Name: Renee Hart

Gender: Female, Straight

Age/DOB: 25@Events; 1981

Origin: Repurposed Earth, unknown birth location, Icarus Facility in Fairport Alabama

Family: None living, unknown whether her birth parents actually gave her up or if she was taken for the Armacham programs; Significant Other is Adrian Shephard, they cannot have children (she has been completely sterilized by the Icarus and other processes). When they arrived to the Rookery and realized they'd be staying much longer with their dragons, the conscripted Father Grigori to formally marry them, and now Shep and Renee are looking for the opportunity to adopt from another world's orphanage!

Other: As with many from the early Event era, Renee developed a strong friendship with Mars Walsh, as they're both diminutive and quick, and enjoy weaponry and fighting as well as other pursuits.

Height: 5'6"

Weight: unknown, but far, far less than it ought to be considering how insanely strong she is... extremely slight build

Hair: blond, can go from a dusky tan to a brilliant yellow depending on lighting, usually kept short but dangles in eyes all the time

Eyes: Pale brown, very observant

Appearance: though she is still physically 'mature', her physical size and configuration was basically frozen at around age 14 when the implants and testing were finalized at the Icarus facilities. She has fair, creamy skin with some small scars, and has been described as quite pretty with a 'tiny, tiny nose, and tiny, tiny lips', in other words she's much too pretty to be taken seriously as an assassin. Ideal, for it. She is lanky and slender, petite in size, and has a slightly deeper and huskier voice than one might imagine from a woman of her size.

Image Credits: Icon/City of Heroes / tektek / Monolith/FEAR

Genetic Abilities: Speed and strength have been augmented strongly by the Icarus process; her speed is nearly 3x that of normal, and her strength is comparable to four human men. She can use both of these with grace and style, knowing exactly how hard to squeeze or punch if need be, but never exerting enough force to damage anything or anyone she values. She has a moderate amount of Empathic power, able to sense the overall mood of a group of people. Also a short range Telepathic power, with which she can communicate subtle hints to Adrian - though he's not Vortal, she can still 'whisper' to his mind. Using the suit, however, she can also vanish and cling to surfaces up to and including glass and ceiling tiles.
Icarus Processing: Yes, a more complete Armacham processing than those done for the Paragon students, Renee and her group of similarly aged subjects were put into the facility for several years. With the application process, also came implants for using the actual assassin suit pictured on the right above, allowing her to tap into communication lines, electrical forces, and the like for its use. The training and processing took its toll on all of them, they were fully sterile - in the same way that the Combine used to broadly kill off the Human population in Cities - by the time it was done.
Skills or Profession: With a plethora of downloaded and reinforced infiltration and assassination skills, Renee is typical of an Armacham assassin. She can glance around a room and sense whether there are any 'target worthy' individuals in it, see its dimensions, and if wearing the suit, clambor around the walls with hardly anyone able to notice her. She is skilled with the use of many hand held or melee weapons, but also enjoys using rifles and precise laser weaponry. As a scout she is relied upon to keep the borders of any area clear of intrusion.
Personality: Though she'd been sponsored by Armacham and expected to perform her duties of basically wiping out the entire Black Mesa staff - and any Marines or other people still there - Renee realized quickly how little this was what she wanted to do with her life. She took orders well, said little, and basically bowed out of this very carefully. She is in a word careful, she does know how easy it would be to kill someone with her bare hands, she's done it before. But she enjoys actually living, delights in being relied upon for things other than destruction. She enjoys a good raunchy joke, and bitches with other women when babies are brought up - because yes, she'd like to have had some, but... Oh well. She is reliable and confident, a very good match for Shep.

Events or History: Her birth records have been lost with either time or Armacham interference - likely the latter - but she was placed in their care at a very early age. Once she was cleared for it, genetically speaking, she was placed into the Icarus program, which was at that point a much broader system for Armacham to sell their weapons. She was 10 in 1991, when Wilson Carver was being released from the Icarus facility, and she'd been around Lane just enough to recognize his lih when they met again much later on. The Icarus and other processes halted her physical growth in mid-teens, but she is still a mature adult in mind, though a 'young' adult in body. Sent on several key missions as a teen and into her early 20s, Renee became a trustworthy Armacham agent. Thus she was on the squad that was sent to Black Mesa to "clean up" the place, during the Events.
She saw the mop-up for what it was, the start of an era that could not possibly be returned to 'normal' - and she quit the job on meeting Adrian Shephard. She'd been watching him for a while, in the facility, and prevented him from being murdered by one of her own squad mates - by killing her. Because of her training, she's never even once questioned the deaths that she's caused, even that one, but in most important ways she knows that she will never willingly betray the Resistance. She and he teamed up, and they with the other few survivors, exiting the facility and then re-entering it once the first waves of the invasion from Xen had subsided. Mostly to get out of the open desert, and stay away from the prying eyes of any government agencies that would have sent yet another squad in to kill them.
Establishing a relationship with Shep, they helped keep the facility safe, and later would move between the Mesa and the EC in order to help the kids out there. They were on the team that went to Europe to establish headquarters for the Resistance, and assisted in taking down the Combine's Citadel in order to do this.
With the Combine finally defeated, she jumped at the chance to hit the Rookery and become a player once more, in world-changing events.

