colors: *all colors subject to change; typically a sunny yellow on belly from chin to tail tip and behind limbs that grades to a very pale yellow-white near stripe; main body is golden yellow darker on shoulders, spine, and backs of wing arms ; limb and face armor denim darker blue with sky blue accents; stripe medium blue, horns and claws sky blue graded to medium blue, dots bright blue; backs of wings are orange to golden, while undersides and neck webbing are rich royal blue that is highly reflective and turns a brilliant sky blue at the edges; spines on neck and tail medium blue, dorsal ridges sky blue; eyes yellow-green
Features: Appears to be a Rainwing with a very few scattered Icewing spikes and wing claws. However, she's clearly got her sire's Skywing size particularly on those big wings
Powers: Winged Flight, Bright Reflection is stunningly good in the air, and has two modes - very fast, or very fancy. Apt to fly as high as she can and power dive, but stall out at the end and flip around like a flag whipping in the wind, or float like a dandelion seed on more gentle breezes with all the accuracy of a butterfly, but then all but vanish from sight with a burst of speed if somone tries getting too close; she will be able to carry more than her slender shape seems to imply, but she prefers not to have to do much heavy lifting, she'll carry passengers though! And carefully too!
Verbal Speech, raised as she was around humans, Vorts, and other dragons most of whom speak English she's quite verbose and knows her business with it. But she is quite chatty in Vortigese too, perhaps a feature of having been laid on Rookery Earth surrounded by Vortal people, her mother's strong mind is certainly there, and she can understand the implications of the complex Vort speech even though she isn't openly telepathic herself. She enjoys being spoken to by other minds, whether they are Vort, Pantheon human, or other dragons, and her mind is a clear shiny landscape of sunny thoughts most of the time
*Color Changing, In addition to her verbal communication skills, Ach'darr lives up to her name in being able to produce a truly spectacular variety of colors across her entire body and wings, and those wings can be made to become intensely reflective. The undersides can pick up even a tiny light source and bounce it around until it dazzles those nearby, and she can be used as a focal point (Xkah) for a flashlight that she can aim - but not a laser please don't shoot her! While she usually does show up in the colors above, they are all entirely subject to her whim and concentration, and she can put out some extraordinarly weird combinations such as 'holiday plaid' and 'guess which flag this is'. She has other uses for this ability, when combined with her breath weapon
Firebreath, though most Rainwings have caustic spit, and many Icewings have a frozen blast of ice they use, hers is a brilliantly bright flame that has hardly any heat to it. This all culminates in her ability to basically light an area 'on fire' with a ball of bright sun-yellow gas, and then reflect that on an area. If desired she can alter her wing reflectivity to be 'uneven', dappling that light or making a discoball of motion. Casting a spotlight that can be narrowed to a laser pinpoint, even if the flame she's using isn't all that hot, when she uses her wings to focus it, it acts like a magnifying lens and can easily burn any dry flammable surfaces. The basic fire she breathes does no real damage, but she can still shoot a 'beam' of it to startle or distract enemies up to 250 meters away
Parentage: Vrah-ell and Goose

Origin: Adopted from Frigidbanshee with lines by xthedragonrebornx on Deviantart, altered a little with older lines; wof by Tui Sutherland
Other Info: has at least two siblings, will detail them when they're ready to appear

Skills or Profession: none yet, though 'entertainment and distractions' seem to be the likely outcome of any training. She's not going to remain small for long, and will probably be desired as a distraction, but her parents have not approved any training for such a thing just yet. She's too young and they aren't comfortable with it.

Current Location: Resides at the Rookery itself with her parents and their riders. Since she's likely to find a friend to bring back to the place, they will be given their own suite nearby but probably move around to their liking when older. If she and her potential friend will be fighting, they will remain at the Rookery, but if not, and if they can tolerate it, she wants to visit the Borealis and up near where Aerie Island sits in the Atlantic ocean.

Personality: Knowing that she must be careful where she flies, as she's growing stronger with her skills Bright Reflection enjoys making other people and dragons happy. Not to the point of being a doormat, she thinks of something and will act on it and observes the results, that dragon doesn't like the shiny parts, but this human enjoys getting dizzy watching it, that Vort seems to think having 'clashing' colors is superb, another wants to see how well she blends in with the concrete and tile in the Rookery. It's all good fun to her.

Events or History: Born of the love of not just two dragons, but their riders for one another. She hatched first, and will likely bond or befriend first, but she'd never lord that over her siblings! There isn't much to say about 'history' because she's still quite young! She has watched as the battle-worn dragons and riders brave their weird enemy the Combine, has listened to the songs that the Vorts sing to heal and encourage them to be bold, she's even smelled the ashes coming out from the City nearby when more demolition goes on from the Citadel there. The winds bringing that ash are the same ones which she loves to fly on, and at first she was confused as to how that could even be possible. But she loves learning, and has discovered how those breezes and winds cross the desert and warm up, helping her float and learn to fly without falling down the side of their Rookery ledges. Though she took plenty of tumbles, it was never enough to damage her body let alone her spirit. And now, she's got it into her head that there is more out there that she wants to know!

