Name: Sgt Harold Keegan

Gender: Male

Age/DOB: ~12 at Synchronicity, possibly aged artificially, appears to have started in the Paragon program but was moved to another location, and any hint that he was with the kids in the Enrichment Center had been wiped from their memory, would be slightly older than most of the Pantheon, this is why Melissa didn't know of him, though she suspected because some spare discussions she'd overheard while working with the geneticists

Origin: Repurposed Earth, unknown location; notably he's still listed as non-Pantheon, but definitely is part of their program

Family: Unknown, likely spliced from existing materials before Origin began, and may have been experimental; raised by surrogates, and didn't know this wasn't his 'real' family until much later in life; has Chance with Carmen, and likely others later on

Other: Seems a bit too well-tuned to Alma and the Fettel brothers for their liking, he's incredibly sensitive to her whim when she's still around - which may be why he was moved; he is a bit on the needy side, even now, but he is as settled as he's going to be anywhere he puts his butt down

Height: 6'1"

Weight: 200, strongly muscular and with good torso and core strength, can be described as 'meaty'

Hair: Brown, kept cut short but sometimes gets a bit wild

Eyes: Brown, intelligent and often concerned-looking

Appearance: medium fair skinned with a good dust of body and limb hair, always has heavy stubble over much of his jaw and chin, but tries to keep it shaved; has a decent singing voice; he almost always wears his protective gear, Armacham-provided camo and urban colors, gloves, and thickly padded body armor; he would absolutely clean up nicely, if only he'd ever clean up

Image Credits: Mageflower@Deviantart | Monolith | tektek

Icarus Processing: Not until after returning to the Enrichment Center, his treatment alerted Alma to his presence and he acted as a second lure along with Paxton to bring her near. The process opened up quite a bit more of his potential. It did not change his weight, but it did strengthen his joints, he's a bit more flexible than he might be otherwise, and definitely faster - up to 3x faster than he had been before. His reflexes are quite a lot faster, he can spot an enemy and have his sights on it in miliseconds, time seems to slow slightly for him, a property of a few 'combat oriented' Pantheon members.
Genetic Abilities: Strong empathic and Vortal aura, he gives off more of a shine than most though he doesn't have remarkably good control over any of his sensory or communication powers yet. He can sense all of the Pantheon within about 500 meters, always-on and never-dimmed, which he kind of wishes he could learn to filter out. He is very apt to be controlled by other strong Vortal minds, susceptable to illusion or being confused by the various auras around himself. He's relegated himself to being 'that guy that lures enemies', after Paxton brought Alma back 'home', it was he that she focused on, briefly toying with Becket. Though he isn't too happy about it, he does admit that it has its uses: he can still utilize his combat training and explore areas easily, and then send out a broad signal to those back home, who can detect such things, to home in on him. While useful, he does kind of wish he had some form of tangible results, like even that Freeman guy can use the Force... That's not at all true, really - Keegan is much harder on himself than he should be. His Vortal sight is quite keen particularly because he can distinguish Vortal from Psionic energies - that which is given off by Advisors of the Combine. He can sense it, but it cannot sense him, at least not that they know of, and as such he plays spot the Advisor with the Vorts on a regular basis. He'll see one drifting around the ruins, give off a pulse, and those Vorts will just go to town on that slug thing. He is thankful that the Advisors cannot detect him. Had Armacham gone through with their own processing of him, he might have become a prototype soldier for the Combine forces on Earth, and that is absolutely unacceptable.
Skills or Profession: Delta Squad and Proto-Paragon training; though he was aged, he was not provided any particular combat downloads at the time. Most of his childhood, however, was made-up and inserted. He has a ton of practical experience working in the field, mostly for Armacham in their paramilitary capacity before the Events. So, weaponry of all types, armor and protective gear, vehicles, and communication networking are all his domain. He prefers medium and close range automatic weaponry, and is very precise with its use. Also he can certainly strong-arm objects and in a close quarters fight he is able to use the surroundings to a tremendous advantage. Oddly enough he is among the few people who could, unaided, spot a hidden camouflaged Armacham assassin wearing the Icarus outfits. He has a very good eye for movement and can detect things that are out of place quite easily, with a short term near-photographic memory.
Personality: A bit unstable at times, because he was not really the perfected soldier type that Armacham wanted out of their projects. Not quite abandoned from it, he had to learn in normal time, and has definite gaps in his memories due to being in stasis for a while in transport. Waking up in random places, he played it off as a child as being nightmares, of course he was always in this house with these parents... where else would he have been? When those illusions were shattered, he took a little detour being very, very angry and alternating with sheer terror - he didn't know who he was, who he was supposed to be, until Carmen and Melissa calmed him the fuck down.