** Continued from Shep's page, -- written by Mystic --

“You’ll win her over,” Myia said, giving his side a gentle nudge. “You always do.”

::Perhaps you could save your focus on the matron until later,:: Penorith cut in, his mental threads wrapping tight around K’lter’s attention and drawing it toward the cloudy blue dragon. ::For now, I may need assistance with one of these youths. He is attempting to bribe us with… fish.::

K’lter exchanged a look with Myia before heading in the direction of the Warren dragons.

There were a few of the off-world dragons huddled close to them. Those who had come with riders. Two in particular stuck out to him. One was a large, mottled brown with a disapproving expression pulling down the edges of his muzzle. The other was smaller and vibrant blue, but the patterning of her scales placed her as originating from the same world as her large, brown companion.

“Your offer is impractical and insulting,” the red intoned, staring down at his feet.

“Hush. It’s not that bad an offer,” said the blue female beside him.

“How does one young human boy expect to provide us with mountains of fish?” The brown countered. The way he phrased the words put quotes around “mountains” and disdain into his appreciation of fish.

“Fine. Sheep. Goats. Bones. Gold. Whatever you want, I’ll get it for you. All you gotta do is get us out of here right now,” whispered back a young, insistent voice.

K’lter stepped through Senorith’s forelegs and half-hid behind Penorith. Just beyond his bond’s folded wings, he spotted a young, scrappy-looking boy standing in the midst of a forest of dragon legs. Behind him cowered a young girl. The same girl he’d spied waving to the couple from earlier. Though the girl shared a likeness with the boy in the brown of their hair and the lightness of their eyes, she lacked his courage and youthful belief in immortality.

The brown dragon curled scaled lips back from wickedly sharp teeth.

“I do not appreciate the attempt at bribery,” he said in a voice that rumbled with displeasure.

“Well nuts to you then. How about you?” The boy said. He turned and stared up at the blue dragoness with a defiant expression, chin jutting out proudly.

The blue dragoness chuckled in response.

“While I appreciate your offer, I must decline. Our riders would be upset if we just took off on them.”

K’lter cleared his throat and stepped out from behind his bond. He wasn’t about to let one of the children run off, with or without a dragon.

The moment the two youths spotted him, they flew into motion. The girl let out a squeak, her eyes doubling in size. The boy grabbed her hand and yanked her between the legs of the disgruntled brown dragon.

“Easy now,” K’lter said in what he hoped was a disarming voice. Judging by the way the boy backed up with his hand out before him, like he expected to hold K'lter at bay with sheer force of will, he did not succeed.

“You're not taking her,” the boy said.

“I'm not-”

“Don't lie to me!” The words roared out of the boy like a tidal wave. “All you adults are the same. Always making promises and then breaking them. I know you all like her better, but she's my sister. Nothing is ever gonna separate us.”

And for once, K’lter had no response.

It was as if the boy had sucked all the air out of his lungs to fill his own fury-laden rant. K’lter was transported back in time to his youth, where his own sister had made a similar declaration. That hadn't ended well for them.

“What is going on out here?” The matron's voice cut across the field,

K’lter came out of his reverie and stepped around the dragons to put himself in her line of sight.

“It's…” A brother trying to protect his sister. A child attempting to bribe off-world dragons. A dozen things he could have said. “It's nothing.”

“It looks like one of your children is trying to take off with another,” Myia said, throwing K’lter an odd glance as she did.

“Mayken, not again,” matron Marigold said. A heavy sigh followed her words.

She stood a short distance from the doorway, and behind her peeked the curious heads of the hopeful families. Many of them still waited within the orphanage, though they'd made room for Arinya to squeeze her way out.

Yet instead of the gryphon at her side, the matron turned to face the man and woman in white armour.

“As I said, he is a handful. His sister, however, is an angel. She's quiet and well mannered, but she speaks very little. She seems to be more at ease around her brother but he…”

Matron Marigold trailed off, her eyes sliding toward the knot of dragons once more. A few had stepped aside by then to reveal the two youths at the center of their huddle. As soon as they were exposed, Mayken wheeled around and pulled his sister toward an exit path between the brown dragon’s legs.

“Hey, woah! Penorith, stop them,” K’lter called out. Yes, he had been about to cover for them, but that was a moment of weakness. Running away rarely ended well.

Except in their case but that was a different story.

The lithe blue leapt into the air, buoyed himself up with a few flaps, then came down on the other side of the gathering. He crouched low and spread himself out as long as his small frame could manage. It was enough to at least stall the two kids. The other dragons fanned out, and soon they had formed a semi-circle penning them in.

Trapped and increasingly desperate, the boy wheeled around again. His face had taken on a blotchy red hue, and as he scrunched his features up into a mask of rage, he looked like nothing so much as a dried out tomato.

“You can’t take her away from me,” he roared. “We’ll run away again. Wherever you go, I’ll find her, and I’ll take her back. We’re family. Not you.”

