Name: Otis Betters

Gender: Male, Straight

Age/DOB: 29@Events, unknown date

Origin: Repurposed Earth, midwest

Family: Though the rest of their family is deceased, Rodney is his brother; and maybe some day if he loses the gut and cleans up a little, he might find a nice lady to settle down with...

Other: Among the Black Mesa security division, working outside in the trainyard and maintaining order around the military testing ranges, Otis was ... kind of known as a bit of a slacker and enjoyed his donuts and coffee more than actually checking on things

Height: 6'0"

Weight: 240, mostly around the midsection; with the way things have gone at Black Mesa he's in slightly better shape than he had been in years past, but... this pic pretty much is current

Hair: Dark brown, kept short, balding on top, which is why he often keeps his helmet on claiming it's because he doesn't want to get hurt while flying... sure Otis.

Eyes: Hazel blue-grey, a bit sleepy most days

Appearance: Fair skinned though does tend to get sunburnt, with heavy stubble always visible, and a fair few scars from the Events and current activities; usually wears uniform and gear, because contrary to popular belief he actually does go out and take care of headcrabs and barnacles on a regular basis

Image Credits: Valve

Genetic Abilities: None known, though he does have a bit of luck where many others didn't make it out of the facility

Icarus Processing: None, would not benefit but shows no detrimental genetic tags

Skills or Profession: As a rent-a-cop ... sorry, Security Officer for Black Mesa, Otis was responsible for checking IDs, maintaining who was allowed to enter areas, monitoring security feed, and occasionally grabbing idiots who'd wandered away from tour groups into the wrong part of the facility. As such he knows Black Mesa and its surroundings extremely well, every kiosk and vending machine anyway. He does have remarkable mapping skill, and knows how to hide from real enemies as well as surprsingly good stealth to sneak up on small prey. He attributes this to he and his brother going hunting as kids. He is good with small pistols and shotguns, and appraisal of armor or durability of barriers. With the arrival of dragons he's added aerial navigation to his mapmaking.
Personality: Otis is casually observant, a bit cowardly in the face of large or obviously dangerous enemies, and will easily return to old habits if given half a chance. He's not a bad guy in any way, and certainly can be counted on in a pinch, but he's hardly one that would lead a charge into battle. As such, he's going to be left at the Rookery for defensive purposes, at most.
Events or History: With his year-older brother, he went through high school and local college to graduate and move on to the security field. He however did not attend any military beyond boot camp and his 2-year stint, after which he immediately went into the job pool at the same local college and became a security guard there. However this did allow him to gain quite a bit of experience actually doing security, never let it be said that he isn't good at his job - he is. When Rowdy went south-east, Otis went sout-west - to Black Mesa. As a liason to the military, he was expected to cooperate with the HECU or whoever else the military sent to the facility. However obviously that did not go as planned. He still has a basic distrust of outside military forces - though he knew his brother was among the Armacham folks, and is very glad that Rowdy's safe and sound after the Events. Neither could believe the other made it through. Imagine their happy surprise!
Hinnith is an odd partner for Otis, in that he's both Impressed solidly, and distant because of a prior abandonment on the sands where he hatched. At times, Otis can be heard softly consoling the blue dragon, showing a tenderness that is quite surprising to some.


Name: Hinnith
Gender: Male
Size/Shoulder/Length: Medium, 9'4" s / 50' l / 60' ws
Colors: Cloudy blue-black body in a dark blue with lighter and darker patches evenly across limbs, neck, and tail; wingsails, neck ridge, and tail spade silvery black-blue with cloud markings, darker on backs of wings; eyes change with mood and are often in the red-orange-yellow range but can become brightly blue when happy; claws ivory
Features: Half-Ryslen, half HD Stunt; four pawed limbs with 3 retractable claws; two leathery wings with visible wing-arms but 3 internal fingers, wrist claw only; body is hide that requires maintenance and sheds semi-regularly; short, even, Ryslenesque crest on full neck, head is narrow and pointed with short headknobs and highly hooked lip, eyes faceted and change with mood; tail has diamond shaped fin on tip; any offspring may inherit -TH ending; is of lower rank and color-based ranks will inherit when paired with appropriate female (Pernese or Alskyran), but is also capable of siring Night/Black or Light/White bicolors
Powers: Winged Flight, Hinnith is adept in the air, preferring to fly in the evenings or night time, to best suit his colors as camouflage. He does have good night-vision, but still likes to hang closer to the ground or tree line if possible, as he is also still used to being within the confines of the Healing Den's hatching chamber. He has decent durability in the air, and can fly for around 40 minutes without tiring, but after that point he should rest up. He can powerfully lift items that are heavy, but only for short distances.
Teleportation, Nexus Travel; As with most Healing Den born dragons, Hinnith is exceptionally good at locating where he is in the multiverse and relocating to another area if needed. His sire was able to go between freshly out of the shell, after all, and this has been a skill that Hinnith is considerably better attuned to than even flying. He can navigate with ease between worlds and eras, and if he has a good visual - either with his own eyes or through that of another dragon, telepath, or his bond - he can move to it uninjured. He must rest between long teleports (of over 100 miles, or through time and/or the Nexus), but short distance teleportation has always been his method of choice, and he seems to be able to do that without pause or rest.
Communication, unlike many Old World dragons, Hinnith can speak verbally, as well as mentally. He has a quiet, soft voice, subdued one might say, and rarely raises it in anger or surprise. One might think he's a bit bored of things, by the tone he may take. He has a strong mental connection to Otis, and they communicate constantly. He does know that there are relatives of his somewhere around here, any 'early' Healing Den dragons stand a good chance of being his cousins or even frenzy siblings. He tends to choose them to speak to, over the newer and wilder arrivals, but those others do interest him intellectually if nothing else.
Assisted Firebreath, because he must chew coal or 'firestone' or some other similar substance to breathe flames, he chooses not to do this, and instead will rely on claw and fang if needed, for defense. He was never trained as a fighting dragon, after all, living in the Den, but his instincts are still an Old World's.
Parentage: mother Night-Green Ryslen Zaraith, father Black-Blue HD Vaoth
Origin: Healing Den Frenzy 3, abandoned by Sarben and returned to Healing Den for decades
Other Info: From his Healing Den blurb, This wise, careful dark dragon rests over the hatching sands, watching the proceedings of any hatching. However he is also there while eggs harden, or when the sand needs to be cleaned. He rarely speaks, but he is gifted with a voice in addition to his mental abilities. Hinnith refuses to speak about bonding, himself. Note that since the Healing Den has ceased having any hatchings, he and several others have had little else to do but wonder whether there's more out there now. Apparently, there is! While he's never going to be the kind of jump-up and be-happy blue that he could have been, he does have a better outlook on things than he did when he first returned to the Den. With all these other dragons, including breeds he's never even heard of (and he was the egg tender at the Healing Den - there were a lot of different breeds there!) he thinks that there may be hope for the Nexus after all. He and Otis actually do make a good team - they are quite protective, and now that there are people arriving that need it, their instincts to keep young ones safe and the facility free of pests have returned in force.