A Most Unusual Clutch - Could a dragon be said to 'stand' on sands for a bond? Well, she was going to do just that. While she wasn't adamant, and didn't pout, Bright Reflection was always right there when Vrah-ell or Goose were discussing their riders and their desire for a family. And that family would be increased for sure, if she went along for the ride, right?

Right? After all, if what she'd been hearing about this place they were going to, they also knew war and strife, what could they learn from each other? Tactics and safety issues, different kinds of fighting styles? It was all very exciting, but she didn't want to focus so hard on the fighting and combat. Her parents would never let her go out to actually watch those big battles, but that didn't mean she didn't follow and hide... Sneaky little dragonet, but only to learn. Not to jump into a battle she had no chance of winning. The big adults would do the fighting. And then there was that one time, she would bring up whenever there was any doubt, when she spotted a little Combine scanner drifting around the desert. When she first learned that she could take the light of the sun or her own (weak) breath, and focus it right onto the flying device - and it blew up, before ever knowing how close it had come to the resistance base of operations!

So they did bow to her request, they would bring their beloved daughter with them. She and the other dragons were carried with a teleporter of superb ability - she'd never be able to do that, what a shame! But still she was fast on the wing, right? Bright Reflection wasn't sure what to expect of this other world's children, but if they were in need of a partner, she hopes that she could live up to her family's abilities as well as proudly fly with a rider, herself.

** by Mystic **

“Oh look. Someone else has taken a shine to a dragon,” he said to refocus his sister's mischievous attention.

True enough, another one of the orphans had separated themselves out from the group and stood before one of the dragons come in search of a bond.

The dragon, at that very moment, sported a hide of vibrant gold and blue. As bright and cheerful as the sunrise sparking across the sky. Yet as they watched, the dragon closed her eyes and sent her hide spiraling through a kaleidoscope of colours. Blues and purples and pinks and pastels and neons and all variety. In response, the young woman at her feet let out a peel of laughter and clapped her hands.

“Okay, okay. My turn,” she said in a soft, breathy voice.

She closed her eyes, errant red locks of hair drifting across her face, and pressed clasped hands to her mouth. Then, with a small utterance of some arcane words, she sent her own attire through a cascade of colours.

The multiple bands of cloth covering her front were already done up in a riot of pastels, but as she concentrated on her arcane workings, it began to morph. Each band flashed through a series of colours, starting out light and diving into deeper and richer hues, then back again. At the same time, her skirt shifted from pale blue to pale red to pale violet and back again.

“Belia,” the matron barked, bringing the girl's concentration and her magical colour shifting to an abrupt halt.

The top and bottom of her outfit returned to their original pastel hues, and she jumped in a small circle to face the matron.

“How many times have I told you not to play with your arts without the proper training?” the matron demanded.

“Ma'am. Yes, ma'am. Sorry, ma'am,” Belia mumbled. She ducked her head low and tucked a rogue strand of red hair behind her ears. Then dared a glance up at the dragon hovering over her shoulder. Under her breath she added, “that was cool though, right?”



Name: Belia

Gender: Female

Age/DOB: 15, unknown specific date

Origin: Tris'hath princelet of Traxan

Family: Deceased, see below; informally brought into the Rookery 'family' belonging to her dragon's parents, but she's old enough to be reasonably independent of them

Other: will require training, and thankfully some of the 'Color Guard' barely out of high school (what's a 'high school?') have parents that have magical origins, and will be on hand to aid and advise

Height: 5'8", carries herself with pride and confidence

Weight: adult weight around 145, a sturdy build and hip-heavy

Hair: flame red-gold, heavy and thick, takes to being put into buns or braids well but often manages to make its way back in front of her eyes

Eyes: large and almond shaped, brilliantly green, under expressive brows

Appearance: tan skinned and often draped in colorful cloth, leather leggings, and occasionally lace shawls or colofrul cloaks; an attractive girl with broad full lips and large honest eyes; she's stronger than she looks but it's come at such a cost, and only if you get to know her will you see the faint and distant sadness in them
art and character by Mystic

Genetic Abilities:

Icarus Processing: none needed, she has magic!

Background:  Belia was born the only daughter of a fairly well to do family in the Traxan capital of Lesteppe. She had a privileged up bringing for many years, but her parents always reinforced social responsibility in her. She should never look down on those with less than her. She should always strive to help those in need. And she should never take for granted what life gave her. The last tenant of her childhood rules to live by was tested in the extreme when a plague stole her parents away from her. Abruptly, Belia became not only an orphan, but homeless and destitute. Her father had spent most of their family's fortune in trying to save her mother, and what was left went into covering their debts and funeral costs. There was no extended family to call upon, and so Belia ended up shipped off to an orphanage. Not just any orphanage either, but one based in an entirely different princelet. Belia never quite understood why she was sent to Matron Marigold, but she accepted her lot and tried to make the best of it.