“Mayken,” a soft voice cut through the growing chaos. The girl tugged at her brother’s shirt as tears welled in her eyes. “Mayken, stop, please. I want a family.”

“We’re the only family we need,” he shot back without taking his eyes off the matron.

“I want a home,” she went on, putting all of her heart into the last word. “I want a bedroom that’s all mine and toys and… and I want a mom and dad. Mayken, I won’t ever leave you, but I want a mom and dad.”

These words seemed to deflate the boy’s excitement at last. His body relaxed and he looked back at his sister.

“We’ll take them both,” Renee said into the beat of silence that followed.

Matron Marigold frowned and looked the woman in white over.

“Are you certain? He has a great deal of behavioural issues, as he’s already demonstrated.”

“We’re sure,” she said, looking up at Shep.

“A military home might suit him best,” the matron murmured, more to herself than her audience. “Very well then. I’ll finalize the paperwork.”

“You try to separate us and I’ll-”

“I know,” Shep interrupted, holding up his hands in surrender. “You’ll run away. But I’ll tell you right now, you’re wasting your time with Goose. You’ll have better luck with Osprey.”

The boy started, then scrunched his face up in confusion. He turned to stare up at the brown dragon.

“Your name is Goose?”

“It’s a fine name,” the dragon huffed.

“Yeah, for a bird.” Mayken let out a short laugh. Soon, the sound was echoed by his sister. They stood in the center of the field, hugging and laughing, as Shep and Renee walked over to join them.



Name: Vrah-ell
Gender: Female
Size/Shoulder/Length: Medium-small (looks bigger by comparison to Renee, who is tiny) / 9'8" shoulder, 48' l, 95' ws
Colors: *Dark blue, blue denim belly and light parts, white stripe and luminescent dots, icy blue to pure blinding white wingsails and head frill, pure white horns, claws, and spikes, reddish-orange eyes
Features: Rain-Ice Hybrid, four legs, 5 foretoes and 4 hind, with very long curved claws and long heel-toe; thick scaled hide with belly armor and some limb armor; four-fingered leather wings with elbow strut and wrist thumb, all with long talons, thumb claws are extremely sharp and serrated for cutting ice or thick substances; long prehensile tail; facial armor with short nose spike, small jaw spikes, backswept horns, neck frill behind external ears; long sharp spikes along entire spine from back of head to tail
Powers: Winged Flight - powerfully strong wings allow for long flights and sharp takeoff distances, preferring warm climates even though she is an Ice hybrid Vrah-ell would lose too much heat with those huge wings.
Verbal speech - can speak English and some Vort, and Draconic. Also of note is her mental defense, even the Vorts describe her mind as 'reflective and secure', hence her name, which translates directly as 'secured shine'. She is among the few of her origin-world to take a Vortigese name and not an English or Draconic one.
Can 'shred' things quite easily with her wing claws as well as cling to virtually any strong-enough wall or surface with her talons. Prehensile tail is very strong but often the spikes on it get in the way of any fine manipulation.
Cold Toxin breath, Vrah-ell can produce a cloud of noxious fumes that linger near the ground and slowly settle onto things in its area, causing permanent lung damage or death if breathed. It is assumed that if Vrah-ell lived in a colder climate, this frost-based breath would be more like her Icewing mother's ability, and actually be lethal on its own from its coldness.
* Color Shifting scales, Vrah-ell's command of her color shifting is almost legendary, even though she's not a purebred Rainwing. She remains a rich set of blues and whites at almost all times, except when she's needing to camouflage or fly against bright skies, and she can blend into the deepest shadows as well as hide in plain sight, just like her human bond in her Icarus suit. Cannot be blinded by light sources, and practices with Nigel and his dragon frequently.
Parentage: Unknown, sire is Rainwing and mother was an Icewing, she is not directly related to any others though it seems that she and Sunrise may share some amount of ancestry, as well as being a cousin to Bugbait? Her personality is also strongly based on her Rainwing side, as she is nowhere near as stuffy and imperious as any Icewing might be.
Over the years of their relationship, Renee and Shep have discovered that Goose and Vrah-ell have paired up and she's laid eggs, though they don't know how many, nor what might come of all of them. One, however, is the delightfully bright Ach'darr Xkah-yox, "blinded by bright reflections", or Bright Reflection.
Origin: Adopted from Moonshimmer981 at Deviantart, lineart by Joy Ang
Other Info
: Obviously Vrah-ell cannot really be 'ridden' except for sitting on a very narrow spot between her horns, which Renee does with ease. No one else (maybe Mars) would even attempt to ride her. That's fine, because she would never allow anyone to, except perhaps Shep. She is talkative, friendly, but absolutely no-nonsense if she's given a task, and is if anything overprotective of her friends or their territory. She does not panic if something surprises her, though she does seem to 'laugh first' to cover any insecurities. Though she's got Icewing in her features, Vrah-ell very much prefers to be at Black Mesa than icy climates, and she can cool the area directly around her just by walking through it. She does in fact have a fan club of folks who don't enjoy this arid heat nearly as much as she does, and along with several other Ice-related dragons at the Rookery, they can monitor and enhance the facility's temperature.