Events or History: He was actually sent back to the Enrichment Center accidentally, someone didn't check their black list. His memories did come back to a small degree, though the place was already beat up and in places unrecognizable, he felt he did belong there. He'd been born there, among the very first to be born rather than merely vat-grown. Though his Vortal abilities were still stunted by the lack of Icarus processing, since he wasn't quite right for their needs he was effectively shunted away and forgotten about for their Perseus project - which Paxton became their one and only star. Even as a very young child, however, Alma was very interested in this shiny new toy. Her potential to interfere with their plans was why he was moved off to another facility and never returned until later on. Placed in a carefully maintained Armacham-scientist-fake-parent home, Keegan was actually a 'teenager' for almost a decade before the other students went through their processing. He had been put into the Armacham military arm because hey, why waste a nice burly guy like him? He'd have risen through the ranks if only they hadn't sent him back 'home' - where he was accepted quite readily by the Pantheon, even if he wasn't as ready to accept them. Eventually as the Combine showed up and became a threat, he would be sent out for missions as above, once his processing was done. And then, later, with the Rookery? Nothing will stop him from helping rid a second world of those disgusting grubs.

Resides at the Rookery proper, though he has scoped out locations in the Mojave, and spends some amount of time slumming it with the folks at the Ranch.


Name: Haze
Gender: Female
Size/Shoulder/Length: Medium-small (broad and large bodied, not tall) 8'9" s / 32' l / 77' ws
Colors: greyish dusty beige from chin to tail tip, faded grey armor line, khaki armor central line also down limbs including wing arms, darker beige grey along back from head to tail tip armor, face medium khaki-grey; wingsails heat-haze marbled khaki to tan with darker grey-green markings under, over brighter sand yellow with grey-green also brighter appears as spine fin from nose to tail; horns, tongue, and all claws black; eyes vibrant yellow
Features: Sandwing purebred
Powers: Winged Flight, Haze flies with grace and can maintain her balance and direction in extremely difficult conditions, anywhere from low-light, to full blown sandstorms, hail, hail of bullets, you name it, she's still right up there going exactly where she wants to be. Strong and durable, she's not very fast, so she relies on knowing where enemies might be lurking, because Gunships or transportation vehicles will certainly run circles around her if she doesn't get the first strike in. She can lift a Strider off its spindly feet, and is more than strong enough to just crush it in her paws and drop it on Combine troops below.
Communication, though she's not gifted with Vortal communication, she is certainly able to detect where her little human is - he gives off that special glow, even in her eyes. Otherwise she speaks a deep and slightly gravelly Draconic, English, and curses in numerous tongues.
Fire and Heat Production, living among much larger dragons, she had to hold her own, and her flames prove she's every bit as strong as a much larger dragon. She keeps to a mid-range and even close up fire, using strong and bright bursts that engulf human-sized items and linger on them burning hotly. This is accurate to single-target use up to 50 meters, and she can expand the size of it at the cost of range. She does however use a nearly-unique ability to create a shield of heat around her, even in flight, which can effectively melt any projectiles on their approach. Also melts birds, small animals, trees, and buildings if not careful... This shield is around 1 meter thick, and extends at a distance of 3 meters - so, she and anything on her person are not affected by the heat, but anything nearby may be. Generally speaking it's a shield shaped ring in front of her head, chest, or just behind her rear end - if she's heading into battle it's up front, if they're escaping, it'll be brought up behind her. Seeing through this toward her is difficult at best, though Keegan can see through it from her shoulders just fine. So it also seems to act as a bit of heat-haze camouflage, hence her name. Also, obviously, as a Sandwing she's used to very warm and arid conditions, and prefers the Rookery and even the Mojave to any other wetter climates.
Parentage: Unknown pure sandwings, unrelated to any on the Rookery
Origin: adopted from GuildKnight on deviantart, Wings of Fire art by Joi Ang
Other Info: Smallish for a Sandwing particularly among the Rookery, but quite fierce and protective of her charges. Because she is smaller than typical, a lot of enemies - and even other dragons (particularly Pyrrhan dragons) will underestimate her ferocity, to their detriment. Aside from size based issues, however, she is quite chatty and enjoys talking about battles with the other dragons or even other humans.