Name: Dr. Isaac Kleiner, 'Izzy'

Gender: Male, Straight/Ace

Age/DOB: ~50@Events*

Origin: Repurposed Earth, Indiana

Family: None known, has not been known to be in any relationship

Other: Though not related, he is considered 'Uncle Kleiner' by Alyx Vance, since Isaac and Eli are quite good friends and she would have been around him a lot in her early life; Also, Isaac considers Gordon to be among his most valued friends and cohorts, as well as respecting him as a scientist; Barney and some few others in Black Mesa's history have all considered him a good guy. Keenan is highly protective of him, particularly where Magnusson is concerned: for whatever reason, Lane has never tolerated the bullying that Magnusson does.

Height: 5'10

Weight: 160, quite average, not muscled; tends to be hunched a bit over most of his workstations

Hair: greying brown, balding with a fringe left; pattern baldness evident even in the 80s when he was still rather young

Eyes: Watery brown, requires glasses for close reading or distances greater than 20 feet, chooses black square rimmed ones and has them at all times

Appearance: Fair to pale skin with a few age spots and some amount of wrinkles on his face, but usually a smirk or distracted smile is evident. He doesn't particularly pay attention to his appearance, and doesn't mind when his clothing is grunged up from work, he has an ever-present lab coat and tie, worn even long after the Events; Most distinct about him, however, is his unusually chipper and accented voice, along with the extensive use of 'the big words' whenever he's talking - and it doesn't matter what the subject is, he's got big words for it. He doesn't do this in order to berate people who don't understand them, he just simply doesn't realize that they go over others heads... However, he is quite precise with his wording, even if he's describing something quite common it can be entertaining to listen to him.

Genetic Abilities: Unknown, though his survival - as well as Lane's fondness for him - may be due to some untapped latent abilities. Melissa has never really taken a too-close look at his genetics, perhaps she should, particularly since Pernese dragons like Chidiloth wouldn't have come to him if he didn't have some form of empathy or vortal / psychic background.

Icarus Processing: None, though it's very likely that he'd benefit from it, though at this point in his life it would probably also kill him to have it done. Perhaps... he should get a clone made... *Likely as well is the fact that he and a good number of other senior scientists at Black Mesa should be well into their hundreds? And are still going strong? That's the water, keep drinking it.

Image Credits: Valve / tektek

Skills or Profession: A brilliant scientst with a strong grasp on math, electronics, string and quantum theory, and engineering. He can fiddle with a typewriter or a teleporter, and make something work. Though post-Combine, he's not really called upon so much for leadership roles, in the Resistance era he was very much a part of the efforts to destroy Ulathoi, even going so far as to land on their own turf and mess with their Citadel systems. Had he been more visible, he certainly would have become an Anti-Citizen (like Gordon, Alyx, Geoff, and Adrian), but thankfully he has always known how to keep his head down and avoid as much conflict as possible. He does however know how to defend himself with a shotgun, though no one knows where he learned how to handle one.
Personality: Jumpy, precise, convoluted, concerned. Many words can describe Isaac Kleiner, but few of them work better than 'quirky'. He is fidgety, nervous, chatters to himself and drifts off mid-sentence in order to work on a side project here and there. Often might get lost if not for his friends helping to just steer him properly down a hall, or away from bottomless pits. When he's not preoccupied with some gadgetry or work, however, he's very perceptive and charmingly attentive to people. He absolutely notices how other people interact, and has attempted at times to emulate one or another of them: notably when called up to Admin for any kind of meeting, that would normally fluster him. He is quick on his feet in terms of doing calculations and jumping to conclusions - those conclusions are often enough correct. Working with his gut instincts seems to pay off for him, and this may be part of his Vortal background - can he predict more than most, or work with just the right tool, because of it? No one knows.
He truly loves Alyx and Gordon and the others around him; Barney and Gordon and Mars would scamper around looking for ways to retrieve his office keys, when he'd lose them, Alyx drew that adorable image when she was just a toddler, he knows that others care for him and he does his level best to look out for them. He also seems to be one of the few people that isn't outright intimidated by Lane, even though Keenan has frequently been considered unapproachable - perhaps because at that gut-level, Isaac knows that Lane means well for him, and has even gone so far as to discipline Magnusson when he's crossed workplace etiquette lines, with Kleiner present to see it, bolstering his confidence just enough to keep going.
With Chidiloth now, Kleiner can be a bit more outgoing, though the dragon is hardly what he expected when he showed up at the hatching three years ago...

Events or History: MIT professor, where he met and was quite impressed with Gordon Freeman's work.
Author of From Here To There In Under A Second, a book about teleport technology and therories.
Black Mesa research scientist - it's a bit unclear as to when exactly he began working at Black Mesa, as he would hardly have been tenured long enough to have recommended Freeman in the short time between MIT and Black Mesa.
Worked on numerous projects alongside Eli, Magnusson, Mars, and Rosenburg, from Lamba to Anomalous Materials, and even a short but highly productive stint down in Biosciences.
During the Events he helped Eli and the rest put together the teleporter, satellite network, and plenty of other items, before being moved over to European Cities and establishing a rebel outpost in City 17. There, he and the others commandeered a Citadel, and helped take down the Combine.

Currently he continues his work keeping the teleport lab among other locations in the Rookery's Mesa up and running, but he doesn't hesitate to visit other locales if they need his work.


Name: Chidiloth
Gender: Male
Size/Shoulder/Length: Average Pernese Blue 11' shoulder / 45' l / 50' ws
Colors: Sky blue-aqua with royal blue markings on nose/neck, lower limbs, and tail end; yellow-ivory bony ridges on head/neck, base of tail; eyes change based on mood, usually green
Features: Pernese, four legs, two wings; feet have 5 and 4 digits, including thumb on forefeet, and claws on all; wings are 4 fingered but completely enveloped leather, no claws or wrist thumb visible; hide skin which requires maintenance, sheds infrequently; blunt face with eye ridges, backswept head knobs, has ears but are not externally visible; faceted eyes mood-changing; tail displays 'split' end fork; offspring will inherit -TH ending name if provided appropriate mate
Powers: Winged Flight, Chidiloth is a poor flier, good for low altitude and short flights only; his wings appear reasonably short, though due to this he is quite good at narrow passageways and doesn't need to 'tuck' them as much if flying in close quarters. Tires quickly, since he must work harder to remain in flight with short wings.
Telepathic Speech, able to easily communicate with his bond friend, as well as other dragons, and though he can detect and listen in on other Vortal communications he tends not to do so preferring to give people their privacy. Has a high, warbling voice otherwise.
Teleportation / Betweening, as many Pernese can do, Chidiloth can move into the Void and out rapidly. He's far more skilled with this power than with his flight, and can precisely move even into places he can't directly see, and with his bond's mind focused on a place he can get there as well. He doesn't seem to tire out from this activity, unlike with his flight he can teleport near and far, all day. He does not appear to have a physical distance range, if he knows the spot or can see it however distantly, he's there in a moment.
Assisted Firebreath, must chew coal or other ignition material, producing chemical reactions in his gut that belch out a short range but rather hot explosive flame. He prefers not to do this, not liking the smell, and not wanting to destroy any of his bond's work in the process. He is not considered a combat-worthy dragon, but then his bond isn't considered a combatant either.
Parentage: Unknown, purebred Pernese that did not go through the Healing Den, so no one really knows how he got here or when the eggs were mixed up - he did hatch at the Rookery, like some few others, and Impressed Kleiner on-site.
Origin: Adopted from st0neddg0at at Deviantart, lines by Neffs
Other Info: Among the few Pernese dragons that did not arrive as an adult, and Impressed in a somewhat traditional way when his egg was matured. Kleiner had spent hours examining all the various eggs on the Rookery's warm mesa hatchery, but came back to this one over and over. Even Lamarr, his headcrab pet, was interested in it. On Lamarr: though she does attempt to latch on to Chidiloth's head, not only does she lack a beak in order to do so, but the dragon's hide is more than thick enough, and his skull even more so, that she'd never even hope to bore into it. Chidiloth finds this activity amusing, though on occasion has resorted to going between in order to have her drop off. This doesn't harm the headcrab and in fact may encourage her to do it - Lamarr after all does like traveling.